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Monday, January 19, 2009

Re: [ALOCHONA] We need a ststesmsn Like Shaheed Zia now By Prof Emajuddid Ahmed ex Vc DU

Mr. Chowdhury, it's called "sanitization" and "martyrification" of a dictatorial criminal, who previously had no validity or a place in our history book, and who have been cleverly, albeit shamelessly, gilded by those who benefited from him the most, both socially and financially. He embodied the moral vacuum that exists in our country, he set the foundation for the anarchy and military junta, he embedded the seeds of communalism in our society. A petty but ambitious thug with a uniform and a gun suddenly became a martyr, a shahid, a selfless soldier, a patriot. Those who speak of his "principles" and "sacrifices" are as morally and intellectually vacuous, if not ignorant and blind, as he was, and those who make him a "shahid" bestows upon him the honor that is not deserved, implying his self sacrifice in a mythical war against the "others".

From: J.A. Chowdhury <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 12:40:51 PM
Subject: RE: [ALOCHONA] We need a ststesmsn Like Shaheed Zia now By Prof Emajuddid Ahmed ex Vc DU

I don't understand how General Zia became a SHAHID. So far as I know who were killed in religious war during Rasul Karim (Swl) regime is called SHAHID.Aminul shab or so called BNP Jamati Intelectuall Emazuddin/Yesuddin gong, Can you please explain a killer General Zia(Col. Taher killed by Zia) how became a SHAHID??

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From: aminul_islam_ raj@yahoo. com
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 00:49:50 -0800
Subject: [ALOCHONA] We need a ststesmsn Like Shaheed Zia now By Prof Emajuddid Ahmed ex Vc DU

এখন প্রয়োজন প্রেসিডেন্ট জিয়ার মতো একজন রাষ্ট্রনায়ক
এমাজউদ্দীন আহমদ
বাংলাদেশে এখন প্রয়োজন একজন রাষ্ট্রনায়কের । জিয়াউর রহমানের মতো একজন বিচক্ষণ রাষ্ট্রনায়কের। এদেশের রাজনীতিকের অভাব নেই। অভাব শুধু দুরদর্শী, দক্ষ, নৈতিকতায় সমৃদ্ধ রাষ্ট্রনায়কের। রাজনীতিকরা জাতিকে বিভক্ত করেন এবং জাতীয় বিভক্তিকে নিজের, এমনকি নিজ দলের স্বার্থে প্রয়োগ করতে সদা ব্যস্ত। রাষ্ট্রনায়ক কিন্তু জাতীয় বিভাজন নয় বরং জাতীয় ঐক্য প্রতিষ্ঠায় সংকল্পবদ্ধ। নিজের জীবন বিপন্ন করে, এমনকি নিজের দলের স্বার্থ বিসর্জন দিয়েও
জাতিকে ঐক্যবদ্ধ রাখতে অগ্রণী ভুমিকা পালন করেন। রাজনীতিকরা বর্তমানকেই মুখ্য জ্ঞান করে বর্তমানে বসবাস করতে চান। রাষ্ট্রনায়ক কিন্তু বর্তমানে বাস করেও অতীতকে ভোলেন না এবং উজ্জ্বল ভবিষ্যৎ রচনায় সর্বশক্তি নিয়োগ করেন। রাজনীতিকরা রাজনৈতিক দলকেই প্রাধান্য দিয়ে থাকেন এবং রাজনৈতিক দলের মাধ্যমে রাষ্ট্রীয় ক্ষমতা দখলের লক্ষ্যে সর্বাত্মক প্রয়াস চালিয়ে থাকেন। রাষ্ট্রনায়ক কিন্তু রাজনৈতিক দলের ঊর্ধ্বে যে জাতি এবং জনগণ, তাদের প্রতিই অধিক আকৃষ্ট হন। রাজনীতিকরা দল ভাঙেন। রাষ্ট্রনায়ক দল গড়ে তোলেন, শুধু বর্তমানের জন্য নয়, ভবিষ্যতের স্বপ্ন চোখে রেখে। রাজনীতিকরা বিতর্ক সৃষ্টি করেন, রাষ্ট্রনায়ক কিন্তু বিতর্কিত হয়েও ভবিষ্যৎ বিতর্কের শতছিদ্র বন্ধ করতে প্রয়াসী। রাজনীতিকের দৃষ্টিতে রাষ্ট্রীয় ক্ষমতা প্রধান। এই ক্ষমতাকে প্রয়োগ করে তারা তাদের প্রভাব, বৈভব ও প্রতিপত্তিকে স্হায়ী করতেই অধিক বেশি আগ্রহী। রাষ্ট্রনায়কের দৃষ্টিতে রাষ্ট্রীয় ক্ষমতা উপায় বটে, কিন্তু তা জাতীয় পর্যায়ে প্রভাব, বৈভব ও প্রতিপত্তি অর্জনের উপায়। আন্তর্জাতিক ক্ষেত্রে জাতীয় মর্যাদা এবং উজ্জ্বল ভাবমুর্তি বিনির্মাণের মাধ্যম।

রাষ্ট্রীয় ক্ষমতার প্রতি রাজনীতিকদের সীমাহীন দুর্বলতা এবং রাজনীতিকদের সংকীর্ণতার স্পর্শে বাংলাদেশের রাজনীতি আজ ধুলি মলিন। জাতি আজ বিভক্ত। আমাদের মতো সনাতন সমাজে ধনী-দরিদ্র, গ্রামবাসী-নগরবাসী, শিক্ষিত-অশিক্ষিত পর্যায়ে যে বিভক্তি বিদ্যমান ছিল তার ওপর সংযোজিত হয়েছে রাজনৈতিক বিভাজন। ৩৫ বছর আগের মুক্তিযুদ্ধকে সমগ্র জাতি জানে জাতীয় অর্জনরুপে। সমগ্র জাতি চেনে জনগণের গৌরবময় বিজয়রুপে। কিন্তু কোনো কোনো রাজনীতিক বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে উজ্জ্বল অধ্যায়টিকে কেন্দ্র করে নতুন রাজনৈতিক ্লোগান রচনা করেছেন। স্বাধীনতার পক্ষের এবং স্বাধীনতার বিপক্ষের শক্তিরুপে জনসমুহের একাংশকে চিহ্নিত করে নতুন বিভাজনের সুত্র তৈরি করেছেন। এই বিভাজন এমন প্রকট হয়ে উঠেছে যে, দুইয়ের মধ্যে নেই কোনো যোগসুত্র। নেই কোনো হাইফেন। দুর্ভাগ্যজনকভাবে এই বিভাজন বেড়ে উঠেছে দীর্ঘ তিন দশক ধরে। রুপ নিয়েছে এক দুর্ভেদ্য প্রাচীরের এবং তা পরিব্যাপ্ত হয়েছে সমাজ জীবনের সর্বক্ষেত্রে। পরিব্যাপ্ত হয়েছে শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে, সাংস্কৃতিক অঙ্গনে, ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠানে, উচ্চ মর্যাদার পেশাজীবীদের মধ্যে, শ্রমিক সংগঠনে, এমনকি প্রশাসনের বিভিন্ন স্তরেও। এই বিভাজনের দীর্ঘ ছায়ায় জাতীয় জীবন মলিন হয়ে উঠেছে। এর ক্রিয়া-প্রতিক্রিয়ায় জাতীয় ঐক্য পর্যুদস্ত হয়েছে। বাধাগ্রস্ত হতে চলেছে জাতীয় অগ্রগতির প্রবাহ পর্যন্ত।

বাংলাদেশ আজ থেকে পঞ্চাশ বছর পরে অগ্রগতির কোন স্তরে উপনীত হবে, রোগ-ব্যাধি-অশিক্ষা-কুসংস্কার-দারিদ্র্যের ওপর কতটুকু বিজয় অর্জন করবে, শিল্প-বাণিজ্যের ক্ষেত্রে উন্নতির কতটুকু স্পর্শ লাভ করবে-এ সম্পর্কে রাজনীতিকরা ভাবেন বলে মনে হয় না। বাংলাদেশের বিরাট জনশক্তিকে দক্ষ শ্রমশক্তিতে রুপান্তরের কোনো চিন্তা-ভাবনা করেন না। দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার প্রান্তসীমায় অবস্হিত প্রান্তিক বাংলাদেশকে এই অঞ্চলের একটি অগ্রগামী রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করার কোনো সৃজনশীল উদ্যোগ গ্রহণে উদ্যোগী দেখা যাচ্ছে না। কোনো চিন্তা-ভাবনা দেখা যাচ্ছে না এই শতকে পুর্ব ও দক্ষিণ-পুর্ব এশিয়ার উৎপাদনমুখিতার মহাসমারোহে কিভাবে বাংলাদেশ সংশ্লিষ্ট হবে সে সম্পর্কেও। অথচ বাংলাদেশের জনগণ অত্যন্ত সম্ভাবনাময়। অসংখ্য প্রতিবন্ধকতার মুখে তারা শুধু টিকে রয়েছেন তাই নয়, অগ্রসর হচ্ছেন ধীরে অথচ অব্যাহত গতিতে। ৬.৫ শতাংশ জিডিপি বৃদ্ধি, অবিশ্বাস্য রেমিটেস প্রবাহ, আশাতীত বৈদেশিক বিনিয়োগ বৃদ্ধি-সব মিলিয়ে একুশ শতকের হাইটেক বিশ্বে যা প্রয়োজন তার জন্য সংগ্রাম করে চলেছেন। দক্ষতার বাতাবরণে পাল্টে ফেলতে উদ্যত নিজেদের জীবনধারা। তাই এসময়ে সবচেয়ে বেশি প্রয়োজন প্রেরণার স্ফুলিঙ্গ। স্বপ্নকে বাস্তবায়িত করার দৃঢ়সংকল্প। প্রেসিডেন্ট জিয়ার মতো রাষ্ট্রনায়কের প্রণোদনা বাংলাদেশের জীবনে আনতে পারে বৈপ্লবিক পরিবর্তন। স্বপ্নের ভবিষ্যৎ রচনায় তা হতে পারে সৃজনশীলতার পরশমণি।
প্রেসিডেন্ট জিয়ার চিন্তা-ভাবনা পর্যালোচনা করুন, দেখবেন কিভাবে এ দেশটাকে সার্বিক অগ্রগতির জন্য তিনি তৈরি করেন। অপচয়প্রবণ, দুর্নীতিপরায়ণ, লুটেরা অর্থনীতি ক্ষেত্রে বেসরকারি উদ্যোগ সংযোজন করে তাকে তিনি প্রাণবন্ত করে তোলেন। জাতীয় পর্যায়ে ঐক্যবোধ জাগ্রত করে সৃষ্টি করেন জাতীয় গৌরবসৌধ। আঞ্চলিক পর্যায়ে শান্তি এবং সহযোগিতার সুবাতাসে সৃষ্টি করেন পারস্পরিক শ্রদ্ধাবোধ। আন্তর্জাতিক ক্ষেত্রে ইঙ্গ-সোভিয়েত কক্ষপথ থেকে বাংলাদেশকে মুক্ত করে সারা বিশ্বে বিস্তৃত হওয়ার পথ রচনা করেন। পুর্ব এশিয়ায় চীনের সঙ্গে সখ্য ভাব প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন। দক্ষিণ-পুর্ব এশিয়ায় নতুন নতুন বন্ধু সংগ্রহ করে এবং অর্থনৈতিক পরাশক্তি জাপানের সঙ্গে হৃদ্যতা স্হাপন করে সৃষ্টি করেন নতুন অধ্যায়। ইঙ্গ-মার্কিন অর্থনীতির সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশ অর্থনীতিকে সংশ্লিষ্ট করে, ইউরোপের বাজারে প্রবেশ করিয়ে এবং মুসলিম বিশ্বের সঙ্গে অন্তরঙ্গ সম্পর্ক স্হাপন করে অচেনা বাংলাদেশের কার্যক্রমকে বিশ্বময় ছড়িয়ে দিতে সহায়তা করেন। রাজনীতিকরা জনগণের কথা বলেন বটে, কিন্তু তাদের কার্যক্রমে জনকল্যাণ কোনো দিন মুখ্য হয়ে ওঠেনি। জিয়াউর রহমান কথা বলেছেন কমই, কিন্তু যেসব পদক্ষেপ তিনি গ্রহণ করেছেন তাতে জনগণের স্বার্থই উঠে এসেছে নাম ভুমিকায়।
আজকের বাংলাদেশকে অনগ্রসরতার অন্ধকার গুহা থেকে আলোর রাজ্যে আনতে তাই অপেক্ষা করে আছি জিয়ার মতো কৃতী, দক্ষ, দুরদর্শী, দুর্নীতির কলুষমুক্ত একজন রাষ্ট্রনায়কের। (সূত্র, আমার দেশ, ১৯/০১/২০০৯)

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Re: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. dipu Moni - picked by Hasina or Sonia, Monmohon, pranab

Dr. Omar...let me understand this clearly, if I may. You believe that Dr. Moni's well-qualified husband is actually big positive factor when it comes to our foreign policy? What does he has anything to do with the foreign policies of the new goverment?

From: maqsud omaba <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 8:12:00 PM
Subject: RE: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. dipu Moni - picked by Hasina or Sonia, Monmohon, pranab

look at dipu mani's CV--- quite impressive.

she talks well, both in Bengali + english, with a good accent.
She answers to Q of pressmen, carefully, cautiously, taking time.
She doesn't present herself as movie actress, neither wastes public fix her hair,before meeting the  press!!!

Why she is not a good choice?
Lets give her 6 months, then we can re-assess.

She has a well-qualified husband, that is a big big positive factor.

Not like hasina, advised + influenced by " oversmart "...Rehana!!

Best wishes.

khoda hafez.

dr. maqsud omar

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ===

> To: alochona@yahoogroup
> From: ezajur.rahman@
> Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:33:41 +0000
> Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. dipu Moni - picked by Hasina or Sonia, Monmohon, pranab
> Dear Mahathir
> You know full well that a photo of Dipu Moni standing next to the
> Indian PM does not make her an Indian stooge. Just as photo of Khaleda standing next to a Saudi King does not make her part of his harem. Right?
> I don't think Dipu Moni was the best chice for FM - because an FM
> represents the gravitas and stature of a nation. I would have
> preferred someone a lot older who would be able to match the lions
> who become FMs in neighbouring nations. Its nothing personal against
> Dipu Moni - she's too young for the role.
> But it would be churlish to condemn her so early. Especially given
> the calibre of our recent FMs. If we compare her to her predecessors
> she is a breath of fresh air - though perhaps not fresh enough. Still
> lets wait and see. Lets give here a chance. Why not?
> I suspect she is being groomed for something bigger (?) in the medium
> term. Her selection - as with other selections - was also a slap in
> the face to the AL Central Committee (and that makes me so happy!).
> As I compare her to her predecessors I can only wish her well and
> pray that she proves her critics wrong.
> I understand her husband - Barrister Tawfiq - is a brilliant man. Forgive me if I am wrong about that information. Perhaps he will help out.
> Leave Dipu alone for now and watch. Far easier to lynch our new Home
> Minister Shahara Khatun.. what the heck is with that choice man!!!!!).
> Oh dear!
> Ezajur Rahman
> Kuwait
> --- In alochona@yahoogroup, mahathir of bd
> <wouldbemahathirofbd @...> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >  
> > Visit the link, http://dipumoni. com/. see the photos and then you
> will be confused.
> >  
> >  who has really picked  Dr. Dipu moni as foreign minister? hasina
> or Sonia , Monmohon or Pranab?
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> > মন�ত�রীসভায় বেয়াই র
> াজাকার। � লজ�জা কার?
> হাসিনার,�কে খোন�দকারের না
> সেক�টর কমান�ডার ফোরামের?
> >
> > --- On Tue, 1/13/09, Musfique Prodhan <chena_kew@.. .> wrote:
> >
> > From: Musfique Prodhan <chena_kew@.. .>
> > Subject: [notun_bangladesh] New Home and Foreign Minister serving
> India;s cause?
> > To: "Amra Bangladesi" <amra-bangladesi@ yahoogroups. com>, "Bangla
> Zindabad" <Bangladesh-Zindabad @yahoogroups. com>, "notun Bangladesh"
> <notun_bangladesh@ yahoogroups. com>, "dahuk dahuk"
> <dahuk@yahoogroups. com>
> > Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 1:24 AM
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Members
> >  
> > hopefully all are doing fine. Here is another debate, concerning
> the appointment of home and foreign ministers, which seems to serve
> India's cause, specialy the later. Please enjoy the video, and feel
> free to comment.
> >  
> > Part 1
> > com/watch? v=BFSFD29DoxQ&feature=related
> >  
> > Part2
> >  
> > com/watch? v=7vdqS8g5rQQ
> >  
> >  
> > With Thanks
> >  
> > Musfique.
> >  
> >  
> >
> ------------ --------- --------- ------
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[ALOCHONA] FW: ALOCHONA Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh

My dear Robin

Point taken, no offence taken, was no long speech, nothing personal of course and thank you.

The subject of an alternative to Khaleda and others in BNP is of course relevant. Mahathirji represents all that is wrong with BNP.

The happenings, good and bad, at AL do not change these facts.

And hence I seek to engage him meaningfully but, as you point out, I quickly degenerate. I will try to do better. It's not easy!

I completely agree with you about giving this government a chance and I have never written anything against this notion.

I also trust the good judgement of our people. However they are limited by the choices put before them. It is a serious limitation.

This is why the CTG, with a lot of silent support, intervened.

People are loyal to their party, BNP or AL. This loyalty gets abused as justification. It is parties that need to reform, not voters.

The people are actually NOT empowered when they have to choose between unreformed AL and unreformed BNP.

Let me know which educated degreed thief I am enamoured with and lobby for – and I will of course correct myself.

Something like what you suggest is happening in Bangladesh. It can be alluded to, at least partly, as the growth of the independent voter.

Thanks again for the friendly reminder that this should be a quality forum.

Any advice from you, or any other learned friend, on how to argue against someone who believes Tariq is the future of BNP is most welcome.

It's the same thing night on night,
Who's wrong baby who's right
Another fight and I slam the door
Another battle in our dirty little war
When I look at myself I don't see
The man I wanted to be
Somewhere along the line I slipped off track
I'm caught movin' one step up and two steps back.

Bruce Springsteen

Best wishes to you and all Alochoks trapped by a frustrated love for a beautiful country.

Ezajur Rahman




Dear Mr. Ejajzur Rahman & the "Would Be Mahathir" from Bangladesh

Could you please have this conversation off line. This is has degenerated to an urinating contest. Like who can  do it longer and further. I dont think anyone really cares except those with a lot of time to waste and have a prurient interest in kinkiness.

I dont mean to offend you both but felt compelled to plain speak as there is nothing of substance being discussed here. The people of Bangladesh have spoken. There is an elected govt. Let us give them atleast 6 months and it will be crystal clear whether this lot is any better than all the previous wonders that have ruled us. Trust me on this!

As for me I am hopeful and I trust the good judgement of our ordinary unlettered people as opposed to the educated/degreed thieves & "Poch Pach Wallas" that both of you to some degree are so unfortunately enamored with & whose names you throw around for this position or the other.

If the people  keep their wits about them which I am sure they will, this Govt will be thrown on their behinds if they screw up. With couple of such kicks through regular elections and the democratic process the political/bureaucratic/Gulshan_Bannani class will clue in very quickly that they need to perform and deliver. To use a crude American expression, "Money Talks, Bullshit Walks"

You just have to look in our neighbor India (I know this makes the "Would be Mahathir" & some other Talking Heads on Alochona develop a rash of boils in their collective buttocks when they hear the word India) anti-incumbency has taken deep roots in the psyche of the masses. The BJP was thrown out of three important states where it held power because they did not deliver this last December. And this happened despite the genocidal Modi trying whip up anti muslim fervor in the wake of the Bombay attacks. I think something similar is happening in Bangladesh and so lets us all keep calm and watch.

Sorry for the long speech and it is nothing personal to either of you gentlemen!

Robin Khundkar


-----Original Message-----
From: ezajur
Sent: Jan 19, 2009 9:44 AM
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh

Well as Khaleda is more educated than you I can see why you think she
is the best possible candidate to lead BNP.

I said Badrudozza is better than Khaleda.

And if he's no good we should look for someone else - but you don't
want to look.

Because you are a chamcha of Tareq.

--- In, mahathir of bd
<wouldbemahathirofbd@...> wrote:
> Still you could not name your vasur who is more credible than
> মন্ত্রীসভায় বেয়াই র
াজাকার। এ লজ্জা কার?
হাসিনার,একে খোন্দকারের না
সেক্টর কমান্ডার ফোরামের?
> --- On Mon, 1/19/09, Ezajur Rahman <ezajur.rahman@...> wrote:
> From: Ezajur Rahman <ezajur.rahman@...>
> Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in
> To:
> Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 4:44 AM
> You don’t really set high standards for BNP do you? But then you
aren’t a real democrat really.
> Badrudozza was a viable option but the party apparatus (including
you) put an end to him.
> Don’t say innocently that there are no alternatives â€" you
don’t want alternatives.
> Khaleda has no credibility based on her cabinet selection. End of
> You want Tareq only because you will go to him and ask for your
reward.  Thank God he got kicked out of Bangladesh .
> Why must he be actively involved? Why do you need him? What has he
got that others don’t have?
> Don’t play that old trick of using the electorate as an excuse.
People are bothered by corruption.
> It’s just that the parties deliberately present the electorate
with only bad choices.
> Family politics is the problem. You are just trying to be clever
but you forget where you are writing.
> Save such talk for your BNP meetings where you have chamchas and
ignoramuses only.
> People are loyal to their party. It is the party that needs to
change â€" not the people.
> Darn subidhabadhi arguments you give aren’t worth anything.
> Delwar and Hanan wrecked BNP in the last two years. All you got
from them was Khaleda back in charge (maybe!)
> They ensured that the party was ill prepared for the elections.
They ensured that many independent voters turned away from BNP.
> They ensured that many middle class BNP voters didn’t bother to
vote. They ensured that BNP giants fell into the gutter or just
walked away.
> Don’t pretend to be broadminded by talking about their
‘limitations’. Such a great party deserves better leaders. You
know it.
> You just can’t admit it.
> And you won’t talk about BNP soon because you didn’t talk about
BNP in the last 3 years. Grow up and bring some real meat to the
> You are the first guy to fly to Europe in 2030 to try and get
Tareq’s daughter to lead BNP.
> You are living proof of why bad men who wrongly think they are
getting rid of dictators think they must also get rid of the whole
> Look at you! Defending low standards in the party of Ziaur Rahman!
> You probably thought SQ Chowdhury was a good choice for GS of the
OIC right?
> You don’t like the so called reformists but you have no problem
with Falu, Mirza Abbas, Babar and the other dogs.
> Face it. You prefer Khaleda to Zia. And if Zia were here today
he’d give his wife and sons â€" and you â€" a tight slap and send
you to your bedrooms.
> Ezajur Rahman
> Kuwait
> --- On Sun, 1/18/09, ezajur <ezajur.rahman@ ...> wrote:
> From: ezajur <ezajur.rahman@ ...>
> Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in
> To: alochona@yahoogroup
> Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 3:13 AM
> Dear Mahathir
> This is not argument - it is diversion.
> Why do you think there is no one more credible in BNP than Khaleda?!
>  As there is none, hence i think so. Failing of Mannan bua,
loosing jamanat  of Dr. badrudduza  are proof on behalf of my
>  If there is any one more credible than Khaleda, then why don't
name him or her?  is he your vasur?
> Who do you think should succeed Kahleda?!
> Tareq ,tareq and tareq
> Do you think Tariq should be reinstated as GS of BNP?!
>  Post is not major factor, tareq must be actively involved in BNP
politics and as soon as he is physically fit
> Are you not going to answer on BNP family politics unless the
> question includes AL family politics?!
>  I don't think family politics is a problem. As long as people are
not happy with the activities of any party, they will not vote for
that party .
> Are you saying general people DO like corrupt politcians?!
>  People may not like corrupt but they don't count it or bother it.
If did, then how come mother  and father of corruption Hasina and
Ershad get elected?
> Do Hanan and Delwar represent the best leadersship in BNP?
>  During crisis of BNP , they served BNP much better.  They are
much better than so called oportunists( some stupid call them
reformist). I salute them for their service for BNP  even remebering
all of their limitations and drawbacks.
> When are you going to start talking about BNP?
> When?
> Soon .
> Kuwait Petroleum International Limited
> P.O.Box:1819 Safat 13019 Kuwait. Tel.:(+965) 22332800 - Fax: (+965)
> Registered in England, Registration Number 1734259. VAT
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Re: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. Fakruddin is a good man but his followers were not

Dear Alochoks,

I like that phrase in Alochok Jubair's mail, CTG putting the honesty seed in people's mind, because if that is true and the people in power now realize that all activities, embezzlement and all the PUKUR CHURI will one day be questioned and they MAY NOT GET AWAY WITH IT, then the common people may forget the grave pain and austerity they suffered because of the price hike of daily necessities in the last 2 years! It would prove, CTG made a difference and we really needed them to do it since no political party would ever willingly put an honest effort to unearth corruption and swindling of money because that would have meant exposing their own RAGHOB-BOWAL too and putting them behind bars!!

Time will tell!! If AL government changes for the better and people start getting the benefit, they will always remember CTG's contribution behind the change!

--- On Mon, 1/19/09, Zubair Najib <> wrote:
From: Zubair Najib <>
Subject: Re: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. Fakruddin is a good man but his followers were not
Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 2:06 PM

The greatest success of CTG is the parliament and new ministry.
The CTG put the honesty seed in the mind of people.
They may not be successful in all respect but they have shown government can be honest.


From: ezajur <ezajur.rahman@>
To: alochona@yahoogroup
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:22:20 AM
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. Fakruddin is a good man but his followers were not

Dear Alochok Mithu

Fakhruddin is a good man. He had followers and he had his
administrators. His administrators let him down in places. His
followers did not.

These guys understood politics very well. Understanding does not
always translate into success - there are many other factors
involved. The main obstacle to the agenda of the CTG was the
political parties themselves. Immature and incapable - the
party leaderships could neither see beyond the nethris or negotiate
with the circumstances. Instead they retreated into the stubborness
of the ignorant.

There's a saying - don't negotiate with a fool because he will drag
you down to his level and beat you.

The CTG was also seriously limited by a fixed election date.

Mistakes - many - were made.

I remain a follower of Fakhruddin - and all those not willing to stand by while AL and BNP offend the nation in the name of democracy.

Ezajur Rahman

--- In alochona@yahoogroup, "M. M. Chowdhury \(Mithu\)"
<cgmpservices@ ...> wrote:
> Dr. Fakruddin was a good man but his followers were not
> I do appreciate his service but his lack of knowledge about
politics and nature of Bangladeshi were the cause of his failure. I
have advised him multiple times but he failed to understand my
> 1) I have asked him to "Initiate General Amnesty 2007" during his 6
months tenure to use CTG popularity and power to make all corrupted
people out of jail with bond to no future in the politics and giving
back corrupt money, and he or she would live normal life in
Bangladesh under this Amnesty.
> AL and BNP played back door policies being in the jails to unseat
him and created cause on the field and CTG started loosing popular
> That's why I have said many times that understanding nature of
Bangladeshi is the biggest politics in all time to be successful. CTG
had good intention but all failed for their lack of understanding
about the future and prediction, and back door politics in
> I hope and pray for the best. Time will judge this new Govt success
and failure.
> Regards,
> M. M. Chowdhury (Mithu)
> www.amreteckpharma. com

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[ALOCHONA] Mosharraf's million found in UK vaults

* Money laundering probe in UK * Ex-minister claims his 1969-75 study time earning swelled astronomically * But account opened in 2003 * Wife's house found in Kent

Housewife turned businesswoman Bilquis Akter Hossain has more money than her husband former BNP minister Khandeker Mosharraf Hossain. Photo: STAR
BNP leader and former minister Khandeker Mosharraf Hossain, his wife and a son have huge wealth in the British Isles, found investigators in the United Kingdom.

Mosharraf and his wife Bilquis Aktar Hossain have one million pounds in a joint account with Lloyds TSB Bank in Guernsey, a Crown dependency in the English Channel, said a source here citing findings of a probe by the Proceeds of Corruption Unit of London's Metropolitan Police.

However, in a wealth statement to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Mosharraf said he and his wife have £250,000 with the Lloyds Bank.

Mosharraf submitted his wealth statement to the anti-graft body in June 2007, just a month before the Met opened the money laundering investigation against him.

Investigators in the UK believe the assets they have traced represent proceeds of crime and were laundered by Mosharraf and Bilquis. They have gathered much information about transactions in accounts that the ex-minister's wife and son have with various banks in London.

Initially, the sleuths sought to identify whether the Mosharraf family own those in their names or those of third parties.They collected banking records from HSBC Bank plc with regard to Khandeker Hossain and Bilquis Hossain, at Hendon Central Branch, London, NW4 3JU.Later, they had copies of documentation in relation to four accounts with HSBC Bank plc.

Of those, account numbered 01340123(Sort Code 40-03-26) was Bilquis's and the one numbered 01349090 (Sort Code 40-03-26) was her son Khandeker Maruf Hossain's."We have established that they have two sons, Khandeker Maruf Hossain and Khandeker Mahbub Hossain, both of whom have the same initials as their father KMH," a source quoted British investigators as saying in a report he has come by of late.

Bilquis opened hers in 2003 with an initial credit of £1000. But soon, she had over £3.94 lakh deposited in her name."There was no account activity until May 27, 2003, the account received a credit of £394,202.20 from an as yet unidentified bank account," read the report.

The current balance in the account is zero as the money was withdrawn at different times. The last withdrawal was made on May 24, 2007, when £60,839.74 was remitted to Janata Bank in Dhaka.

In 2004, Bilquis purchased a house in Kent (59 Hilda Vale Road, Kent, BR6 7AW) at £209,000. Her son Maruf remitted £212,000 from his HSBC account to UK law firm TG Baynes to fund the purchase.

Contacted via phone, Mosharraf told The Daily Star on Saturday evening that he does not know anything about the money laundering probe in the UK.He claimed the money his family has there is neither illegally earned nor laundered.He said he and his wife had separate accounts with HSBC Bank in London and a joint account with Lloyds.

Asked about the amount and source, he repeated what he said in the wealth statement to ACC.About the house, he said, "I gave my wife the money to buy that house. Our son had nothing to do with the purchase." He added that efforts are on to sell the house.

However, the UK investigators have discovered that Bilquis sold the house in 2007. One Mohammed Abdur Rahman Miah bought it for £210,000 which is around £60,000 less than the current market price.

In the statement to ACC, Mosharraf said the money he and his wife had as FDR with the Lloyds Bank would be brought back once it gets matured. He also said necessary steps had been taken to bring all the money back to Bangladesh by selling the house.

But, on November 27 last year, in an affidavit to the Election Commission as a candidate in the ninth parliamentary election he stated her wife has a flat worth Tk 2.87 crore in the UK.

In the ACC statement, Mosharraf said he has wealth worth over Tk 2.28 crore at home. As his sources of assets, he mentioned business, agriculture, remuneration as lawmaker and minister, salary as a DU teacher etc.

His wife's wealth is worth over Tk 6.05 crore. She cited house rent, business, honorarium, apartment sale, fishery, remittance, return on bonds, etc as her sources of income.

Bilquis was a housewife before she took over the business responsibilities of her husband who got too busy as a lawmaker and minister in 2001-06.

An ACC official told The Daily Star yesterday that the wealth they found to have been earned beyond Mosharraf's known sources of income does not include assets abroad. A separate probe is on to find if he has any wealth stashed overseas, he added.

Explaining how they owned the property overseas, the couple told the ACC that they earned more than £100,000 by doing jobs during their stay in the UK between 1969 and 1975. Mosharraf went there for higher degree.

Before returning home, they invested the money with Lloyds TSB Offshore Private Banking at the Guereusey branch. They did it for higher profit, read the statement.

The return on their investment accrued over 18 to 19 years. But as stock markets across the world began to crumble in 1992-93, they had the money shifted to their main account with the bank.

The couple spent some of the money on their sons' study in the US and UK. They also opened a fixed deposit amounting to £250,000 in a joint account. They said they also bought a house at Kent for £210,000 so that their daughter Mahzebin Khandeker Mohua could study in the UK living with her mother.

Interestingly, the couple declares to ACC that they would accept whatever steps the National Board of Revenue (NBR) should take as per the law. An NBR high official said such declaration might mean he had not mentioned some of his wealth in earlier tax returns.

He might be talking about his wealth abroad now to be spared prosecution. In that case, he had committed three offences--concealing information and income and evading tax, added the NBR official speaking to this correspondent in return for anonymity.

The ACC official who would not be identified talking about the issue also said that the ACC investigation found that his tax returns mention nothing about his assets abroad.

Mosharraf however claimed that he and his wife declared so because they do not know how the assets to be brought back would be treated in legal terms.
Once a teacher of geology at Dhaka University, he got involved in BNP politics during the rule of former president Ziaur Rahman..

He won parliamentary election from Comilla-1 constituency four times. In Khaleda Zia's government in 1991-96, he served as a minister first for home affairs and then for power, mineral and energy resources. He was at the helm of health ministry during the four-party alliance rule in 2001-06.He was arrested on March 7, 2007 by the army-led joint forces in anti-graft drive by the caretaker government. He came out on bail in December last year.

Currently, he stands accused in several cases. ACC filed three cases against him on graft charges and NBR one for evading income tax of Tk 63.23 lakh between fiscal year 1996 and 2006. In fiscal year 2008-09, he paid Tk 2.82 lakh in income tax.

In September last year, ACC pressed charges against him of amassing wealth worth over Tk 9.10 crore through illegal means and concealing information about assets worth over Tk 4.31 crore.

At first, he was found to have been possessing assets worth over Tk 13.86 crore beyond known sources of income. Later, he had over Tk 4.75 crore of the amount legalised under a provision by the caretaker government to allow whitening black money, said an ACC official.

Mosharraf's statement to ACC said his wife and son Maruf had Tk 6.62 lakh in a joint account at the principal branch of Pubali Bank.The amount was described as "foreign currency earning" between 2007 and 2008. The investigators in the UK found 19 Faber Gardens (Hendon, London, NW4 4NP) to be Bilquis's correspondence address there.

"This is a residential property owned by a Mr. Salimullah Shaikh, who is an accountant registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales," a source said quoting the UK report.

The investigators also said they believe Bilquis has a brother named Abdur Rashid, who is in business with one Abdul Bashir Kaiser.They are involved with the Bangladesh based Kaiser Trading Company Limited, which is part of the Gumti Group of Companies. They both use 19 Faber Gardens, Hendon, London, NW4 $NP as a UK correspondence address.

British investigators found that Rashid also has a Lloyds TSB Bank account in Guernsey, which has a balance of approximately £500,000, said the sources.

The document read, "There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Khandeker Hossain and Bilquis Hossain have conspired to launder the proceeds of criminal activity, and that substantial amounts of money are involved."

Officials working in the anti-graft drive said they have learned about many cases like Mosharraf's. They believe a good number of high profile graft suspects have huge sums in banks abroad.

Mostly former ministers and lawmakers of the BNP-led four-party alliance and their family members, they are suspected of earning those from big government projects.
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[Nagorik_Shokti] Bangladeshi Canadian Amit made a history…….

Bangladeshi Canadian Amit made a history…….

Here is a good news for everybody. Bangladeshi Canadian Dr. Amit Chakma made a history. He will be the next president and VC of the Western Ontario University in Canada. This is our victory. We are proud of him.

While the 49-year-old Chakma brings an impressive resume and curriculum vitae, his rise has not been easy and he's the first to admit he could not have done it alone.

Chakma's father was the only member of his family – he had 10 siblings – to attend school, rather than following the Chakma tribe's tradition of living off the land.

The foresight in this decision allowed the family to persevere when a hydro-electric dam built in their traditional area submerged the land. While a large segment of the tribe moved to remote areas for a fresh start, Chakma's father took the family to work in a nearby town, where Chakma was able to enroll in school. Do you wanna know details about Dr. Amit and his successful story? Click this link -

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RE: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. dipu Moni - picked by Hasina or Sonia, Monmohon, pranab

look at dipu mani's CV--- quite impressive.

she talks well, both in Bengali + english, with a good accent.
She answers to Q of pressmen, carefully, cautiously, taking time.
She doesn't present herself as movie actress, neither wastes public fix her hair,before meeting the  press!!!

Why she is not a good choice?
Lets give her 6 months, then we can re-assess.

She has a well-qualified husband, that is a big big positive factor.

Not like hasina, advised + influenced by " oversmart "...Rehana!!

Best wishes.

khoda hafez.

dr. maqsud omar


> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:33:41 +0000
> Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: Dr. dipu Moni - picked by Hasina or Sonia, Monmohon, pranab
> Dear Mahathir
> You know full well that a photo of Dipu Moni standing next to the
> Indian PM does not make her an Indian stooge. Just as photo of Khaleda standing next to a Saudi King does not make her part of his harem. Right?
> I don't think Dipu Moni was the best chice for FM - because an FM
> represents the gravitas and stature of a nation. I would have
> preferred someone a lot older who would be able to match the lions
> who become FMs in neighbouring nations. Its nothing personal against
> Dipu Moni - she's too young for the role.
> But it would be churlish to condemn her so early. Especially given
> the calibre of our recent FMs. If we compare her to her predecessors
> she is a breath of fresh air - though perhaps not fresh enough. Still
> lets wait and see. Lets give here a chance. Why not?
> I suspect she is being groomed for something bigger (?) in the medium
> term. Her selection - as with other selections - was also a slap in
> the face to the AL Central Committee (and that makes me so happy!).
> As I compare her to her predecessors I can only wish her well and
> pray that she proves her critics wrong.
> I understand her husband - Barrister Tawfiq - is a brilliant man. Forgive me if I am wrong about that information. Perhaps he will help out.
> Leave Dipu alone for now and watch. Far easier to lynch our new Home
> Minister Shahara Khatun.. what the heck is with that choice man!!!!!).
> Oh dear!
> Ezajur Rahman
> Kuwait
> --- In, mahathir of bd
> <wouldbemahathirofbd@...> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >  
> > Visit the link, see the photos and then you
> will be confused.
> >  
> >  who has really picked  Dr. Dipu moni as foreign minister? hasina
> or Sonia , Monmohon or Pranab?
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> > মন�ত�রীসভায় বেয়াই র
> াজাকার। � লজ�জা কার?
> হাসিনার,�কে খোন�দকারের না
> সেক�টর কমান�ডার ফোরামের?
> >
> > --- On Tue, 1/13/09, Musfique Prodhan <chena_kew@...> wrote:
> >
> > From: Musfique Prodhan <chena_kew@...>
> > Subject: [notun_bangladesh] New Home and Foreign Minister serving
> India;s cause?
> > To: "Amra Bangladesi" <>, "Bangla
> Zindabad" <>, "notun Bangladesh"
> <>, "dahuk dahuk"
> <>
> > Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 1:24 AM
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Members
> >  
> > hopefully all are doing fine. Here is another debate, concerning
> the appointment of home and foreign ministers, which seems to serve
> India's cause, specialy the later. Please enjoy the video, and feel
> free to comment.
> >  
> > Part 1
> > com/watch? v=BFSFD29DoxQ&feature=related
> >  
> > Part2
> >  
> > com/watch? v=7vdqS8g5rQQ
> >  
> >  
> > With Thanks
> >  
> > Musfique.
> >  
> >  
> >
> ------------------------------------
> [Disclaimer: ALOCHONA Management is not liable for information contained in this message. The author takes full responsibility.]
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Re: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh

The old Badrudozza was a good man..I don't know what happened to the recent version. There are still some educated, intelligent, patriotic individuals in BNP, but they are a minority.
Tarek and his brother are monsters. They should be publicly tried for bankrupting the country. Mahathir of BD should get his head out of the sand...or in this case, Tarek's rear!

From: ezajur <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 9:44:22 AM
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh

Well as Khaleda is more educated than you I can see why you think she
is the best possible candidate to lead BNP.

I said Badrudozza is better than Khaleda.

And if he's no good we should look for someone else - but you don't
want to look.

Because you are a chamcha of Tareq.

--- In alochona@yahoogroup, mahathir of bd
<wouldbemahathirofb d@...> wrote:
> Still you could not name your vasur who is more credible than
> ржоржирзНрждрзНрж░рзАрж╕ржнрж╛рзЯ ржмрзЗрзЯрж╛ржЗ рж░
рж╛ржЬрж╛ржХрж╛рж░ред ржП рж▓ржЬрзНржЬрж╛ ржХрж╛рж░?
рж╣рж╛рж╕рж┐ржирж╛рж░,ржПржХрзЗ ржЦрзЛржирзНржжржХрж╛рж░рзЗрж░ ржирж╛
рж╕рзЗржХрзНржЯрж░ ржХржорж╛ржирзНржбрж╛рж░ ржлрзЛрж░рж╛ржорзЗрж░?
> --- On Mon, 1/19/09, Ezajur Rahman <ezajur.rahman@ ...> wrote:
> From: Ezajur Rahman <ezajur.rahman@ ...>
> Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in
> To: alochona@yahoogroup
> Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 4:44 AM
> You donтАЩt really set high standards for BNP do you? But then you
arenтАЩt a real democrat really.
> ┬а
> Badrudozza was a viable option but the party apparatus (including
you) put an end to him.
> DonтАЩt say innocently that there are no alternatives тА" you
donтАЩt want alternatives.
> ┬а
> Khaleda has no credibility based on her cabinet selection. End of
> ┬а
> You want Tareq only because you will go to him and ask for your
reward. ┬аThank God he got kicked out of Bangladesh .
> Why must he be actively involved? Why do you need him? What has he
got that others donтАЩt have?
> ┬а
> DonтАЩt play that old trick of using the electorate as an excuse.
People are bothered by corruption.
> ItтАЩs just that the parties deliberately present the electorate
with only bad choices.
> ┬а
> Family politics is the problem. You are just trying to be clever
but you forget where you are writing.
> Save such talk for your BNP meetings where you have chamchas and
ignoramuses only.
> People are loyal to their party. It is the party that needs to
change тА" not the people.
> Darn subidhabadhi arguments you give arenтАЩt worth anything.
> ┬а
> Delwar and Hanan wrecked BNP in the last two years. All you got
from them was Khaleda back in charge (maybe!)
> They ensured that the party was ill prepared for the elections.
They ensured that many independent voters turned away from BNP.
> They ensured that many middle class BNP voters didnтАЩt bother to
vote. They ensured that BNP giants fell into the gutter or just
walked away.
> DonтАЩt pretend to be broadminded by talking about their
тАШlimitationsтАЩ. Such a great party deserves better leaders. You
know it.
> ┬а
> You just canтАЩt admit it.
> ┬а
> And you wonтАЩt talk about BNP soon because you didnтАЩt talk about
BNP in the last 3 years. Grow up and bring some real meat to the
> ┬а
> You are the first guy to fly to Europe in 2030 to try and get
TareqтАЩs daughter to lead BNP.
> You are living proof of why bad men who wrongly think they are
getting rid of dictators think they must also get rid of the whole
> ┬а
> Look at you! Defending low standards in the party of Ziaur Rahman!
> You probably thought SQ Chowdhury was a good choice for GS of the
OIC right?
> ┬а
> You donтАЩt like the so called reformists but you have no problem
with Falu, Mirza Abbas, Babar and the other dogs.
> ┬а
> Face it. You prefer Khaleda to Zia. And if Zia were here today
heтАЩd give his wife and sons тА" and you тА" a tight slap and send
you to your bedrooms.
> ┬а
> Ezajur Rahman
> Kuwait
> ┬а
> ┬а
> ┬а
> --- On Sun, 1/18/09, ezajur <ezajur.rahman@ ...> wrote:
> From: ezajur <ezajur.rahman@ ...>
> Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in
> To: alochona@yahoogroup
> Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 3:13 AM
> Dear Mahathir
> This is not argument - it is diversion.
> Why do you think there is no one more credible in BNP than Khaleda?!
> ┬аAs there is none, hence i think so. Failing of Mannan bua,
loosing jamanat┬а of Dr. badrudduza┬а are proof on behalf of my
> ┬а
> ┬аIf there is any one more credible than Khaleda, then why don't
name him or her?┬а is he your vasur?
> ┬а
> Who do you think should succeed Kahleda?!
> ┬а
> Tareq ,tareq and tareq
> Do you think Tariq should be reinstated as GS of BNP?!
> ┬аPost is not major factor, tareq must be actively involved in BNP
politics and as soon as he is physically fit
> Are you not going to answer on BNP family politics unless the
> question includes AL family politics?!
> ┬аI don't think family politics is a problem. As long as people are
not happy with the activities of any party, they will not vote for
that party .
> Are you saying general people DO like corrupt politcians?!
> ┬а
> ┬аPeople may not like corrupt but they don't count it or bother it.
If did, then how come mother┬а and father of corruption Hasina and
Ershad get elected?
> Do Hanan and Delwar represent the best leadersship in BNP?
> ┬аDuring crisis of BNP , they served BNP much better.┬а They are
much better than so called oportunists( some stupid call them
reformist). I salute them for their service for BNP┬а even remebering
all of their limitations and drawbacks.
> When are you going to start talking about BNP?
> When?
> ┬а
> Soon .
> ┬а
> Kuwait Petroleum International Limited
> P.O.Box:1819 Safat 13019 Kuwait. Tel.:(+965) 22332800 - Fax: (+965)
> Registered in England, Registration Number 1734259. VAT
Registration Number: GB 606 1853 52
> Registered Office: DukeтАЩs Court, Duke Street, Woking, Surrey GU21
5BH United Kingdom.
> A wholly owned Subsidiary Company of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation,
> The information in this email and any attachment are confidential
and may also be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the
sender and delete this message and any attachment from your system.
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Re: [ALOCHONA] BNP - The Way Forward

Ezajur bhai...there are 3rd and 4th choices too. 3) BNP admits to mistakes made, cleans house, and positions itself as a better alternative by the next election. 4) BNP admits to making mistakes, but doesn't do anything, and remains a party of the corrupt and mindless morons.

From: Ezajur Rahman <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 9:18:25 AM
Subject: [ALOCHONA] BNP - The Way Forward

Dear Alochoks


BNP has two choices.


1. It can either admit that it has made serious mistakes and seek to get back on track.


2. It can stay in denial and pretend that the course it has taken remains the correct one.


If they chose option 1 then BNP will buried permanently especially if AL plays its cards right – and listens to the famous 'certain quarters'.


BNP need to resurrect itself, like a phoenix from the ashes.

It needs to redefine, contain and modernize the Islamic nationalism that has been handed to Jamaat on a plate.

It needs to become the liberalizing, modernizing party of technocrats, business and our youth.

It needs to return its own fundamental principles. It needs to become far more democratic.

It needs to force modern young men and women up the chain of command – it needs to start with a new Central Committee.

It needs to become the party of modernization, reconciliation, openness and integrity.

It needs to be the first party to break free of the nethri system.


It can do all this. Maybe if it gives Mahmudur Rahman the power he deserves. Or those like him.


But if BNP gives its future to SQ Chowdhury, Hanan, Delwar and Nazrul Islam Khan..….  It will be crushed.


There was a theory – cut off the head of BNP and put the right people in. Maybe part of that job has been done?


Watch. Maybe BNP will nominate Khoka again for Mayor?


BNP must realize that its own supporters are very unhappy with the party.

Members are not blaming the CTG or the Army. They blame the party leadership.


It's just that in our political culture there s no mechanism for disagreeing with a nethri – other than leaving the party.


BNP nominates Pintu and expects its middle class support to stay strong. Holy crap!  


I am a better real politician than any of the turds in the BNP central committee (or AL central committee).


Not that I am so good. Its just they are so bad.


Ezajur Rahman








Kuwait Petroleum International Limited
P.O.Box:1819 Safat 13019 Kuwait. Tel.:(+965) 22332800 - Fax: (+965) 22332776
Registered in England, Registration Number 1734259. VAT Registration Number: GB 606 1853 52
Registered Office: Duke's Court, Duke Street, Woking, Surrey GU21 5BH United Kingdom.
A wholly owned Subsidiary Company of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Kuwait

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Re: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh

Mithu bhai...that was priceless. I am still laughing!

From: M. M. Chowdhury (Mithu) <>
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 8:36:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh

Dear Ezajur Rahman,
I actually have stopped talking with this nut case long time.  He has started campaign against CTG at Day one.  He did not like them,  so he started conspiration against CTG in the blogs and email systems,  and finally he was successful to bring down CTG.  Now CTG is down but AL came to power and now he does not like them too.
People like him if more than 100 in Bangladesh, then you will see bottom of this country.  I hope that he changes from his mental depression..  He might not know what he is asking.  One time he doesn't want CTG, now general people voted AL to power, now he does not like them either.
I am not sure what is his problem.  That's why I have stopped email back to him once I realized that he is a gone case.  I won't reply to him anymore.  I hope you understand that you are talking to a tree, no love for the country, all care about power and money like Tareq.  He does not realize that BNP is at the bottom because of Tareq and his Hawa Bhabon and corruption and people do not trust them anymore.
You do not want to keep your "Murgi" to a "Shial".  People in Bangladesh do not trust Tareq anymore. BNP needs credible and trustworthy leaders to bring up this party.
M. M. Chowdhury (Mithu), Virginia, USA
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Dear All,
I think that it is important for general people in Bangladesh to voice their concern and appreciation to BNP and AL.  Govt and elected MPs are the servant/caretaker of their people and it will be prudent to keep them responsible for their action.

Advice to BNP:
I personally think that BNP made prudent decision by joining the JS under AL Govt.  They have showed that they care about people and their well being, not to use lathi, boita at least this time. 
Good start for BNP.  My suggestion is to Khalida to step aside from BNP and put credible people in charge of BNP party and work as a watch dog for every steps of AL Govt what they do, so you can do constructive criticize to correct their mistakes. This is the only way BNP will survive in 2013. There are lots of people to give advice to BNP but quality advice is rare in Bangladesh as far as BNP survival is concern. Family politics has to be demolished in BNP to survive in 2013. General people do not like corrupted political leaders and general people won't like family business in Politics in 2013 its either Khalida or Hasina.
Advice to AL Govt:
I am kinda pleased to see new faces in AL Administration and maybe a good start for AL as far as new blood and faces are concern.  But I am still concern about their activities though.
1) Still AL grassroots people are killing their opposition parties in Bangladesh and AL grassroots leaders are capturing halls in Universities and Colleges continuously.  This is called hate crime.  Hate crime should be handle strongly.  I am little doubt about Home Minster's ability to control this kind of killings.  We need strong person in this ministry who can provide carrot and stick at the same time to control this spill over situation.  PM Hasina may need to reconsider this Post since she is unable to control as condition are deteriorating.
2) Since AL got majority in MPs,  AL should demolish student politics in the Universities and Colleges,  They only can do this with their power and I think it will be a historic moment for Bangladesh under AL Govt.  Please give a chance our next generation to be educated with good study environment.
3) Dr. Muhit has said that wealth statement for all AL MPs will be provided to show their transparency.  But my question is that all the MPs have already submitted their wealth and income information during the MP nomination process.  Why do you need another wealth statement?  Is this a shrewed move from AL?  All MPs income and wealth will be compared based on benchmark information received during the nomination.  I think that this seems to me backward as far as transparency is concern unless Dr. Muhit thought general people are fool and  won't understand his trick.  Please stop this game.
4) Commerce Secretary wants to have 10-year target for trade and export in Bangladesh.  I believe that your target should be 2-years , not 10-years.  Publish your 2-years target and work to achieve it,  pls don't fool general people.  Show your incremental achievement if you are capable to do what you are saying.
5) India is a powerful neighbor as far as Bangladesh is concern.  To have a good powerful friend is beneficial but if it is a two ways street, then I do think it does help.  All the Indian connections shows that AL is influenced by Indian Authority.  It is good as long as you can get share benefits from them too.  You have signed Ganga deal in 1996-2001 and they do not obey it.  When you ask Indian to share water,  they do not do anything and more over they point to a document that you have signed.  Please don't sign anything with them until you understand what your are getting into it.
So I think before you consider anything for Indian,  you may need to put your house in order and put Bangladesh interests in the front of them than AL interest.  I am hearing India wants separate EPZ,  why?  I thought India wanted secular Govt in Bangladesh, if that's true why Indian companies can not be secular and do business with other international companies in EPZs?  Why can't they stay with other companies in EPZs in Bangladesh?  I think that this is called " Vondamy or Double standards".  One time you want secular Govt, but not secular EPZs in Bangladesh.  What do you want?
6) AL Govt has reduced fertilizer price which is a good news for the time being but if it is continued without any constructive work to be self sufficient,  these will lead more corruption.  Our experiences says that more than 20% of these Fertilizer with subsidy will be sold to the Indian market and few corrupt traded will make money in the name of reduced fertilizer price.  This has happened before with oil and gas also.  But I do support for this short time to survive but in long term AL Govt has to show that they have built more industries to produce Fertilizer in Bangladesh instead of importing it.  This will  be their benchmark for progress.  You may think why I am doing this kind of push and  what is the benefit?. 
I think once you keep your Govt in check they will do better job and they will change their courses if they feel that general people are not happy.  This is called people's Target for AL Govt in Bangladesh.
This election has proved that people are more powerful than previously thought,  so you won't able to fool people anymore if we become WatchDog for Govt and work for the people for better future. 
I have been doing this for the last 4 years to point out Govt failure and provide their corrective action.  Sometimes I was successful, sometimes I was not,  but I may continue my works as long as our poor general people can get benefit from it.
God Bless Bangladesh, AL Govt and  her 160 million people.
Note:  Most of my criticizm were constructive to change their course, not to bash or support any poltical parties in Bangladesh. Few of you might not be happy reading my arguments/suggestio n, but its ok since you can't make everybody happy in this world.
M. M. Chowdhury (Mithu), Virginia, USA
www.amreteckpharma. com

--- On Mon, 1/19/09, Ezajur Rahman <ezajur.rahman@> wrote:
From: Ezajur Rahman <ezajur.rahman@>
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh
To: alochona@yahoogroup
Date: Monday, January 19, 2009, 4:44 AM

You don't really set high standards for BNP do you? But then you aren't a real democrat really.


Badrudozza was a viable option but the party apparatus (including you) put an end to him.

Don't say innocently that there are no alternatives – you don't want alternatives.


Khaleda has no credibility based on her cabinet selection. End of story.


You want Tareq only because you will go to him and ask for your reward.  Thank God he got kicked out of Bangladesh .

Why must he be actively involved? Why do you need him? What has he got that others don't have?


Don't play that old trick of using the electorate as an excuse. People are bothered by corruption.

It's just that the parties deliberately present the electorate with only bad choices.


Family politics is the problem. You are just trying to be clever but you forget where you are writing.

Save such talk for your BNP meetings where you have chamchas and ignoramuses only.

People are loyal to their party. It is the party that needs to change – not the people.

Darn subidhabadhi arguments you give aren't worth anything.


Delwar and Hanan wrecked BNP in the last two years. All you got from them was Khaleda back in charge (maybe!)

They ensured that the party was ill prepared for the elections. They ensured that many independent voters turned away from BNP.

They ensured that many middle class BNP voters didn't bother to vote. They ensured that BNP giants fell into the gutter or just walked away.

Don't pretend to be broadminded by talking about their 'limitations'. Such a great party deserves better leaders. You know it.


You just can't admit it.


And you won't talk about BNP soon because you didn't talk about BNP in the last 3 years. Grow up and bring some real meat to the table.


You are the first guy to fly to Europe in 2030 to try and get Tareq's daughter to lead BNP.

You are living proof of why bad men who wrongly think they are getting rid of dictators think they must also get rid of the whole family.


Look at you! Defending low standards in the party of Ziaur Rahman!

You probably thought SQ Chowdhury was a good choice for GS of the OIC right?


You don't like the so called reformists but you have no problem with Falu, Mirza Abbas, Babar and the other dogs.


Face it. You prefer Khaleda to Zia. And if Zia were here today he'd give his wife and sons – and you – a tight slap and send you to your bedrooms.


Ezajur Rahman





--- On Sun, 1/18/09, ezajur <ezajur.rahman@ ...> wrote:

From: ezajur <ezajur.rahman@ ...>
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: [reform-bd] Advice to BNP and AL Govt in Bangladesh
To: alochona@yahoogroup
Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 3:13 AM

Dear Mahathir

This is not argument - it is diversion.

Why do you think there is no one more credible in BNP than Khaleda?!

 As there is none, hence i think so. Failing of Mannan bua, loosing jamanat  of Dr. badrudduza  are proof on behalf of my thinking.


 If there is any one more credible than Khaleda, then why don't name him or her?  is he your vasur?


Who do you think should succeed Kahleda?!


Tareq ,tareq and tareq

Do you think Tariq should be reinstated as GS of BNP?!

 Post is not major factor, tareq must be actively involved in BNP politics and as soon as he is physically fit

Are you not going to answer on BNP family politics unless the
question includes AL family politics?!

 I don't think family politics is a problem. As long as people are not happy with the activities of any party, they will not vote for that party .

Are you saying general people DO like corrupt politcians?!


 People may not like corrupt but they don't count it or bother it. If did, then how come mother  and father of corruption Hasina and Ershad get elected?
Do Hanan and Delwar represent the best leadersship in BNP?

 During crisis of BNP , they served BNP much better.  They are much better than so called oportunists( some stupid call them reformist). I salute them for their service for BNP  even remebering all of their limitations and drawbacks.

When are you going to start talking about BNP?



Soon .


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