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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Re: [mukto-mona] Re: শাহরিয়ার কবির সভাপতি, কাজী মুকুল সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত

Did I deserve such a response Mr. Deeldar? Never mind. 

Mahfuzur Rahman

-----Original Message-----
From: Shah Deeldar [mukto-mona] <>
To: mukto-mona <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 28, 2017 3:05 pm
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Re: শাহরিয়ার কবির সভাপতি, কাজী মুকুল সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত

Mr. Kabir has nothing to clarify because he did not steal or supply chickens to Pak armies. Merely, somebody writing about it does not make him a Pakistani chicken collaborator. He has already proved his love for Bangladesh trough his work and activities. Ironically, people who were involved Bengalee killings have been pushing for this rubbish accusation. The man is a brave man of our time. If you have any goods against him, please put forward. Thank you. 

On Friday, January 27, 2017 4:28 PM, "'' [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

I fully agree with you about your assessment of Shahriar Kabir. I admire the man for his courage and secular convictions. Could you nevertheless throw light on his alleged business connections with the Pakistani military. Not that any such connection by itself should mar anybody's reputation. But a clarification is good for him and would strengthen us in our fight against scandal-mongering by Islamists.  

Mahfuzur Rahman

-----Original Message-----
From: Sitangshu Guha [mukto-mona] <>
To: mukto-mona <>
Cc: mukto-mona <>; Akm Rahman <>; Banglanews <>; bangladeshiamericans <>; banglapress <>; nabdc <>; Rezaul Karim <>; zainul abedin <>; SITANGSHU GUHA <>; Khoniker Othithee <>; barua.shikrithy <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 26, 2017 5:52 pm
Subject: [mukto-mona] Re: শাহরিয়ার কবির সভাপতি, কাজী মুকুল সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত

Shahriar Kabir is known as ' conscious of Bangladesh' and he is a gentleman. At this time he is the person talking loudly against Jamat and Islamists. So you understand, why those rotten Islamists don't like him. I had an opportunity to work with him last 20 years and know him from early 80's. He is a better human being and a patriot. But he is not an angel, so there may be some people against him, I know some Hindus also don't like him! But those critics in these forums are just a bunch of idiots and they would be razakars if it was 1971. If you notice they like only militant Islam and everyone else is bad! But one thing is that they will live in USA or West and will not live in those Islamic hubs like Pakistan or Iran! Better we ignore those neo-razakars! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2017, at 10:22 AM, DeEldar <> wrote:

We need solid proof rather than having somebody mentioning Mr. Kabir as a chicken supplier in the cantonment. Mr. Karim and his Jamati gang are known for spreading Face-book fake news as I have caught these scoundrels so many times. Mr. Kabir is a scholar, not a chicken businessman. Any idiot can write a book with fictitious facts and that does not make a person collaborator. To me, Mr. Kabir is a thousand times better patriot than many of these bankrupt Jamati scoundrels. It would be interesting to know where these Jamatis were fighting their little liberation war? Killing intellectuals and freedom fighters?! The lies and liars would not be able to change the liberation history.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Rezaul Karim <> wrote:
Enough is enough 
Let's now,scrap that crap.
To associate Shahriar Kabir anymore with our freedom struggle is a travesty of truth & justice. I's  shameful episode of event in our liberation war against the Pakistani Junta, when Mr. Kabir used to run a business to supply chickens to them. It's like adorning a thief becoming the spokesperson of the thieves.

On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 12:15 AM, 71' Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee, New England Chapter, Boston, Massachusetts <> wrote:

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Posted by: "" <>

Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration: 
Call For Articles:




"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190


Re: [mukto-mona] Re: শাহরিয়ার কবির সভাপতি, কাজী মুকুল সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ। 

মাহফুজুর রহমান

-----Original Message-----
From: Sitangshu Guha [mukto-mona] <>
To: mukto-mona <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 28, 2017 2:59 pm
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Re: শাহরিয়ার কবির সভাপতি, কাজী মুকুল সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত

ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে। বিভিন্ন ইস্যুতে আপনার দৃষ্টিভঙ্গী স্বচ্ছ এবং যুগোপযোগী। 
শাহরিয়ার কবীর-কে নিয়ে ওটা মিথ্যা অপবাদ এবং আপনি জানেন মৌলবাদীরা অপ-প্রচারে গোয়েবলস-কে হার মানায়। আমার জানা মতে আনোয়ার জাহিদ ঐসময়ে মুরগী ব্যবসায় জড়িত ছিলেন।আনোয়ার জাহিদকে আমরা ভালোবেসে 'জানোয়ার জাহিদ' বলতাম। তিনি ন্যাপ-ভাসানীর নেতা থাকলেও 'টাইমস' পত্রিকার নির্বাহী সম্পাদক ছিলেন। তাকে আমার খুব কাছ থেকে জানার সুযোগ হয়েছিলো। কারণ তিনি যখন ঢাকা সাংবাদিক ইউনিয়নের সভাপতি আমিও তখন ছোট্ট একটি পদে নির্বাচিত ছিলাম। পরে তিনি মন্ত্রী হয়েছিলেন। এরশাদের তথ্যমন্ত্রী। আনোয়ার জাহিদ টাইমসে ও শাহরিয়ার কবির বিচিত্রায়, কিন্তু একই ভবনে অর্থাৎ দৈনিকবাংলা ভবনে বসতেন। হয়তো, ঐসময় আনোয়ার জাহিদের অপবাদ তার কপালে এসে জোটে। আমি পুরো ৮০-র দশক এবং ৭০ দশকের শেষের দিকে শাহরিয়ার কবির সম্পর্কে কখনো এই অপবাদ শুনিনি, যদিও আনোয়ার জাহিদের বিষয়টি ছিলো 'ওপেন সিক্রেট'। পুনশ্চ: শাহরিয়ার কবিরের কর্মকান্ডের খবর রাখলেও দীর্ঘদিন তার সাথে আমার কথা হয়না, টেলিফোন যোগাযোগও নাই। তদুপরি একজন মানুষকে অযথা ছোট করতে মৌলবাদীরা এক্সপার্ট। তবে তিনি ফেরেশতা নন, আমাদের মতোই দোষেগুণে মানুষ। তার সম্পর্কে আমার বক্তব্য একান্তই আমার নিজস্ব। আবারো ধন্যবাদ। 

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 11:38 AM, '' [mukto-mona] <> wrote:
I fully agree with you about your assessment of Shahriar Kabir. I admire the man for his courage and secular convictions. Could you nevertheless throw light on his alleged business connections with the Pakistani military. Not that any such connection by itself should mar anybody's reputation. But a clarification is good for him and would strengthen us in our fight against scandal-mongering by Islamists.  

Mahfuzur Rahman

-----Original Message-----
From: Sitangshu Guha [mukto-mona] <>
To: mukto-mona <>
Cc: mukto-mona <>; Akm Rahman <>; Banglanews <>; bangladeshiamericans <>; banglapress <>; nabdc <>; Rezaul Karim <>; zainul abedin <>; SITANGSHU GUHA <>; Khoniker Othithee <>; barua.shikrithy <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 26, 2017 5:52 pm
Subject: [mukto-mona] Re: শাহরিয়ার কবির সভাপতি, কাজী মুকুল সাধারণ সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত

Shahriar Kabir is known as ' conscious of Bangladesh' and he is a gentleman. At this time he is the person talking loudly against Jamat and Islamists. So you understand, why those rotten Islamists don't like him. I had an opportunity to work with him last 20 years and know him from early 80's. He is a better human being and a patriot. But he is not an angel, so there may be some people against him, I know some Hindus also don't like him! But those critics in these forums are just a bunch of idiots and they would be razakars if it was 1971. If you notice they like only militant Islam and everyone else is bad! But one thing is that they will live in USA or West and will not live in those Islamic hubs like Pakistan or Iran! Better we ignore those neo-razakars! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 25, 2017, at 10:22 AM, DeEldar <> wrote:

We need solid proof rather than having somebody mentioning Mr. Kabir as a chicken supplier in the cantonment. Mr. Karim and his Jamati gang are known for spreading Face-book fake news as I have caught these scoundrels so many times. Mr. Kabir is a scholar, not a chicken businessman. Any idiot can write a book with fictitious facts and that does not make a person collaborator. To me, Mr. Kabir is a thousand times better patriot than many of these bankrupt Jamati scoundrels. It would be interesting to know where these Jamatis were fighting their little liberation war? Killing intellectuals and freedom fighters?! The lies and liars would not be able to change the liberation history.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:32 PM, Rezaul Karim <> wrote:
Enough is enough 
Let's now,scrap that crap.
To associate Shahriar Kabir anymore with our freedom struggle is a travesty of truth & justice. I's  shameful episode of event in our liberation war against the Pakistani Junta, when Mr. Kabir used to run a business to supply chickens to them. It's like adorning a thief becoming the spokesperson of the thieves.

On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 12:15 AM, 71' Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee, New England Chapter, Boston, Massachusetts <> wrote:

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Sitanggshu Guha


Posted by: "" <>

Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration: 
Call For Articles:




"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190


[mukto-mona] Bangladeshi ISIS clowns are in big trouble


Posted by: DeEldar <>

Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration: 
Call For Articles:




"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190


Re: [mukto-mona] Re: {PFC-Friends} watch

One way you could prove your knowledge and intelligence is by contesting the contents, you are responding to. Unfortunately, what I have seen, over the years, you never do that. What you do, instead, is go after the person, not contents, like a pit-bull. I know why. You cannot contest any content, because, that requires certain quality, which is lacking in you. I know, you always try to show your knowledge, but fail miserably every time. I don't blame you for that; I just feel sorry for you.
Many people lack the ability to formulate cohesive arguments. That's OK. Not everybody can be a debtor. It's a skill some people have. This Forum is an online debating center; that's why you see only a few regular participants in this forum, as you mentioned.
Now, I have to educate you on something. You said, I am lecturing you. Ms. Farida, lecturing is only possible to captive audiences, such as in a class. You are free not to read my views on things. How can I lecture you, although you need some?  
Here, I expressed my views against your responses to some videos. You call these videos as intended to generate Islamophobia.
Your response made me watch some of those videos. What I found in those videos is, mistreatment of Muslim women, which made me scratch my head as to - why did you say these are intended to generate Islamophobia.
The first question that came to my mind, why didn't you publicized them yourself? I know there was a time, when you used to espouse western liberated woman-ideals. What happened to your liberated brain; did you rent it out to your radical religiosity? It looks like, now, you are much more concerned about preserving the reputation of Islam than bringing mistreatments of Muslim women to light.
As for me, I would thank individuals who would circulate videos regarding mistreatments of women in the Hindu society, which, I know, exist. I have many issues with Hindu religious practices. I have been constantly trying to express my alternate views on them.
I have written 21 articles on various religious/social/political issues on the English Site. If you read them, you will know what I am talking about. I never shied away expressing my views on Hinduism. I have also written many articles on Hindu social/religious issues in the Bengali local newspapers, and in many religious periodicals. My goal, in all these efforts, is to express my alternate views/opinion on social/religious/political practices. I am not forcing anybody to read them, so, I am not lecturing anybody.
Jiten Roy

From: "Farida Majid [mukto-mona]" <>
Cc: Deeldar Shah <>; Deeldar Shah <>; ANISUR RAHMAN <>; Jahed Ahmed <>
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2017 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Re: {PFC-Friends} watch

It is not a good practice to assume that others possess the same amount of your knowledge AND/OR your ignorance.
mukto-mona regulars like Jiten Roy, Sukhamaoy, Shah Deeldar, etc assume that they know more than others.  They know everything there is know under the earth about Religion, and especially Islam. 

This video is publicized by an organization for the specific purpose of slandering Islam, not for any benevolent Social Work purpose of preventing domestic violence.  It is not out of his habitual ignorance that Jiten Roy begins lecturing me on not doing anything about " mistreatments of Muslim women"  ( oh! how sadened Jiten is about the plight of Muslim women! ! !), the video has succeeded in instilling the brain-wash that the man is Muslim -- and ALL Muslims everywhere in the world, from time immemorial has obscenely beaten their wives.  [Note:  the fierce anti-Islamic replies on facebook]
Ian Baker
Ian Baker Good muslim man following the instructions of the quran and the example set by Muhammed the paedophile

From: <> on behalf of Shah Deeldar [mukto-mona] <>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Re: {PFC-Friends} watch
There is nothing to be defensive about this video. A Muslim man beating his wife in public. It would be an offense in any civil society but in many Muslim dominated countries, people might look the other way and give the man free pass. The man would not be prosecuted by a civil court or Sharia court. Do other people beat and kill their wives? Yes, they do! Would we call it a Christian or Hindu phobia? Probably not! So, Farida equating this as Islamophobia is simply wrong. Farida should rather focus on remedies that prevent these kinds violence against women. Mr. Guha is merely a messenger.  

On Thursday, January 26, 2017 9:23 PM, "Sukhamaya Bain [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

I think at least on face value this video is unfair to Islam. A man is beating a woman, presumably his wife. He is not saying or implying that he is doing it as per Islam. So, calling this video something like 'our eye on Islam' is wrong.

However, if the Koran or the Hadits contain edicts of beating wife, honorable people should trash those edicts, if not Islam as a whole. So, I think instead of assuming that a man beat a woman because of Islam, people should cite verses from Islamic books to back up their 'our eye on Islam' kind of mottos. If criticizing unjust and hateful edicts of Islam makes one an Islamophobe, he/she should be proud of being so.



On Thursday, January 26, 2017 7:01 PM, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

Farida Majid:"If this isn't Islamophobia I don't know what is! ! ! !"

I viewed some of those clips, and found that these are about  women's right/mistreatment in Saudi Arabia, and in some other Muslim countries.
Being a woman, you should have publicized such unjust treatments of Women by yourself. Instead, you are accusing the person, who has circulated video clips about mistreatments of Muslim women, as Islamophobe. And, by doing so, you are also saying that these videos are as per Islamic traditions, so, circulation of such video clips is equivalent to spreading phobia about Islam.
So, let me ask you, are such mistreatments of women part of Islam? If it is, I will admit that circulation of such videos could be considered as spreading Islamophobia.
I, know, Islamophobia is a favorite term in your vocabulary, but, I really think, you may not understand the meaning of this term. Sorry to say that!
Jiten Roy

From: "Farida Majid [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 3:15 PM
Subject: [mukto-mona] Re: {PFC-Friends} watch


If this isn't Islamophobia I don't know what is! ! ! !  What is the reason for it to be posted here in mukto-mona by Sitangshu? Of what benefit is this to  the Bangladeshi society - - - to mankind ?
 There are other such videos  generated by Zionist organizations circulated by Sitangshu .
Read the comments -- if you are in any doubt about the real nature of this ugly propaganda . . .

From: <> on behalf of Sitangshu Guha <>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 11:24 AM
To: pfc; mokto mona; Khobor
Subject: {PFC-Friends} watch
Sad reality of wife beating ... To see more from Our Eye On Islam - 2 on Facebook, log in or create an account.
Sad reality of wife beating

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Posted by: Jiten Roy <>

Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration: 
Call For Articles:




"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
