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Saturday, June 11, 2016

[mukto-mona] Fwd: {NA Bangladeshi Community} RE: {PFC-Friends} New wave of repression ..

 শিবির এখন টাই পরে

2016-06-11 19:12 GMT-04:00 rashed Anam <>:
"পাঞ্জাবি পায়জামা, টুপি পরা থেকে বিরত থাকুন। পারলে হিন্দুদের গেরুয়া, ধূতি অথবা বৌদ্ধদের শাল, খ্রিস্টানদের ক্রস পরে ঘুরুন। ঘরে আল্লাহর বানী সরিয়ে মুজিবের বাণী লাগান, মক্কা মদিনার ছবি সরিয়ে মুজিব হাসিনার ছবি ঝুলান। মোবাইলে মুজিবের ছবি ওয়ালপেপার হিসেবে দেন। নইলে জঙ্গি ট্যাগ দিয়ে সোজা ধরে নিয়েগিয়ে জেলে পুরবে। তাও ভাগ্য ভাল হলে।  গুম-খুন হয়ে গেলে, চেতনা ছাড়া কাওকে আর দোষ দেয়া যাবে না ।  " 

2016-06-11 18:52 GMT-04:00 Jalal Uddin Khan <>:
The bankrupt and burnt out Farida Majed should be missing out on educating and improving herself if she refrains from tuning in to her female peers--the intellectually superior and politically better read and more perceptive Dr Mina Farah and S Akhter and Sayeda Hoque.  

2016-06-11 17:41 GMT-04:00 rashed Anam <>:
বাকশালী ফরিদা বুয়া আবার ঘটি-লোটা নিয়ে হাজির  আওয়ামী নব্য রক্ষী বাহিনীর পাছা মোছাতে ??
বুয়ার  তো দেখি  আইনের-শাসন কি সেটাই জানে না ??    বাকশালীর ডিকসানারিতে  আইনের শাসন মানে হচ্ছে  নির্বিচারে গণ-হারে বিরোধী নিধন- বুয়ার দোষ কি !!  নিয়ম অনুযায়ী  অপরাধ করলে সরকার  আসল অপরাধী ধরে শাস্তি দিবে।  আসল খুনিদের না ধরে  গণহারে  হাজার হাজার  দাড়ি-টুপি পরাদের, বিরোধী দের নেতা কর্মীদের  গ্রেফতার করে , 'বন্দুক-যুদ্ধে' দিয়ে খুন করে, সেটা কি ধরনের  আইনের শাসন, বুয়া  ??? তোর বাপ মা ভাই বোন কি  গুম খুন হইছিল? তুই কি বুঝবি  হিটলারী  নির্জাতনের গণযন্ত্রণা ?   

জনগনের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ ঘোসনা করছে এই বাকশালী নব্য রক্ষিবাহিনী আর  বাকশালী সরকার !!  পাইকারী ভাবে গণ গ্রেফতার করছে !!! চেতনা বলে কথা !! ৩০ লক্ষ্য রক্তের বিনিময় পাওয়া স্বাধীনতায় নিজদেরই  স্বাধীনতা নাই !! নিজেদেরই ভোট-হীন সৈরাচারী সরকার ইয়াহিয়া-রূপ ধারণ করে জনগনকে  গুম-খুন, নির্বিচারে এরেস্ট, মামলা-হামলা করছে !! তাও আবার  জনগনের নামের উপর ভর করে !!  যে রকম সবাই ভেবেচিল সেটাই এখন  বিরোধী দলের গণ-গ্রেফতার থেকে আরো পোক্ত হলো আসল উদ্দেস্য বরাবরই কি ছিল !!  টুপি -দাড়ি ওয়ালাদের  নির্মুল করা , বিরোধী নির্মূল করা যে আসল উদ্দেস্য তা যেন কেউ  জান্ত না!!!   কোনো প্রকার ইনভেস্টিগেশন  শুরু হওয়ার আগ থেকে  বাকশালীরা মুখে বিরোধী দলের উপর দায় চাপাতে চাপাতে মুখে ফেনা তুলে ফেলেছিল। এবার আশা করি সকলের কাছে পরিষ্কার হলো কেন এত হত্যা মঞ্চায়ন করা হলো ।  

রাস্ট যন্ত্র যেখানে গহীন সুন্দরবনের মাটির নিচে থেকে  সন্ত্রাসীদের লুকিয়ে রাখা বিপুল অস্ত্র দখল করে ফেলে,  একের পর এক জঙ্গিদের, শিবিরদের  তাদের মিলন স্থান থেকে সব অস্ত্রসহ ধরে ফেলে, জঙ্গিরা কোনো রকম সন্ত্রাস করার  আগেই, সেখানে  এই  সুদক্ষ বাহিনী এই সামান্য  গুপ্ত হত্যাকারীদের ধরতে পারছে না?  ডাকাত কি কখনো নিজেকে নিজে ধরে? সালমান এফ রহমান কি নিজেকে নিজে ধরিয়ে দেয় বাংক/শেয়ার মার্কেট  লুট করার পর ?   বাকশালী নির্মূল না হওয়া পর্যন্ত  বাংলাদেশের কারোরেই মুক্তি নাই। একে একে সবাই ক্ষতি গ্রস্ত হবে, যান হারাবে, ছেলে, মেয়ে, বাবা মা হারাবে, বেবসা আওয়ামী দখল হবে,  কোনো চাকরি মেরিট বেসিসে হবে না, ইকোনমি, বেবসা সব ভারতের দখলে যাবে !! নিল নকশা ভারতের !!   

নিল নকশা ভারতের RAW থেকে আমদানি !! উদ্দেস্য হচ্ছে  হিন্দু, বিদেশী , ব্লগার এদের হত্যা করে  সহজেই  এসবের  দায় বিরোধীদের উপর চাপিয়ে দেয়া, যাতে প্রথমত এগুলো বেবহার করে বাকি সব অবশিস্ট বিরোধী নেতাদের  জেলে রাখা যাতে বিরোধীদল কোনদিন উঠে দাড়াতে না পারে, আর দিতীয়ত যাতে জনমত বাকশালী সৈরাচারীর নির্যাতন, দেশ বিক্রি  আর দখলবাজির বিরুদ্ধে না গিয়ে যাতে  বিরোধী দলের বিরুদ্ধে যায় !!  

বর্তমান বাংলাদেশে  বাকশালী গুম-খুন সরকার আর তার গুরু ইন্ডিয়া ছাড়া  একের পর এক একইভাবে, দক্ষভাবে, কোনো প্রকার ধরা পরা ছাড়া খুন করার সামর্থ, দক্ষতা ও প্রফেশনাল খুনির মজুত আর কারো নাই। বিএনপি, জামাতকে বাকশালী সৈরাচারী সরকার তাদের নব্য রাক্কিবাহিনী দিয়ে  মেরে  শুধু চামরাটা অবশিষ্ট রেখেছে। বিএনপি, জামাত নিজেরাই ১০-জন মানুষ নিয়ে মিটিং করতে পারে না ,  এরেস্ট বা গুম-খুন না হয়ে। তারা আবার এতবড়, এত সুচারু ভাবে একের পর এক হত্যার করার সমর্থ তো দুরে থাক, চিন্তাও করতে পারে না।    

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Farida Majid <> wrote:

We are all criticizing the Govt. from all quarters for inaction/wrong/ineffective handling of these brutal target killings.

You Zindabadwallas don't live here, so, you don't get to see that.

You live in some Fantasyland, and howl in the dark of the night like Creatures of some creepy underworld.  You HATE everything! Your blinkered eyesight sees RAW everywhere.

How can you attribute a 'photo shot' of a page of
 লন্ডনের বাংলা পত্রিকা

to my writing?  Only Creatures of Underworld, blind as bats with their heads hanging down from the ceiling of a dark cave can misread about the most widely circulated Bangla news-weekly in London, জনমত  ...

From: 'zainul abedin' via North America Bangladeshi Community <>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 12:26 AM
To: Muazzam Kazi; rashed Anam; Farida Majid
Cc: RANU CHOWDHURY;;; NewEngland Awami League; Mohiuddin Anwar; N.E. AWAMI LEAGUE; NewEngland Awami League; Rezaul Karim; Hussain Suhrawardy; abid bahar; Tareque Ahmed;; Zoglul Husain; Alochona Groups; Abu Kamal; New England Bnp;; S Akhter;;; Mohammed Islam;; Mohamed Nazir; M. Aleem; Jalal Uddin Khan; bd mailer Isha Khan; AbidBahar PostCard; Dr. Gholam Mostofa; letter Daily Star; Farida Hossain; Baman Das;; Dr. Em Pannah; Dr. Jamir Chowdhury; Javed Helali; Quazi Nuruzzaman; Khoniker Othithee; qamruddin chowdhury; quamrul hassan; Rownak Shahriar; Tuhin Malik; Md Uddin; Bazlul Wahab

Subject: Re: {NA Bangladeshi Community} RE: {PFC-Friends} New wave of repression

Madam FM,

You showed/claimed that you can write a good piece. So, you can write a piece criticizing Tareq Zia's life!

However, the main pieces/postings I see are on secret/open killings in Bangladesh in which Hasina government may have involvement or, at least failing to make an end to the situation (because, probably Hasina/RAW is involved). So, please write on that first, then make your habitual poking with other things, such as TZ's posh life!


On Sat, 6/11/16, Farida Majid <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: {NA Bangladeshi Community} RE: {PFC-Friends} New wave of repression
 To: "Muazzam Kazi" <>, "rashed Anam" <>
 Cc: "RANU CHOWDHURY" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "NewEngland Awami League" <>, "Mohiuddin Anwar" <>, "N.E. AWAMI LEAGUE" <>, "NewEngland Awami League" <>, "Rezaul Karim" <>, "Hussain Suhrawardy" <>, "abid bahar" <>, "Tareque Ahmed" <>, "" <>, "Zoglul Husain" <>, "Alochona Groups" <>, "Abu Kamal" <>, "New England Bnp" <>, "" <>, "S Akhter" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "Mohammed Islam" <>, "" <>, "Mohamed Nazir" <>, "M. Aleem" <>, "Jalal Uddin Khan" <>, "bd mailer Isha Khan" <>, "AbidBahar PostCard" <>, "Dr. Gholam Mostofa" <>, "letter Daily Star" <>, "Farida Hossain" <>, "Baman Das" <>, "" <>, "Dr. Em Pannah" <>, "Dr. Jamir Chowdhury" <>, "Javed Helali" <>, "Quazi Nuruzzaman" <>, "Khoniker Othithee" <>, "qamruddin chowdhury" <>, "quamrul hassan" <>, "Rownak Shahriar" <>, "Tuhin Malik" <>, "Md Uddin" <>, "Bazlul Wahab" <>
 Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016, 3:07 AM
 #yiv9605751953 #yiv9605751953 -- P
  Omar Faruque
 বাংলা পত্রিকায়
 From: Muazzam Kazi
 Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 8:36 AM
 To: rashed Anam
 Cc: RANU CHOWDHURY;;; NewEngland Awami
 League;; Farida Majid;
 Mohiuddin Anwar; N.E. AWAMI LEAGUE; NewEngland Awami League;
 Rezaul Karim; Hussain Suhrawardy; abid
  bahar; Tareque Ahmed;; Zoglul Husain;; Alochona Groups; Abu Kamal; New
 England Bnp;; S Akhter;;;
 Mohammed Islam;; Mohamed
  Nazir; M. Aleem; Jalal Uddin Khan; bd mailer Isha Khan;
 AbidBahar PostCard; Dr.Gholam Mostofa; letter Daily Star;
 Farida Hossain; Baman Das;;; Dr. Em Pannah; Dr. Jamir Chowdhury;
 Javed Helali; Quazi Nuruzzaman;
  Khoniker Othithee; qamruddin chowdhury; quamrul hassan;
 Rownak Shahriar; Tuhin Malik; Md Uddin;; Bazlul Wahab
 Subject: Re: {NA Bangladeshi Community} RE:
 {PFC-Friends} New wave of repression
 I agree with you Mr. Anam, this are well thought plan
 to destroy opposition and prosecute opposition. All of the
 killings are done by government at the help of RAW to divert
 the attention of the people against Bangladesh Bank
 Robbery, share
 market scam, vote rigging, I can
 write the misdeed
 of the government for thousand of pages. 
 We are very
 unfortunate nation.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jun 10, 2016, at 10:15 PM, rashed Anam <>
 যন্ত্র যেখানে গহীন
 সুন্দরবনের মাটির নিচে
 থেকে সন্ত্রাসীদের
 লুকিয়ে রাখা বিপুল
 অস্ত্র দখল করে ফেলে,
 একের পর
  এক জঙ্গিদের, শিবিরদের
 তাদের মিলন স্থান থেকে
 সব অস্ত্রসহ ধরে ফেলে,
 জঙ্গিরা কোনো রকম
 সন্ত্রাস করার আগেই,
 সেখানে এই সুদক্ষ
 বাহিনী এই সামান্য
 গুপ্ত হত্যাকারীদের
 ধরতে পারছে না? ডাকাত কি
 কখনো নিজেকে নিজে ধরে?
 সালমান এফ রহমান কি
 নিজেকে নিজে ধরিয়ে দেয়
 বাংক/শেয়ার মার্কেট
  লুট করার পর ? বাকশালী
 নির্মূল না হওয়া
 পর্যন্ত বাংলাদেশের
 কারোরেই মুক্তি নাই।
 একে একে সবাই ক্ষতি
 গ্রস্ত হবে, যান হারাবে,
 ছেলে, মেয়ে, বাবা মা
 হারাবে, বেবসা আওয়ামী
 দখল হবে, কোনো চাকরি
 মেরিট বেসিসে হবে না,
 ইকোনমি, বেবসা সব
 ভারতের দখলে যাবে !! নিল
 নকশা ভারতের !! 
 রকম সবাই ভেবেচিল সেটা
 বিরোধী দলের
 গণ-গ্রেফতার থেকে আরো
 পোক্ত হলো আসল উদ্দেস্য
 বরাবরই কি ছিল !! কোনো
 প্রকার ইনভেস্টিগেশন
  হওয়ার আগ থেকে
 বাকশালীরা মুখে বিরোধী
 দলের উপর দায় চাপাতে
 চাপাতে মুখে ফেনা তুলে
 ফেলেছিল। এবার আশা করি
 সকলের কাছে পরিষ্কার
 হলো কেন এত হত্যা নাটক।
 নিল নকশা ভারতের RAW থেকে
 আমদানি !! উদ্দেস্য
 হচ্ছে হিন্দু, বিদেশী ,
 ব্লগার এদের হত্যা করে
 সহজেই এসবের দায়
  উপর চাপিয়ে দেয়া, যাতে
 প্রথমত এগুলো বেবহার
 করে বাকি সব অবশিস্ট
 বিরোধী নেতাদের জেলে
 রাখা যাতে বিরোধীদল
 কোনদিন উঠে দাড়াতে না
 পারে, আর দিতীয়ত যাতে
 জনমত বাকশালী
 সৈরাচারীর নির্যাতন,
 দেশ বিক্রি আর দখলবাজির
 বিরুদ্ধে না গিয়ে যাতে
 বিরোধী দলের বিরুদ্ধে
 যায় !! 
 বাংলাদেশে বাকশালী
 গুম-খুন সরকার আর তার
 গুরু ইন্ডিয়া ছাড়া একের
 পর এক একইভাবে,
 দক্ষভাবে, কোনো প্রকার
 ধরা পরা ছাড়া খুন করার
  সামর্থ, দক্ষতা ও
 প্রফেশনাল খুনির মজুত
 আর কারো নাই। বিএনপি,
 জামাতকে বাকশালী
 সৈরাচারী সরকার তাদের
 নব্য রাক্কিবাহিনী
 দিয়ে মেরে শুধু চামরাটা
 অবশিষ্ট রেখেছে।
 বিএনপি, জামাত নিজেরাই
 ১০-জন মানুষ নিয়ে মিটিং
 করতে পারে না , এরেস্ট বা
 গুম-খুন না হয়ে। তারা
 আবার এতবড়, এত
  সুচারু ভাবে একের পর এক
 হত্যার করার সমর্থ তো
 দুরে থাক, চিন্তাও করতে
 পারে না।
 On Fri, Jun 10, 2016
 সদ্য নবায়িত
 মদিনা সনদের নব্য রূপ !
 Subject: Re: {PFC-Friends} New wave of repression
 Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 10:37:03 -0400
 এখন বোঝা গেল , কে এসবের
 মুলে । 
 উনি যদি সব জেনেই
 থাকেন তবে সাড়াশি
 দরকার কি । 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jun 10, 2016, at 9:26 AM, Zoglul Husain <>
  অভিযান: আটক ৯
 আইএসের কথিত
 বাংলাদেশ প্রধান এখন
 new wave of repression has engulfed
 Bangladesh, from today 10 June 2016. Initial phase has been declared to
 be to
  last for a week. The pretext is the recent targeted
 killings, which are perpetrated by national and
 international conspiracies against Bangladesh. These are
 false flag attacks, as most 'Islamic terrorist' attacks
 in Bangladesh are false flag attacks. 
 The Mujahideens in Afghanistan
 were created by the US to fight in their war with the Soviet
 Union during 1979-1989. Before that the word 'Islamic
 fundamentalism' or 'Islamic terrorism'
  was not heard about, or not much heard about. US-Israel
 launched the gigantic false-flag operation of 9/11 2001 in
 the name of "Crusade" ("Christian fundamentalism
 and terrorism, with Zionist fundamentalism
 and terrorism?") to launch their attacks in
  and Iraq and to extend it to other countries in the Middle
 East and North Africa (MENA). Their allies were solidly with
 them in these wilful and mindless genocides for imperialist
 domination and plunder, and for expansionist Israel, in its
 special interest,
  to create a Greater Israel from Euphrates to Nile. After
 being defeated in Afghanistan and Iraq, US-Israel created
 ISIS, Boko Haram, etc. to fight the Muslims by the Muslims.
 Many reports and articles have been written about
 Here in Bangladesh most
 "Islamic terrorist" attacks are false flag operations of
 India, and some by Israel. JMB was created by India (which
 recently has been asserted by Mamata Banerjee
  in India) and HuJI-B by Israel. Now the national
 and international conspiracies have launched the recent
 false flag attacks in the form of targeted killings with two
 objectives (i) to show to the world that Bangladesh must
 remain as a vassal state, or an annexed
  state, of India, otherwise, according to India and its
 allies, the 'Islamic terrorists" of Bangladesh would
 destroy India and the rest of the world, and (ii) to have a
 pretext to destroy the opposition, so that any future
 election can be held voter-less and
  one-sided, as in 2014, and which would have the support of
 India and its allies, some overtly, and some covertly with
 However, the US and India have
 some difference in their approach to 'terrorism' in
 Bangladesh. The US wants overall control of Bangladesh and
 the Bay of Bengal, but India wants sole
  agency. That is why US-Israel have been talking about ISIS
 to internationalise the issue, whereas Indian puppet, the
 govt of Bangladesh, is talking about JMB and local
 'terrorists', and opposing the US-Israel view. The
 wrangling has still been going on. 
 The people of Bangladesh will of
 course persist in fighting. They are fighting for freedom,
 democracy, justice and harmonious development. The people
 of Bangladesh, and the people of
  the rest of the world, will certainly win in the end!
 Forwarding to you: 
 অভিযান: আটক ৯
 কথিত বাংলাদেশ প্রধান
 এখন দেশে!
 ন্যাশনাল পোস্টের
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Posted by: "Jamal G. Khan" <>

Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration: 
Call For Articles:




"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190


Re: [mukto-mona] NY Times Article: Bangladesh Says It Now Knows Who’s Killing the Bloggers ........

I suppose both you and I have mixed up the issue of gun ownership in Bangladesh and in the USA. Since you came back to focus on Bangladesh, let me point out that in this thread we have already discussed that guns are not the weapons that are being used by Islamic criminals to murder humanists and non-Muslims. Of course, we all know that they have been using machetes in most cases. They even try to use the machetes in the 'Islamic way' to ensure their place in heaven.

Again, I do not think gun ownership by Hindus would improve the situation in Bangladesh. The country needs to de-Islamize itself or pressured to do so by outside forces. And India is the outside force that can be most effective in doing that. In any case, I am not optimistic, as the present 'secular' government is too Islamic fanatic. That is why I suggested a mass migration, so that at least some people could escape the barbarians.



On Saturday, June 11, 2016 6:02 PM, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

When you have a right, the choice is yours to use it or not. You can even disarm yourself, but - don't think, that will reduce your probability of being a victim of a crime; chances are that, it will increase your probability of becoming a victim.
Yes, in the US society, most citizens may not need guns in a normal situation, but if situation changes, you have the right to protect yourself and your family.  But remember, the context here is Bangladesh, not USA.
Bangladeshi citizens don't have the right to buy guns, but that did not eliminate gun violence from there. That country is not involved in any war also, but, that did not stop criminal violence in Bangladesh. In fact, the country is under seize of the criminal, who are armed with guns and ammunitions, and civilians have nothing to fight back.
Additionally, I gave you an example of the State of Texas to prove that legal gun ownership does not increase gun violence; in fact, it can reduce criminal violence through deterrence. If these examples do not change your views on gun ownership, nothing will.
Jiten Roy

From: "Sukhamaya Bain [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] NY Times Article: Bangladesh Says It Now Knows Who's Killing the Bloggers ........

Dr. Roy, I agree that my question was intrusive, but it was not irrelevant. Because I believe that you do not own any gun while living safely for a long time in NYC, the city that has had a relatively high crime rate over a long time. The point is that in America even a gun ownership advocate can live safely for a long time without actually owning a gun. (I could be wrong in my belief here, and you do not have to answer the question. But I think my point is valid.)

Now, when you say that most homicides in America are done by illegal gun owners, don't you imply that the law enforcers in this country are inept? I do not agree with your implication. Besides, it is well known that most of the high profile mass shootings in the news were done by legal gun owners that were mentally unstable and should not have been able to purchase their weapons in a responsible nation.

Yes, I do imply that the USA is too crazy and irresponsible when it comes to making and selling killing tools, including guns for domestic consumption and bombs for using in foreign lands. Talking about bombs for using in foreign lands, do you realize who gained the most from the Iraq war? The weapon makers and sellers are the winners. US tax payers who pay for the weapons are the losers. Iraqi barbarians as well as innocent civilians are losers. The world is a big loser, as a mostly secular Iraq is now firmly under the control of Islamic fanatics, including the government there.

In any case, for the issue you and I were talking about, looks like you will remain too much of an advocate of gun ownership and I will continue to suggest that gun ownership should not be a right; it should be a privilege to be earned via demonstrating the need as well as the proof of a fit mental condition to be a responsible user.



On Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:50 PM, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

Dr. Bain, I think, I answered your first question, but you missed. My point is - we need to preserve the right to purchase guns. So, whether I have it now or not is immaterial. Also, this is an intrusive question, and I do not see the pertinence of such question with the topic here.

Yes, I know what those killers are using in Bangladesh, and, I also know that - killers always carry guns with them as well for their own protection. I also know – law enforcement cannot protect every individual in Bangladesh, and victims have nothing to stop those murders.

Yes, I did read your quoted statements, and could not agree with most of it. Sorry about that!
I think, you live in a different mental universe from me. Think about millions of Americans who legally own guns, and think about how many of those millions are committing crimes using those registered guns. You won't find that many; do you know why? It's because – when those legal guns are used to commit crimes, they can be traced to the guns and subsequently to the owners. So, registered owners have to be always careful and conscious about gun usages, but, illegal-owners won't have to worry about that. As a result, you see illegal-owners are callously using guns whenever they feel like.
Now, let me quote your stats: "USA has the highest rate of firearm homicides in the world (3.21 per 100,000, second being Canada with 0.51 per 100,000)."
What you did not show is - how many of those homicides are committed by the registered gun-owners. I bet, not many, meaning most of these homicides are done by illegal gun owners. To understand the stats, you need to consider geographic border of USA and Canada into the analysis.  
As you know, USA has a vast open border with Mexico that is filled with illegal guns. So, if you run with the stats alone to draw your conclusion, you will go in the wrong direction, and, I believe, you are heading in the wrong direction here.  
Yes, I agree that law enforcement should do a good job to take guns off the street, and I believe they want to as well. Unfortunately, that job cannot be accomplished if citizens are not ready to give up some of their civil liberties. We can't have both ways. If you look at the autocratic societies, such as North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., you won't find that many illegal guns on the street.
Now, let's look at Texas, almost every family/person own gun; not only that - they have the right to carry guns everywhere as well. As per your analysis, there should be homicide everywhere there, but it is not. In fact, Texas is one of the safest places in America. Now, contrast that to the city of Chicago, where gun laws are the most stringent in the country, but has the most crime rates using illegal guns.
Jiten Roy

From: "Sukhamaya Bain [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] NY Times Article: Bangladesh Says It Now Knows Who's Killing the Bloggers ........

Well, Dr. Roy, you did not answer my question, "how many guns do you own?"

In any case, you are so wrong! You started talking about Bangladesh, remember? And what are the weapons that are being used there by the criminals that are murdering humanist bloggers and practically all kind of non-Muslims? Are they using illegally owned guns?

To make it short, let me insist on my words to the stupid While American in the Humanist. Please feel free to read that again.



On Friday, June 10, 2016 10:31 PM, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

Perhaps, you are not understanding the essence of my post; it's about our right to own, when we feel the need, which people of Bangladesh do not have.
Criminal usages of gun by legal-owners are statistically insignificant compared to that by illegal-owners. Also, when something is banned, it goes to the underground market of the illegal-owners, as the case in Bangladesh.

From: "Sukhamaya Bain [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] NY Times Article: Bangladesh Says It Now Knows Who's Killing the Bloggers ........

BTW Dr. Roy, if you do not mind me asking, how many guns do you own?

Here is how I commented not long back on someone's post in the Humanist:

"I actually feel sorry for the USA when I look at people like you. Your daughter narrowly escaped a mass shooting by a deranged youth, yet you want guns to be so available in the country!! People like you need to realize that if guns were not so callously available in this country, criminals and mentally sick people could not have them so easily. You also need to realize that, when you are living your daily life, it is not realistic for you to be always fully prepared to shoot someone whose intent you do not know, but it is to shoot you. Gun ownership would not make you as safe as you think. Criminals and sick minds should be stopped from owning guns by the country's laws and law enforces. That is how you can realistically be safe living your daily life. You need to educate yourself with the fact that the USA has the highest rate of firearm homicides in the world (3.21 per 100,000, second being Canada with 0.51 per 100,000)."

Now, talking about Bangladeshi Hindus, I think a significant fraction of them should organize mass migration to India nonviolently, fully declaring their intent and risking to be shot at by BSF/BGB. And after they are allowed in on humanitarian ground, the government of India should demand compensation (at least equivalent to the property that the migrants left behind) from the government of Bangladesh.



On Friday, June 10, 2016 12:20 PM, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:


Today, I heard, another Hindu Priest of the famous Anukul Thakur temple in Pubna was hacked to death; this is the second Hindu Priest hacked in a week.
Bangladesh is not safe for religious minorities and secular people, and Government cannot protect them. What boils down to is - these groups need to think about alternate plans for their safety, instead of being the sitting duck. I know - it is difficult to do in Bangladesh, but what else can be done.
This is exactly why I love the US second amendment right to own and/or bear arms, which gives the self-protection right to the citizen, in case government machinery fails to do the job. Without this right, citizens will always be the victim of either the ruling class and/or the criminal class. This right is the real peoples' power, instead of the mere political slogan of the socialist/communist system.

From: "Sukhamaya Bain [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] NY Times Article: Bangladesh Says It Now Knows Who's Killing the Bloggers ........

I am sick of this 'Bangladesh' who knows who's killing the bloggers.If you know and are not doing a damn thing about it, aren't you as guilty as hell like the killers? The killers are doing what, as per Islam, would take them to heaven. By encouraging Islamization of the country, 'Bangladesh' is actually aiding and abetting the killings. Sorry, I could not appreciate the stupidity of apprehending hundreds of potential criminals while producing hundreds of thousands of them.



On Friday, June 10, 2016 8:04 AM, "'Jamal G. Khan' [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:


NY Times Article: Bangladesh Says It Now Knows Who's Killing the Bloggers


Worshipers in March at the Hatembagh Jame Masjid in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where the spiritual leader of Ansar al-Islam used to lead prayers. CreditAllison Joyce/Getty Images
DHAKA, Bangladesh — The young man, inching past a crowded checkpoint near a truck stand in Bangladesh's capital, caught the attention of an alert police officer.
His backpack, together with his appearance, from the unshaven beard to the long Punjabi tunic over baggy pants, set off the suspicion that he was an Islamist militant. The man was arrested after he was found to be carrying a machete, an unregistered pistol and six bullets.
The discovery of the weapons raised alarms. For the last three years,atheist writers, freethinkers, foreigners, religious minorities, gay rights activists and others have been terrorized and killed in Bangladesh by shadowy figures who have struck with machetes and sped off on motorbikes.
Little was known about the attackers, except that they were Islamist radicals, and that their assaults have been coming with ever-greater frequency this year.
The detained man refused to discuss much, saying only that he was Saiful Islam, 23 years old and a teacher at a local madrasa, or Islamic school.
But the picture filled in six days later, when two 19-year-old men, arrested after running from the site of another fatal attack, identified the madrasa teacher as a fellow conspirator. That touched off a cascade of revelations that, for the first time, has allowed the Bangladeshi authorities to penetrate the murky world of the attackers and answer questions about the planning, execution and purpose of the attacks that have baffled the country — and, indeed, the world — since the violence began.


  • At least 39 people have been killed in attacks with machetes, guns and bombs in Bangladesh since February 2013.
  • The killings, mostly with machete blows to the back of the victim's neck, have been accelerating lately.
  • The Bangladeshi authorities say they believe they have identified the top leadership of the two groups they say are responsible.
  • Even as the government has condemned the killings, it has urged writers not to criticize Islam.
At least 39 people have been killed in attacks with machetes, guns and bombs since February 2013. The killings, mostly with machete blows to the back of the victim's neck, have been accelerating lately, with five people murdered in Aprilfour in May and at least three so far in June.
On Sunday, a Christian grocer andthe wife of a police superintendentwho had been cracking down on militant attacks were killed in separate strikes. On Tuesday, a Hindu priest was killed in southwestern Bangladesh.
In a lengthy interview, the chief of the police counterterrorism unit, Monirul Islam, who assumed his post in February, laid out the findings of his investigation in minute detail.
The killings were organized by two militant Islamic groups that have gathered volunteers and recruits, trained them and eventually seeded them into cells run by a commander, Mr. Islam said. They have tried to pick their targets with care, with the aim of gaining support from the public, he said, and trained teams of killers. Their goal was to convert Bangladesh's mixed secular and religious culture to an Islamist one, the chief investigator said.
The Bangladeshi authorities say that they now believe they have identified the top leadership of the two groups they say are responsible, and that they are preparing to round them up. Only when the leaders are caught, they caution, will the attacks be stopped, and at that, only for a while if the appeal of Islamic fundamentalism is not blunted.

Secular Versus Islamists

Bangladesh, a nation with a Muslim majority adjoining eastern India, gained independence from Pakistan in a vicious war in 1971 and established a secular, democratic government. A military coup in 1975 led to more than three decades of mostly military-backed governments sympathetic to Islamic fundamentalists, until a secular government returned to power in 2009 with an overwhelming majority. But secularism is far from universally accepted in Bangladesh, and has always had to contend with a conservative Islamic culture.
Bangladeshi police officers inspecting the body of Mahmuda Khanam Mitu, the wife of Babul Akter, a police superintendent, on Sunday. CreditEuropean Pressphoto Agency
To a surprising extent, the militants have succeeded in their aim of discrediting secularism, the chief investigator said.
"In general, people think they have done the right thing, that it's not unjustifiable to kill" the bloggers, gay people and other secularists, he added.
They have also put the secular government on the defensive. As a result, even as the government has condemned the killings, it has urged writers not to criticize Islam and warned that advocating "unnatural sex" is a criminal offense.
Some experts say that only a more widespread crackdown will stop the killings, but that the government has held back, fearful of creating a backlash.
"The politics has been turned into the secular versus the Islamists," said Abdur Rashid, a retired army major general and executive director of the Institute of Conflict, Law and Development Studies in Dhaka. "Therefore the government is cautious."
While the killers' strikes often appear random, Mr. Islam says the terrorism campaign was conceived by the militant groups quite deliberately as a response to mass protests in early 2013, known collectively as the Shahbag movement. Inspired by a group of bloggers who led the protests, the demonstrators advocated an end to religion-based politics and the prosecution of war crimes dating to the 1971 war for independence.
Mourners carrying the coffin of Ahmed Rajib Haider, a blogger, in Dhaka in February 2013.CreditPavel Rahman/Associated Press
War crimes prosecutions have been a particular source of anger for Islamists. They were shelved during the period of military-backed rule but revived under the new democratic government in 2009. Four of the five convicted and executed in the latest round of trials were leaders in the country's largest Islamist political party, Jamaat-e-Islami, outraging Muslim fundamentalists and others.
Continue reading the main story

Two groups in particular took up the fight against secularism, Mr. Islam said. One, Ansar al-Islam, is led by a fiery cleric and a charismatic, well-trained operational commander, both of whom Mr. Islam declined to identify because they are being watched. Its leaders command about 25 trained killers, some of whom have been involved in three or four attacks, Mr. Islam said.
The second, the Jama'atul Mujahedeen Bangladesh, is the reorganized offshoot of a group banned in 2005 for setting off nearly 500 bombs simultaneously around the country.
While both are radical Islamist groups, Mr. Islam said, neither seems to have direct links to larger terrorist networks like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, though those groups have occasionally claimed credit for the attacks.

'It Is Your Duty to Kill'

The Islamist groups appear to have reacted quickly to the Shahbag movement, mounting their first fatal attack on Feb. 15, 2013, against ablogger who wrote critically of Islam under the pseudonym Thaba Baba. It was carried out by a group of students from North South University in Dhaka, who were incited by the sermons of the spiritual leader of Ansar al-Islam at the time, a 45-year-old cleric named Jasim Uddin Rahmani.
The students used to attend his Friday speeches at a local mosque where Mr. Rahmani, who has since been arrested, declared a fatwa on bloggers critical of Islam, calling for them to be killed, Mr. Islam said.
The Bangladeshi police with two suspects in the killing of Mr. Haider, a blogger and secular activist, outside a court in Dhaka in 2015. CreditMunir Uz Zaman/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesAs it happened, one of the students, a 32-year-old senior named Redwanul Azad Rana, was also a leader in Ansar al-Islam, Mr. Islam said. He invited the younger students to Mr. Rahmani's sermons and introduced them to the writings of Thaba Baba.
"Being a believer, it is your duty to kill" Thaba Baba, Mr. Rana told the students, one of them said in his confession in court. Prodded by Mr. Rana, "we made a plan to kill Islam's and Prophet Muhammad's insulter Thaba Baba by identifying him," the student, Faisal Bin Nayeem, 24, said in the statement.
He said they found Thaba Baba's picture on Facebook, then searched for someone matching it at the Shahbag protest, still underway at the time. Eventually, they identified a 32-year-old architect, Ahmed Rajib Haider, as Thaba Baba. After studying Mr. Haider's routines, three of them surprised him outside his house around 9 p.m. Mr. Nayeem said he drove his machete into the back of Mr. Haider's neck and hit him twice more as he fell forward.
Ansar al-Islam, with the help of mainstream Islamist groups, then began to publicize Mr. Haider's writings, casting the killers as defenders of Islam against "atheist bloggers."
The writings, published in at least two national dailies, enraged large segments of the population, who had previously been sympathetic to the Shahbag movement, Mr. Islam said.
During the next two months, two more bloggers were killed. The police began arresting the North South University students who were involved in killing Mr. Haider, and also caught Mr. Rahmani, the cleric who inspired them. But Mr. Rana, the student leader, remains at large and is thought to have left the country.Mr. Islam said he believes these arrests stopped Ansar al-Islam — also known as the Ansarullah Bangla Team — from killing more people in 2013 and 2014. But the group reorganized the terrorist cells, he said, and the killing resumed.
In February of last year, Mr. Islam said, Ansar attackers killed Avijit Roy, 42, an American citizen of Bangladeshi origin. Mr. Roy worked by day in the biotechnology industry in the United States and by night as a writer of books on science, homosexuality and religion, in addition to founding a website called Mukto-Mona, Bengali for freethinker.
From the growing number of attackers in detention, the police learned that the newly reconstituted Ansar al-Islam had changed its tactics, now recruiting madrasa students and teachers instead of university students to carry out killings. Mr. Islam said a violent protest by the madrasa students in May 2013 convinced Ansar al-Islam leaders that they were a more promising source of fanatical recruits than their university counterparts.
The training and indoctrination of the recruits became more rigorous and systematic at that time, Mr. Islam said. The cell that assassinated another blogger, Oyasiqur Rahman Babu, 27, just a month after Mr. Roy's killing rented an apartment where two senior operatives worked with the group of would-be killers. One, an operations expert, taught them how to kill with a machete and use a pistol to scatter anyone interrupting the attack.
Armed with Mr. Babu's picture and his address, the assassins were sent to his home to assess the situation and returned to a barrage of questions from the trainer. "What happens if you are stopped? What will you do?" he asked them, Mr. Islam said.
Close to the planned date of the attack, the other operative, an ideologist, introduced the killers to Mr. Babu's writings. The students were given samples calculated to stir them up. "What is the punishment for someone who writes these insults?" the trainer asked them. The group answered in unison, day after day, "Only death," the arrested students told investigators.

Still, the police have now identified a trainer involved in planning the attack on Mr. Babu. Last month they printed the suspect's picture, along with those of five others accused of participating in the killings, in local dailies, offering rewards of up to 500,000 takas, about $6,400, for information leading to their arrests.
Mr. Islam said the hardest part for the police was identifying the leaders, who were so concerned about security that they would not give their real names to the madrasa students they were training.

Costly Slip-Ups

The other militant group, the reorganized Jama'atul Mujahedeen Bangladesh, works independently of Ansar al-Islam and almost exclusively in northern Bangladesh, the chief investigator said. But the group is less professional than Ansar al-Islam, he said, making mistakes that are costing it public support.
The group has trained 50 to 100 madrasa students as killers, he said, organizing them into cells of four or five. But through shoddy research, many of the victims have turned out to be popular local figures. Among them: a homeopathic doctor who used to give free treatment to villagers, and an English professor at Rajshahi University who was not known to have written critically of Islam.
When detained militants learned that a 66-year-old Japanese man they had slaughtered had converted to Islam in 2015, they told investigators they were upset over their mistake.
With all the slip-ups, the communities turned against them. With the public's support, Mr. Islam said, the police quickly rounded up the suspected hit men and several of their handlers in most of the Jama'atul Mujahedeen Bangladesh killings, and were in pursuit of the senior leadership.
Many in Bangladesh continue to live in terror. Twenty-five associates of one victim, a gay rights activist, have taken refuge in safe houses provided by diplomatic missions. Several dozen bloggers have fled the country. Those who remain have grown fatalistic.
"On this journey, we'll lose our lives," Arif Jebtik, 39, one of the leaders of the Shahbag movement, said in an interview in his Dhaka apartment, which he rarely leaves. He has quit his job, closed his blog and stopped dropping his children off at school.
"This is the price we have to pay to history," he said.
A version of this article appears in print on June 9, 2016, on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Bloggers, Bangladesh and Insight on 39 Killings. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe



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