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Sunday, July 12, 2009

[mukto-mona] Potato chips are dangerous for kids health [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Bashir Mahmud Ellias included below]




Potato  chips  are  dangerous  for  kids  health


Recently  a  report  was  published  about  potato  chips  in  the  national  dailies  which  said  that  chips  are  very  useful  for  kids  health.  It  also  claimed  that  chips  contain  various  vitamins  which  help  kids  growth.  It  is  essential  to  protest  such  erroneous  propaganda  to  ensure  public  interest.  The  real  fact  is  that  all  kinds  of  chips  are  dangerous  for  kids  health  whether  it  may  be  made  from  potato,  banana,  mango  or  tomato.  But  we  should  know  which  ingredient  of  chips  is  harmful  for  babies  health.  Yea,  that  ingredient  is  the  notorious  "salt".  Usually  most  of  the  brand  of  chips  contain  huge  amount  of  salt  which  is  totally  absorbed  in  kids  body.  This  ever  known  table  salt  (sodium  chloride)  is  the  most  mischievous  substance  for  human  body.  You  may  say  that  salt  is  an  essential  substance  to  run  our  body  function  and  to  sustain  it's  growth.  Yea,  that's  right  but  the  problem  is  with  the  amount.  Naturally  the  amount  of  salt  we  get  from  food  grains,  fish,  meat,  fruits,  vegetables  etc  is  enough  for  our  body's  daily  requirement.  And  the  excess  amount  of  salt  we  eat  usually  cause  serious  harm  to  our  body. 



            The  first  extensive  research  about  the  effect  of  salt  on  our  body,  was  done  by  dr.  Samuel  Hahnemann,  the  inventor  of  homeopathic  medical  science.  This  great  German  scientist  had  prepared  a  medicine  from  salt  and  had  taken  himself  for  long  days  to  test  its  effect  on  human  body,  about  two  hundred  years  ago.  At  the  same  time  he  also  verified  the  result  by  proving  salt  on  the  bodies  of  his  follower  homeopathic  doctors.  From  these  extensive  research,  Hahnemann  came  to  know  that  salt  destroys  blood  and  cause  anaemia.  Secondly,  salt  causes  emaciation  of  human  body.  If  it  is  not  timely  treated,  people  die  being  a  skeleton.  Excess  intake  of  salt  causes  constipation  and  constipation  causes  piles,  anal  fissure,  rectal  prolaps,  rectal  cancer  etc.  salt  also  reduce  the  capacity  of  our  brain ;  as  a  result  our  intellect  and  memory  are  ruined.  Excessive  intake  of  table  salt  extremely  damage  our  immune  system ;  as  a  result  people  begin  to  suffer  from  common  cold,  cough,  fever,  diarrhoea  etc  very  frequently.  Over  use  of  salt  also  deteriorates  the  quality  of  our  skin  and  in  consequence  we  become  the  easy  victim  of  various  skin  diseases. 



            Unrestrained  consumption  of  salt  also  causes  gout,  mouth  ulcers,  rheumatic  fever,  diabetes,  migraine,  hypertension,  erysipelas,  goitre,  headache,  menstrual  disorders,  heart  diseases,  epilepsy,  peptic  ulcer,  sterility,  glandular  diseases,  cancer  etc.  Now  come  to  the  psychological  sphere  of  salt  diseases.  The  first  psychological  disease  you  will  get  from  excessive  intake  of  salt  is  the  irritability  of  mind,  bad  temper.  The  second  and  the  severe  psychological  problem  is  the  depression,  caused  by  salt.  From  depression  most  of  the  people  develop  suicidal  tendency  and  then  a  minor  portion  of  them  suicides  by  hanging,  jumping,  shooting  etc.  Some  people  grows  the  habit  of  fastidiousness  or  abnormal  fixed  ideas.  Then  he  start  washing  his  hands  frequently ;  become  crazy  about  cleanliness.  At  the  last  stage  of  all  these  psychological  disorders,  people  turns  fully  mad (ie.  schizophrenic).  He  will  commence  controlling  the  traffic  being  naked.  All  these  are  the  miracles  of  our  loving  salt (ie.  sodium  chloride).  Chips  also  contains  an  another  salt  which  is  called  tasty  salt (ie.  sodium  glucomate).  Scientists  has  found  that  it  has  a  link  with  the  urinary  cancers.  So  from  now  you  should  think  twice  before  buying  chips  for  your  children.  But  there  are  few  brands  (of  chips)  which  does  not  contain  (excessive)  salt.  You  can  use  these  brands  considering  safe  for  your  kids.  


Dr. Bashir Mahmud Ellias  

Author, Design specialist, Homeo consultant 

 chamber :  Jagarani  homeo  hall
47/4  Toyenabi  circular  road (2nd flr),

(near  ittefaq  crossing  &  studio  27)

Motijheel, Dhaka, 


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 (Bengali  translation)



c‡U‡Uv  wPcm&  wkï‡`i  ¯^v‡¯'¨i  Rb¨  gvivÍK  ¶wZKi



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            jeY  Avgv‡`i  kix‡ii  Dci  wK  ai‡Yi  ¶wZKi  cÖfve  †d‡j,  GB  m¤c‡K©  me©cÖ_g  ev¯Zem¤§Z  M‡elYv  cwiPvjbv  K‡ib  Wvt  m¨vgy‡qj  n¨vwbg¨vb|  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  wPwKrmv  weÁv‡bi  Avwe®‹viK  GB  gnvb  Rvgv©b  wPwKrmv  weÁvbx  AvR  †_‡K  cÖvq  `yBk  eQi  cy‡e©  `xN©w`b  hveZ  wb‡R  jeY  ev  †mvwWqvg  †K¬vivBW (sodium chloride)  †L‡q  kix‡ii  Dci  Zvi  ¶wZKi  cÖfve  cix¶v-wbix¶v  K‡ib|  cvkvcvwk  wZwb  Zuvi    Abymvix  A‡bK  †nvwgI  wPwKrmK‡`i  kix‡iI  je‡Yi  ¸Yv¸Y  hvPvB  K‡ib|  cÖvß  M‡elYvq  wZwb  †`L‡Z  cvb  †h,  jeY  cÖ_gZ  gvby‡li  kix‡ii    aŸsm  Kivi  gva¨‡g  i³¯^íZv (Anemia)  m„wó  K‡i|  Bnvi  djmª"wZ‡Z  kixi  ïwK‡q  kxY©  ev  wPKb  n‡q  hvq|  mgqg‡Zv  Bnvi  wPwKrmv  Kiv  bv  †M‡j  gvbyl  KsKvjmvi  n‡Z  n‡Z  g„Zz¨i  †Kv‡j  X‡j  c‡o|  `xN©w`b  †ekx  †ekx  jeY  LvIqvi  d‡j  †KvóKvwVb¨  †`Lv  †`q  A_©vr  cvqLvbv    n‡q  hvq  Ges  Zvi  †_‡K  cvBjm  †`Lv  †`q|  jeY  gvby‡li  †eª‡bi  Kg©¶gZv  Kwg‡q  †`q ;  d‡j  gvby‡li  eyw×-†gav,  ¯§iYkw³  BZ¨vw`  K‡g  hvq|  jeY  gvby‡li  BwgDwbwU  ev  †ivM  cÖwZ‡iva  kw³  `ye©j  K‡i  †`q ;  d‡j  gvbyl  NbNb  mw`©,  Kvwk,  Wv‡qwiqv  BZ¨vw`  bvbvwea  †iv‡M  AvµvšZ  nq|  Pvgov  `ye©j  n‡q  hvq  d‡j  Aí‡ZB  Pvgov  †d‡U  hvIqvmn  wewfbœ  Pg©‡ivM  †`Lv  †`q| 


            †ekx  †ekx  jeY  LvIqvi  d‡j  †M‡UevZ,  wiD‡gwUK  wdfvi,  gy‡Li  Nv,  Wvqv‡ewUm,  D"P  i³Pvc,  gv_ve¨_v,  A‡a©K  gv_ve¨_v/gvB‡MÖb,  MjMÛ,  wewfbœ  M­¨v‡Ûi  †ivM,  gvwm‡Ki  MÛ‡Mvj,  ü`‡ivM,  g„Mx‡ivM,  eܨvZ¡,  M¨vw÷ªK  Avjmvi,  K¨vÝvi  cÖf…wZ  gvivÍK  †iv‡Mi  m„wó  n‡q  _v‡K|  ‡ekx  †ekx  jeY  LvIqvi  d‡j  †h-me  gvbwmK  mgm¨v  †`Lv  †`q,  Zv‡`i  g‡a¨  cÖ_‡gB  †`Lv  †`q  e`‡gRvR  ev  wLUwL‡U  †gRvR |  Zvic‡i  Av‡m  welbœZv  ev  gbgivfve,  nZvkv |  welbœZv  ev  nZvkv  †_‡K  gvby‡li  g‡a¨  AvÍnZ¨v  Kivi  cÖej  †Svu‡Ki  m„wó  nq  Ges  G‡`i  g‡a¨  GKwU  ¶z`ª  Ask  mwZ¨mwZ¨  AvÍnZ¨v  K‡i  e‡m (Mjvq  `wo  w`‡q,  Dci  †_‡K  jvd  w`‡q,  Ny‡gi  ewo  †L‡q  wKsev  gv_vq  ¸wj  K‡i)|  Bnvi  c‡i  †`Lv  †`q  LyZuLy‡Zu  ¯^fve  ev  mvaviYfv‡e  hv‡K  ïwPevB (Fastidiousness)  ejv  nq|  mviv¶Y  †m  nvZ  ayu‡Z  _v‡K ;  †c­U,  weQvbvi  Pv`i  BZ¨vw`  cwi®‹vi  Ki‡Z  _v‡K|  Avi  me‡k‡l  Av‡m  Dš§ËZv  ev  cvMjvwg  (schizophrenia) ;  ZLb  nqZ  †`Lv  hv‡e  †m  Dj½  n‡q  ivRc‡_i  UªvwdK  Kb‡Uªvj  Ki‡Z  ïi"  K‡i‡Q|  GB  †Zv  †M‡jv  Lvevi  jeY  ev  †mvwWqvg  †K¬vivB‡Wi  †Z‡jmgvwZ|  Lvevi  je‡Yi  cvkvcvwk  wPcm¸‡jv‡Z  Av‡iK  ai‡Yi  jeYI  e¨envi  Kiv  nq,  hv‡K  †Uw÷s    ev  †mvwWqvg  †M­vUv‡gU (sodium glutamate)  ejv  nq|  A‡bK  weÁvbx  g‡b  K‡ib  GwU  wKWbx  Ges  gyÎbvjx‡Z  K¨vÝvi  m„wó  K‡i  _v‡K|  Kv‡RB  hviv  ninv‡gkv  mKvj-weKvj  wkï‡`i  bvbv  iK‡gi  wPcm&  †L‡Z  †`b,  GLb  †_‡K  GB  KvR  Kivi  cy‡e©  Zv‡`i  Aek¨B  wØZxqevi  †f‡e  †bIqv  DwPZ|  Z‡e  `y‡qKwU  eªv‡Ûi  wPc‡m  †`‡LwQ  jeY  _v‡K  bv  wKsev  ejv  hvq  jeY  LyeB  Kg  _v‡K|  Gme  eªv‡Ûi  wPcm&  wbwðZfv‡eB  wkï‡`i  ¯^v‡¯'¨i  Rb¨  wbivc`|  GB  jeYgy³  wPcm¸‡jv  wkï‡`i  LvIqv‡Z  cv‡ib|


Wvt  ekxi  gvngy`  Bwjqvm

‡jLK,  wWRvBb  ‡¯úkvwjó,  †nvwgI  Kbmvj‡U›U

‡P¤^vi t  RvMiYx  †nvwgI  nj

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[ALOCHONA] (unknown)

Iqbal Hasan files defamation suit against former army chief

Headline news image



A Dhaka court on Sunday asked former army chief general Moeen U Ahmed to explain in three weeks why his house at Baridhara DOHS should not be attached.
   Dhaka joint district judge SM Saiful Islam passed the order after hearing a case filed by former state minister for power, Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku against Moeen, claiming Taka 100 crore as compensation for defaming him.
   The court also asked Moeen to submit a written reply to the allegation by August 16.
   Iqbal, who was one of the 218 high-profile politicians detained during the rule of the immediate-past military-controlled interim government on charge of corruption, sued Moeen on defamation charge for making derogatory remarks against him on March 27, 2007, saying corrupt politicians had smuggled money overseas, including at least Tk 20,000 crore siphoned off from the energy sector alone.
   This is the first case filed against the former army chief, who was the key person behind the declaration of an emergency in 2007 as well as the immediate-past military-controlled interim government.
   Iqbal and his counsel Moudud Ahmed, also a former law minister, however, told reporters that more cases would be filed against Moeen, as he had played the key role in the declaration of emergency, installation of the interim government and plotting a scheme to depoliticise the society by putting high-profile politicians behind bars and out of politics.
   'This is just the beginning… Many more cases will be filed against Moeen as he plotted depoliticisation and harassed high-profile politicians in the name of drives against corruption to keep politicians out of politics,' said Moudud.
   'Moeen and other officials, who were involved in the plots and in harassing and torturing politicians, will be sued by many of the tortured and harassed politicians on criminal charges,' he added.
   Iqbal said, 'We will also sue Moeen on criminal charges.'
   'I came to the court to stop for ever the process of defaming and harassing politicians, suing them on false graft charges,' he added.
   Earlier on June 24, speaking to reporters at his Motijheel chamber, Moudud had said several cases would be filed against Moeen. 'Many people have already come to me for suing Moeen and I will look after the cases as their lawyer,' Moudud, a lawyer, said.
   Moudud, who is also a member of the standing committee of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, however, refused to detail the charges to be brought against Moeen. The preparation is on and the cases will be filed soon, he added.
   The former army chief also came under fire from many influential leaders and lawmakers of the ruling Awami League and its allies, including Awami League general secretary Abdul Jalil and the party advisory committee member Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir.
   Pleading for Iqbal, Moudud told the court that Moeen at a reception for freedom fighters at the National Parade Ground on March 27, 2007 had alleged that Taka 20,000 crore had been misappropriated or smuggled abroad from the power sector during the BNP-led four-party alliance government.
   But on June 20, the state minister for power, Shamsul Haque Tuku, told the parliament that the total budget for the power sector during the tenure of the BNP-led government was Taka 13,500 crore.
   Referring to the statement, Moudud argued that Moeen had made the false statement only to defame Iqbal.
   For making such a derogatory remarks causing enormous damage to the public image of Iqbal, general Moeen should be decreed to pay Iqbal as compensation Taka 20,000 crore for political defamation, Taka 20,000 crore for defaming his family, Taka 40,000 crore for causing loss in business and Taka 20,000 crore for damaging his business goodwill, Moudud argued.
   'That is why he [Moeen] needs to be brought to the court to prove the allegations brought against the politicians, particularly against Iqbal Hasan Mahmud. He must compensate them,' Moudud said.
   He said that trial for all the repressions on politicians that were committed as per the orders of the former army chief would be conducted on the soil of Bangladesh.
   Moeen, who retired on June 15 as army chief, went to United States on July 7 along with his wife.
   Moudud also appealed for an injunction on the sale or transfer of Moeen's house till disposal of the case.
   The court, however, rejected the prayer asking Moeen to explain in three weeks why his Baridhara DOHS house should not be attached as security deposit in connection with the case.
   Iqbal was arrested by army-led joint forces immediately after the declaration of emergency, later on November 15, 2007, jailed for nine years for amassing illegal wealth beyond his know sources of income.
   His wife Romana Hasan Mahmud, son Abed Hasan Mahmud and daughter Sarah Hasin Mahmud were also charged in the case, but they were not tried as the High Court on August 29, 2007 stayed the proceedings against them.
   Iqbal was released on bail on December 15, 2008. His wife contested the December 29, 2008, general elections and was elected a lawmaker from a constituency in Sirajganj.


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[ALOCHONA] Fw: Prime Minister or Chief Minister?

--- On Sun, 7/12/09, Zoglul Husain <> wrote:
Amar Desh report, 13 July 2009, last page.
Leftist teachers, intellectuals and writers in meetings held at the Dhaka University asked Hasina whether she wanted to remain a Prime Minister or wanted to become a Chief Minister. They called upon the Prime Minister to refrain from being collaborators of India and the US and, in the interest of the country, to oppose the Tipaimukh Dam and the selling of oil-gas to foreigners. They called for the expulsion of Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty.
They alleged against the Prothom Alo of info-terrorism and fascism and demanded release of Ashish Koraia and Prince Mahmood of the Lamp Post cultural organisation from police custody. They criticised Ramesh Chandra Sen of not understanding the magnitude of the adverse effects of the Tipaimukh Dam project.
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Re: [ALOCHONA] Ghulam Azam - a leader in Language Movement (a brief history)

Not Ghulam Azam, Jatir Pita Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Gopalgonji was the Leader of the Language Movement. From his Jail Cell, he sent a Chirkut to break Section 144. I have heard that Awami League is planning to go to the High Court to declare Sheikh Mujib as the Leader of the Language Movement.

From: Enayet Ullah <>
To:; alochona <>; sonarbangladesh <>; chottala <>; dahuk dahuk <>; odhora <>; notun bangladesh <>
Cc: emancipation 4 <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 12:40:55 PM
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Ghulam Azam - a leader in Language Movement (a brief history)

A brief history of Language Movement (Bhasa Andolon)
Early stages of the movement 1947:
After the partition of India in 1947, Bengali-speaking peoples in East Pakistan (also known as East Bengal) made up 44 million of the newly-formed Pakistan's 69 million people. Pakistan's government, civil services, and military, however, were dominated by West Pakistanis. In 1947, a key resolution at a national education summit in Karachi advocated Urdu as the sole state language, and its exclusive use in the media and in schools. Opposition and protests immediately arose. Students from Dhaka rallied under the leadership of Abul Kashem, the secretary of Tamaddun Majlish (Tamaddun Majlish was an Islamic cultural organization in East Bengal. Tamddun Majlish was the founder of the historic Language Movement, a Bengali Islamic cultural organisation) . Ghulam Azam was the General Secreatry of DUCSU from 1947 to 1949.
Agitations of 1948:
Students of the University of Dhaka and other colleges of the city organised a general strike for 11 March 1948 to protest the omission of Bengali from official use, including coins, stamps and recruitment tests for the navy. The movement restated the demand that Bengali be declared an official language of Pakistan. Political leaders such as Ghulum Azam, Shamsul Huq, Shawkat Ali, Kazi Golam Mahboob, Oli Ahad, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Abdul Wahed and others were arrested during the rallies. Rally leader Mohammad Toaha was hospitalised after attempting to snatch a rifle from a police officer. Student leaders, including Abdul Matin and Abdul Malek Ukil took part in the procession. DUCSU General Secretary Ghulam Azam was arrested on March 11 1948 from T.T Office along with 10 to 12 students.
As a DUCSU General Secretary, Ghulam Azam presented the Historic Memorandum to then Prime Minister Liakat Ali Khan on Nov 27 1948 on the Gymnesium ground, Dhaka on behalf of the students of the Dhaka University.

In the afternoon of 11 March, a meeting was held to protest police brutality and arrests. A group of students marching towards the chief minister Khawaja Nazimuddin's house was stopped in front of the Dhaka High Court. The rally changed its direction and moved in the direction of the Secretariat building. Police attacked the procession injuring several students and leaders including A. K. Fazlul Huq, DUCSU GS Ghulam Azam et el. Continuing strikes were observed from 12 March to 15 March. Under such circumstances, the chief minister Nazimuddin signed an accord with the student leaders agreeing to some of the terms and conditions, without complying to the demand that Bengali be made a state language.
In the height of civic unrest, Governor-General of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah arrived in Dhaka on 19 March 1948. On 21 March, at a civic reception at Racecourse Ground, he claimed that the language issue was designed by a "fifth columnFifth column (A fifth column is a group of people who :wikt:clandestine undermine a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is regarded as being loyal....") to divide Pakistani Muslims. Jinnah further declared that "Urdu, and only Urdu" embodied the spirit of Muslim nations and would remain as the state language, labelling those who disagreed with his views as "Enemies of Pakistan". Jinnah delivered a similar speech at Curzon Hall (Curzon Hall Curzon Hall is part of the school of science of the University of Dhaka. Curzon Hall meant to be a town hall, was named after Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, who laid its foundation in 1904....) of the University of Dhaka on 24 March. At both meetings, Jinnah was interrupted by large segments of the audience. He later called a meeting of a state language committee of action, and overruled the contract that was signed by Khawaja Nazimuddin with the student leaders. Before Jinnah left Dhaka on 28 March, he delivered a speech on radio reasserting his "Urdu-only" policy.

What happened after the Language Movement?
Awami Muslim League changed its name under the auspices of Seikh Mujibur Rahman and The Awami Muslim League turned over to Bengali nationalism (Bengali nationalism  is the political expression of ethno-national consciousness of the Bengali people, who inhabit the ethno-linguistic region of Bengal....). after the Movement, and shed the word "Muslim" from its name. This nationalist approach of the party led to alienation of leaders such as Golam Azam, as political leader, who were supportive of the Muslim activism rather than the nationalist approach. Leaders like Bhasani and many Muzzaffar Ahmad scattered away from Awami Muslim League and formed other political parties - National Awami Party (NAP).



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Re: [ALOCHONA] Nobel prize for Hasina!

During 1996-2001, they bought 13 Phds for her. With the looted money, the Awamis can try buying the Nobel Prize.
Everything is possible in an Awami Zamana.

From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 12:33:52 PM
Subject: RE: [ALOCHONA] Nobel prize for Hasina!

Well, our politics requires jokers.

Both major parties are out of touch with reality. Still we shed blood
for these leaders.

May God save us!


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[mukto-mona] Forgotten Masterpiece: Iran by Claude Lelouch

Forgotten Masterpiece: Iran by Claude Lelouch


Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration:
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[mukto-mona] Re: 2 Bengalis killed-Karachi riots

12 killed by foreign invader Bangladeshi Muslims in West Bengal:

West Bengal Hindu Genocide : UPDATE -


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[mukto-mona] Religion Free World


A religion free word is practically possible to build or it is just simply a hypothetical word will remain unsolved as long as the existence of human being remains. Religion came in this world on some back ground. read here....


Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration:
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Re: [ALOCHONA] Bangladesh deprived of 18,583 cusecs of Ganges water

Does the present BAL govt. has any courage to contradict dictates of "Dadas of opor par" on any matter that talks of justice not only locally or regionally buit internationally ?????
OH  NO   SURELY  NOT ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? SINCE THEY ARE UNDER OBLIGATION FOR HELP IN GETTING THE THRONE.

--- On Fri, 6/19/09, Isha Khan <> wrote:

From: Isha Khan <>
Subject: [ALOCHONA] Bangladesh deprived of 18,583 cusecs of Ganges water
To: "Dhaka Mails" <>
Date: Friday, June 19, 2009, 5:52 PM

Dipu Moni claims due share received
The foreign minister, Dipu Moni, on Friday claimed Bangladesh got its due share of the Ganges water at the Farakka Barrage point in 2009 although Joint River Commission records say it was deprived of at least 18,583 cusecs of water of its due share.

   'The Awami League government signed the Ganges Water Treaty on December 12, 1996 and we are getting our due share at Farakka,' the foreign minister said as she talked with reporters about Tipaimukh dam after inaugurating a fair organised by the Foreign Office Wives' Association at the state guesthouse Padma.

   The official records available with the Joint River Commission, however, do not conform to the minister's claim.According to a release issued by the commission on June 1, Bangladesh got 5,24,058 cusecs of water at the Farakka point during the water sharing period between January 1 and May 31. The due share was 5,42,641 cusecs, according to the treaty.

   A close examination of the records also showed although Bangladesh had been guaranteed 35,000 cusecs of water during March 11–20, April 1–10 and April 21–30, the flow of water in the River Padma at the Hardinge Bridge point was 34,676 cusecs, 29,286 cusecs and 30,684 cusecs.


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[ALOCHONA] Re: [world_peace_movement] Moeen _ Doctrine of Necessity _ 29 Dec, 2008 Election

The election of 29th December 2008 was part of the doctrine of necessity - there is no maybe.

BNP and Allies claim the election was fraudulent but have no choice but to comply. This is not acceptance.

The CTG was undemocratic. Its supporters do not claim it was democratic. But there is nobody inside either AL or BNP who can openly criticise Hasina or Khaleda - that is autocracy under the disguise of democracy. Far worse.

Political classes and activists who are committed to Hasina and Khaleda are so committed because they need to protect their personal interests and stay within boundaries which shelter their complicity, criminality, immorality and ignorance. Millions of Bangladeshis welcome a future that breaks with the very politics you say they 'broadly accept'.

The CTG never sought to destroy AL or BNP. It sought to free both parties from the political chains that have so damaged our nation. The minus two theory did not seek to minus AL or minus BNP from Bangladesh. The minus two theory sought to minus Hasina from AL and minus Khaleda from BNP.

Each of the Ahmeds had millions of supporters who were Bangladeshis. Are you really saying that every Bangladeshi is a devout supporter of Hasina or Khaleda? How insulting is that?

And the notion that Bush and Blair couldn't sleep at night because they were really concerned with the strategic importance of Bangladesh is a delusional conceit only Banglaladeshis are capable - conceits developed to hide our abysmal national failures.

Foreign powers - except India and Pakistan - interfere in Bangladesh as much out of pity as out of malice. They definitely have a doctrine of necessity to help such a nation - possessing so much potential but destroyed only by its political elites.

You are wrong.

Here is a tip: Any argument that helps the status quo, in any way, is at best inappropriate and at worst a betrayal of justice.

Our democratically elected government is headed by an autocrat and turns a blind eye to murder.

Stop worrying about US, EU, Canada and Australia. They are net well wishers who welcome millions of our people.

Start worrying about AL and BNP. These parties are hijacked by a political mafia which condones murder and extortion and, worst of all, exploits ignorance.

And you elected them. Look in the mirror.

Ezajur Rahman

--- In, "Engr. M H Khan" <engrmhkhan@...> wrote:
> May be the election of 29th, 2008 was a “Doctrine of Necessity” or not but BNP
> & allies has accepted the government of BAL & allies as a democratic
> government is far far better than the autocratic, illegal Emergency Government.
> BAL, BNP etc has the commitment to the people of Bangladesh more
> or less. But last EG, Moeen, Hasan Moshhud, Huda, those shushils, supporters
> electronic & print media and their supporters have the commitment to the
> UN, USA, Isarel, India, EU, Canada, Australia  and their collaborates only.
> Thanks &
> regards,
> Engr.
> M H Khan
> --- On Wed, 6/17/09, Shahid Sadik <shahid123sadik@...> wrote:
> From: Shahid Sadik <shahid123sadik@...>
> Subject: [world_peace_movement] Moeen _ Doctrine of Necessity _ 29 Dec, 2008 Election
> To: mukto-mona@..., mukto_mona@...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:50 PM
> Dear friends,
> Brut majority! Brut majority!! Brut
> Majority!!! How funny!!!! The Election was nothing but the plan to destroy our
> glorious BDR, Army, Political Parties Mainly nationalist & Islamist and
> hence Bangladesh .
> In the
> language of CEC, Mr. Huda, the last election of 29th December, 2009 was
> nothing but a “doctrine of necessity”. The black force of UN , USA ,
> Israel , India , EU, Australia ,
> Canada
> was behind that ill-plan and their ill-plan is still going on.
> Few points
> are here how the election was biased to BAL and its Allies (Earshad had said
> that if Army i.e. Moeen & his associates didn’t support, BAL will never
> come to power!!!) though the last Emergency Government was repeatedly spoken
> about “level playing field” to the parties for a neutral, free &
> fair Election :
> 1.  
> According
> to Mr. Moeen, UN has forced Army chief not to support the caretaker government
> headed by Mr. Iazuddin to hold an election on the 22nd January 2007.
> 2.  
> Army chief
> had forced Mr. Iazuddin to declare emergency instead of obeying the
> constitutional duty.
> 3.  
> The logic of those culprits was that
> a credible election must be hold by participation of all major parties!!!
> 4.  
> BAL had
> supported and claimed that the illegal ‘Emergency Government (EG)’ was the
> fruit of their andolan i.e. the barbaric killing of 28th October,
> 2006.
> 5.  
> From the
> very beginning the EG, headed by Mr. Fakhruddin, running by Moeen and ACC chief
> Hasan Moshhud Chow & EC Huda tried to destroy and humiliate BNP.
> 6.  
> To cover
> up the oppression on BNP they had taken few actions on BAL too.
> 7.  
> They had
> tried to break BNP by forcing few leaders of BNP.
> 8.  
> An illegal
> BNP was created at mid-night and CEC Huda was very glad to meet with them.
> 9.  
> BNP was
> not allowed to use their own Naya Paltan office, police was locked the office
> illegally though for BAL there was no problem.
> 10.            
> EG heart
> and soul tried to oust Khaleda Zia from Bangladesh .
> 11. Sheikh
> Hasina had flown from Bangladesh
> with consultation & secret deals with EG announcing that she will legalize
> everything done by the illegal Emergency Government.
> 12. Only few days before the election the ACC chief corrupted Hasan Moshhud
> Chowdhury had claimed that khaleda’s younger son Koko’s illegal money was found
> at Singapore .
> That was not an emergency but to bias the election he had done it. Even
> Barrister Rafiqul Huq had claimed for the punishment of ACC chief for this type
> of heinous activities.
> 13. When the EG & its back end illegal supporters seen that their
> ill-motive will going to be ruin they change their mind and told election will
> be held within emergency as Khaleda had declared that BNP will not participate
> in election within emergency.
> 14. Thus in this way the EG had tried to keep BNP outside or unprepared by killing
> time.
> 15. Even the EU and their collaborators shamelessly declared that for a
> credible election it is not necessary for participation of all the parties,
> changing their stand of two years ago that a credible election need to be participate
> all the major political parties. Shame! Shame!! Shame!!!
> 16. For the first time of history brother & Brother of daughter-in- law of
> army chief Moeen had participate in the election where everybody knows that the
> EG was running by the Army chief with the illegal support of outside black powers.
> 17. The day before the election few Army officers (loyal to Moeen) held
> BNP men including 6 Union Chairman in Noakhali and Barishal area and thread
> them illegally.
> 18. BNP & Allies Men was held with the centre operation costs deferent
> areas of Bangladesh
> and published those reports on electronic & print media with extra importance.
> 19. BNP &
> Allies Men was held with the leaflet carrying with Joy’s writeâ€"up against Army
> & Islam published in the websites. On the other hands, BAL had distributed
> leaflets freely against BNP & Allies.
> 20. BAL & their collaborates freely make human chain, procession etc
> against BNP & Allies without any difficulties but police harassed BNP men
> for arranging those activities.
> 21. About
> 100 seats the vote casting were about 95% and few of them cast more than 100%.
> 22. EC had filed cases against those found the sealed ballot papers different
> areas of Bangladesh
> instead carrying out investigation immediately.
> The above
> facts & findings had clearly proved that a free, fair and neutral election
> didn’t hold at all on the 29th December, 2009.
> Thank you,  
> Shahid Sadik


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[ALOCHONA] Re: Should we ignore it as a mere change of color?

Dear Alochoks

People who talk the loudest about 200,000 rapes in 1971 are also the same people who did nothing to help those rape victims. Few things are as disgusting as attending AL and BNP meetings and watching cretins and creeps refer to 200,000 rapes in the first line of their pig ignorant speeches. These same dogs never did anything to help the rape victims of 1971 or 2009.

In Bangladesh mass rape is part of traditional political dialogue.

200,000 raped and Bongobondhu called some of the victims Ma.

Thats good enough for Bangladesh.

Ezajur Rahman

--- In, Shafqat Anwar <anwarshafqat@...> wrote:
> As far as we know, the two colours in the Bangladesh flag are green and red and the Bangladesh passport resembles the green color of the flag.
> To:
> From: Chwdhury@...
> Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 08:50:44 +0000
> Subject: RE: [ALOCHONA] Re: Should we ignore it as a mere change of color?
> Paki Lover Avi,
> If u have objection with Rajakar, I can call u "Paki Lover". Hope u r happy now.
> You are a such wrongheaded worthless person,you have no quality to be a Rajakar.
> You guy who still love Pakis we should call" Jollad" You know very well why you are called a Rajakar or Paki Lover. Do u need reason?
> A rajakar like you, have no right to comment whether we should or should not change
> our passport's color. We like Indian/India because we got independence by the help of
> great lady Indira Gandhi. We dislike Pakistan/Rajakar because they killed 3000 thousand
> Bengalis in 1971, They raped our 200 thousand mother sisters. Should we still bear a passport same as Pakistani passport color??
> You are a insane and worthless person.
> Regards
> J.A.Chowdhury
> > To:
> > From: avijit_dev@...
> > Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 19:06:03 +0000
> > Subject: [ALOCHONA] Re: Should we ignore it as a mere change of color?
> >
> > Rajakar chowdhury
> >
> > What a respectful name! Rajakar, o thou rajakar, who thou art rajakari for?
> >
> > It is Rajakari to think and display that thought that we are going to be an Indian colony soon. If someone like pakis then he becomes a rajakar but if someone like Indians then why they don't become a rajarkar? I m really lost as I don't understand the reaons why should we hurl at each other by labeling as rajakar. does it insult anyone? or feels proud of being rajakari's rajakar?
> >
> > We may like indian products but at the same time we are an independent country and we need to think independently any matters that reflects our own identity. And i think passports are among one of them.
> >
> > Informat should be not be charge with an emontion proviking metaphor without giving a reason why does he belong to the group of rajakar.
> >
> > o, thou art rajakar "rajakar chowdhuri" where thou lost your sense of rajakari-mindset?
> >
> > In, "J.A. Chowdhury" <Chwdhury@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Rajakar Moha-teer bhai,
> > >
> > > Matter of thinking. I think we r going to be Indian colony soon.
> > >
> > We love too much Indian....Indian Saree, film, tv,Tipai Mukh now passport aswell ?
> >
> > Anyway I have no problem with color, but what will happen with you Paki lover Rajakars? What is the present color of our passport? Same as Pakistani? In European Union, they have same color RED passport . They never think about color.
> >
> > Probably they have no Rajakars.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > J.A.Chowdhury
> > >
> > >
> > > To:;;;;;;;;;;
> > > CC: zoglul@; mbimunshi@; mahmudurart@; farhadmazhar@; farhadmajhar@; minarrashid@
> > > From: wouldbemahathirofbd@
> > > Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 04:38:28 -0700
> > > Subject: [ALOCHONA] Should we ignore it as a mere change of color?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is old news that Bangladesh gvernment has decided to change the color of our passport from green to Na vy blue
> > >
> > > Read the news here
> > >
> > > I saw the color of indian passport was blackish. but hey have changed the color of their passport to navy blue
> > >
> > > Visit the link of indian govt.
> > >
> > > Now question 1 ; why we need to change the color of our passport?
> > >
> > > Question 2 : why we need to match with that of indian passport ?
> > >
> > > Question 3 : is it an step of unified india?
> > >
> > > visit the link
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Should we ignore it as a mere change of color?
> > >
> > > Shouldn't we raise our voice against such change and resist it?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Is there any army in the world that can win over 150 Millions people? Should we be afraid of any country?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> >
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