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Friday, October 23, 2009

[mukto-mona] RE: Death of Capitalism

TURKMAN: Two countries can agree like they would trade One ounce of Tea for two Bullets and this does not go through IMF, the Accountant and Baniker of the World because you do not have to open a Letter of Credit for this. ... No L/C required and IMF is not involved if Pakistan says that she would import Saudi Oil in Rial but wherefrom Pakistan could get as many Rials? Less Remittances come from Saudi Arabia through IMF than the cost of Oil that Pakistan imports. Why should Saudi Arabia write-off the excess amount due as a Loan, when she knows that no Poor Country has ever paid back any Loans? Why should Saudi Arabia sell Oil without any L/C? Do you know, every L/C is guaranteed by IMF that Exporter would get his Money from IMF if a country does not pay? ... Enough for one day and more than your College Professor knows. Please stop conversing with me because you have no idea, what the hell are you talking about.


S U Turkman, 

(One of the 350 top World Economists of the World with a Letter of Commendation from Firth Foundation, USA).  


Dear Prof.


N: FYI Saudi oil is only sold in Dollars and Dollar is the reserve currency of the world.


It was a great pleasure talking to one of top economists of the world. I can now understand why the world is in such an economic chaos.


Thanks & bye.


-----Original Message-----
From: S Turkman []
Sent: 23 October 2009 02:31
To: 'SAIF Davdas'; 'javed'; 'javedz'; 'jiban'; 'jimmy'; 'jiten'; 'kamal'; 'Khabor'; 'khurshid'; 'lal';;; 'mamun'; 'manik';; 'mhossain'; 'Mike Jubran'; 'monirMusician'; 'Montu'; 'mowla'; 'MOZUMDER';; 'Munir'; 'Nizam'; 'onasis'; 'saad khan';; 'Tanvir Hossain'; 'titu elahi'; 'ulfat'; 'wahed'; 'yousafzai'; Nizam Ahmad
Subject: Death of Capitalism

My comments are inserted below.

--- On Thu, 10/22/09, Nizam Ahmad <> wrote:

TURKMAN: If that formula works. How come Inflation does not appreciate Exchange Rate of Pak Rupee to export jobs to lower wage countries than Pakistan? Go to College and learn ...!
N: because your Rupee is not convertible/not a hard currency, ...
TURKMAN: All major Currencies are not convertible either. USA, EU, Japan do not force any Money Changers to exchange their currencies and there's no International Law that a country should exchange other courtry's currency. Currencies become 'hard' because of their strong Economies, not because Jews like them.  
N: & Pakistan is hardly an economy for its domestic production to be shifted outside the country for any cost benefit.
TURKMAN: Before Socialistic Reform of 1934, USA was also such a country. Wages rose in USA not because of over-printing of money but mostly because of growth of Economy.
N: I am in college and invite you to join too.
TURKMAN: Sorry, your College can not pay me enough to teach you. 
 TURKMAN: No Country in the world begs you to sell anything in her Currency therefore, you have no rights to ask Gold in Exchange for it. Learn International Law ...!
N: Please check what is commodity money/metal backed money/redeemable currency and how it works. Certainly, i nt 'l law recognises this form of money even though not in practice.




TURKMAN: Two countries can agree like they would trade One ounce of Tea for two Bullets and this does not go through IMF, the Accountant and Baniker of the World because you do not have to open a Letter of Credit for this. ... No L/C required and IMF is not involved if Pakistan says that she would import Saudi Oil in Rial but wherefrom Pakistan could get as many Rials? Less Remittances come from Saudi Arabia through IMF than the cost of Oil that Pakistan imports. Why should Saudi Arabia write-off the excess amount due as a Loan, when she knows that no Poor Country has ever paid back any Loans? Why should Saudi Arabia sell Oil without any L/C? Do you know, every L/C is guaranteed by IMF that Exporter would get his Money from IMF if a country does not pay? ... Enough for one day and more than your College Professor knows. Please stop conversing with me because you have no idea, what the hell are you talking about.


S U Turkman, 

(One of the 350 top World Economists of the World with a Letter of Commendation from Firth Foundation, USA).  


-----Original Message-----
From: S Turkman []

My comments are inserted below.

--- On Wed, 10/21/09, Nizam Ahmad <> wrote:

2.TURKMAN: There was no need to earn Interest in Gold Standard because value of Gold used to keep rising. We were in Deflationary Cycle or just opposite of what we have now so, rich people used to bury their excessive Gold Coins. No Banks were needed.


Nizam: value of gold rising in relation to what - paper currency? That is today.


TURKMAN: Against everything for Sale in the world. I think, its a pretty strange idea for you that value of everything used to keep decreasing in Gold and Sivler Coins.


There were moneylenders in Biblical/Islamic times when coins were gold Dinars and Dirhams, and interest was declared haram. That was informal banking. The rich did not bury their gold coins they lent it.


TURKMAN: Not the one's, who had enough for their next 7 Generations. Just lending money is not Banking. Banks receive Deposits and Lend. I guess, you don't know this.


3.TURKMAN: Its all propaganda of American Capitalists that you have been reading.

N: you are reading inaccurate materials.


TURKMAN: Facts can not be hidden. Just try ...!


4.TURKMAN: You made me laugh. High Wages caused by high exchange rate of Dollar caused export of jobs by the Capitalists of US to Communist China as soon as she starting sleeping with them in 1981. 
N: when inflation [over supply of money] takes place, prices/wages rise hence uneconomical to pay such wages/prices at home. What happened to Yen happened to Dollar.
TURKMAN: If that formula works. How come Inflation does not appreciate Exchange Rate of Pak Rupee to export jobs to lower wage countries than Pakistan? Go to College and learn ...!

5. TURKMAN: How was Dollar 'over-printed', when USA had more Gold in Reserves than the Dollars it had printed? ... In 1971, USA Nixon had announced that USA would not be selling Gold if any nation returns Dollars. ... Printing of Dollars more than what was in Gold Reserves had started in 1934, not in 1971. In 1944, when IMF was formed, Gold's International Price was fixed and since USA was the biggest Creditor Nation of the world, Dollar was declared 'Fiat Currency'. 

N: It is not a question of selling gold. When a currency is linked to a metal, an issuing country is bound to redeem its currencies in that metal. US citizens could not do this but only the foreign banks, thanks to New Deal.
TURKMAN: No Country in the world begs you to sell anything in her Currency therefore, you have no rights to ask Gold in Exchange for it. Learn International Law ...!

Nixon was forced to announce that USA would no longer exchange gold for Dollar because it ran out of gold in 1971. Note the gold reserve shrank in 1934 requiring an upward revision by IMF of gold- dollar ratio. This tells that Dollar was over printed beyond the gold it had in reserve. It had virtually nothing in 1971 but it had countless Dollars.

BTW, a currency that has no metal backing is called Fiat not when one becomes the biggest Creditor nation.


TURKMAN: Tell this to IMF and rest of the world. Where had you been hiding so far ? May be you would win Nobel for this one.



6. TURKMAN: Not true. Private Money has always been private throughout ages.

N: Money has private origins but as it evolved, the government took over even before Marx had recommended Central Bank. Private money has had little impact in economies throughout ages but it certainly can if Central banks/governments stop meddling.


TURKMAN: Great Research. Why don't you write a book ...!


[extracts from Wikipedia/to establish my point that money has not been private throughout ages] [i]Coins were typically minted by governments in a carefully protected process, and then stamped with an emblem that guaranteed the weight and value of the metal. It was, however, extremely common for governments to assert the value of such money lay in its emblem and thus to subsequently debase the currency by lowering the content of valuable metal.

A Persian 309-379 AD silver drachm from the Sasanian Dynasty.

[extracts/wikipedia] [ii]The Royal Mint of UK is 1,100 years old [Wikepedia] 'permitted' to manufacture/mint coins. In the 12th century, Henry II established the Sterling Silver standard for English coinage, of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper, replacing the earlier mediæval use of fine silver. [N: It doesn't say who owned the Mint but not private I think]

The London Mint first became a single institution in 886, during the reign of Alfred the Great, but was only one of many mints throughout the kingdom. By 1279 it had moved to the Tower of London, and remained there the next 500 years, achieving a monopoly on the production of coin of the realm in the 16th century. Sir Isaac Newton took up the post of Warden of the Mint, responsible for investigating cases of counterfeiting, in 1696, and subsequently held the office of Master of the Royal Mint from 1699 until his death in 1727. He unofficially moved the Pound Sterling to the gold standard from silver in 1717

[iii] Roman currency: [wikipedia again] 'during the Roman Empire there was a division in the authority of minting coins of particular metals. While numerous local authorities were allowed to mint bronze coins, no local authority was authorized to strike silver coins.

[iv] Comments from Mises Institute on 'Good Money' by George Salin, professor of University of Georgia," true and remarkable story of private coinage and banking in Britain in the early years of the Industrial Revolution (1775-1850). Making money was a business in demand. The needs of business for small denominations were changing. Merchants needed small denomination coins in copper and silver. The Royal Mint couldn't be bothered. It made coins to serve the elites, not the new and burgeoning working class. Free enterprise stepped in with a new industry that truly saved the day—before the Crown cruelly stamped it out and ended one of the most beautiful experiences with private money in world history".

Regards/ Tell me more if you have the time, as this is time consuming/tiring. But, I am certain I will laugh last. Right now, I am going through a tough time defending my position. Both you and Saif, are great intellectuals but facts are on my side.  

 -----Original Message-----
From: S Turkman []
Sent: 21 October 2009 08:04
To: 'SAIF Davdas'; 'javed'; 'javedz'; 'jiban'; 'jimmy'; 'jiten'; 'kamal'; 'Khabor'; 'khurshid'; 'lal';;; 'mamun'; 'manik';; 'mhossain'; 'Mike Jubran'; 'monirMusician'; 'Montu'; 'mowla'; 'MOZUMDER';; 'Munir'; 'Nizam'; 'onasis'; 'saad khan';; 'Tanvir Hossain'; 'titu elahi'; 'ulfat'; 'wahed'; 'yousafzai'; Nizam Ahmad
Subject: Death of Capitalism

My comments are inserted below.

--- On Tue, 10/20/09, Nizam Ahmad <> wrote:
Sorry to inform you that all Trading Houses in Venice, Italy in 15th Century, where it had all started were not owned by Jews and I repeat. Anybody could mint Gold Coins before birth of Central Banks. Central Banks had started printing Paper Currency in lieu of Gold Coins in late 1800's but then they had started over-issuing.  

Sir, wish to stress  that Money was traditionally [evolvedMetal Backed. Money, the medium of exchange/store of value, was not discovered by Houses or by anyone. 


TURKMAN: True but I was talking about Paper Currency.


Through time, the Dollar evolved as the  ' market currency ' in USA and similarly in other countries with their currencies.  I suppose the US gov in 1800s took over Dollar printing but backed by Gold.   

There were Certificates, now paper currencies, issued against Gold deposits for market transactions. 

Coins could be issued by anybody but someone had to 'certify' to prove its worth to win the trust of the people.


TURKMAN: People knew, how tell if a Coin was all Gold or not. And its weight determined its value.


Banking, or lending, started when depositors were seen not to withdraw all their  ' money at one time '. I do not know when and where.


TURKMAN: There was no need to earn Interest in Gold Standard because value of Gold used to keep rising. We were in Deflationary Cycle or just opposite of what we have now so, rich people used to bury their excessive Gold Coins. No Banks were needed.


In Britain today there are areas, as they showed  on  BBC  TV , where people are circulating their own form of money , to transact in their grocery stores, with falling GBP . Even I can mint a coin but I cannot 'legally' circulate it beyond my home.


TURKMAN: Gold Coin you still can. The Goldsmith would still buy it from you.


Kings and now Governments always owned money in circulation as control of money gives them imperial power.


TURKMAN: Not true. Private Money has always been private throughout ages.


 The Taka or Rupee is the 'sole legal tender' as all currencies are of their governments.  I have not heard of private money in circulation maybe in few pockets or illegally The important thing is the value of money/coins and how much faith the people have in their money as a store of value/medium of exchange. Gov/central banks have failed to do this.


TURKMAN: You are totally confused. I said, in the days of Marx, anybody could 'mint' (because there were no Central Banks or Paper Money), not 'print'.


 Economist Keynes was not for running government on Deficit and printing of money to feed government's Deficit Spending. He was a Protectionist. He was for high Tariffs against Imports and those had been implemented before the 1934 New Deal of the newly elected US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt that you are blaming everything on. 


Keynes  formula is Deficit spending, to spend more than income to create Full Employment . Gov spending  to  increase  Demand. Banks lend to boost demand [loose monetary]. The process led to severe over printing and Dollar that was tied to Gold, after 1913 and War II, broke that link in 1971 when Nixon said USA is bankrupt.


TURKMAN: How was Dollar 'over-printed', when USA had more Gold in Reserves than the Dollars it had printed? ... In 1971, USA Nixon had announced that USA would not be selling Gold if any nation returns Dollars. ... Printing of Dollars more than what was in Gold Reserves had started in 1934, not in 1971. In 1944, when IMF was formed, Gold's International Price was fixed and since USA was the biggest Creditor Nation of the world, Dollar was declared 'Fiat Currency'.


 The New Deal was Socialistic and because of it USA, a country poorer than India was put on the path to advancement, prosperity and Super Power Status. You would not be in USA if there was no New Deal.  


USA did not recover by New Deal but after the War. It is because US has Rule of Law and greater market/personal freedom [enterprise]/property rights. India, at least during its socialist era, had everything opposite.


TURKMAN: Its all propaganda of American Capitalists that you have been reading. 4 months after FDR took over Stock Market had risen more than 50%. Un-employment was 26% before Reform. Despite that he raised Minimum Wage 50 times for Deep South, still un-employment was gone down to 10% in just few years. Standard of Living of USA was risen by Min. Wage Law, Social Security Payments, Welfare Payments, Un-employment Benefits Law etc immediately. 20% of Americans had Servants in their Homes before reform. Just a few years after Reform? Less than 1% because desparaty between rich and poor was reduced. Economy grew at the pace of 15% a year after Reforms and kept growing at that pace to make USA become the Richest Country on Earth by late 1950's. Recovery that Capitalists are talking about is Dow Jones reaching the same Bubble High again that it had reached because of Speculative Instruments and no Regulations just like we had recently, when those Regulations were written off by Republican Capitalists. Dow Jones had took 7 years to reach the same high in 1941.


Before 2008 Stock Market crash, US Economy was already suffering from export of 10 million jobs to China, India and other countries. Its not all fault of Mortgage and Housing Market collapse because of deregulation or rules set up in 1934 caused by Republicans so, the Bankers could cheat. During the same period (1980-2009) 1/3rd of population of Mexico and millions of Immigrants also moved in to USA aggravating Job shortages further. It has nothing to do with Socialized Capitalism or Marxism. Its just mismanagement of Economy. 
I see it as mismanagement of Dollar. The jobs went overseas because of the falling Dollar value. Cheap money led to a boom and now a bust. 
TURKMAN: You made me laugh. High Wages caused by high exchange rate of Dollar caused export of jobs by the Capitalists of US to Communist China as soon as she starting sleeping with them in 1981. 
I don't see Capitalism dieing. I see crude Capitalism dieing and a lot more regulated Capitalism becoming stronger. Moslim Mollaas propagating that Capitalism is dieing, do not know any Economics otherwise, they would have known, Islamic System is a lot less regulated Capitalism than the one presently exists in the world. 
Capitalism is self-regulatory with least government intervention. 
TURKMAN: Yeah, like recent crash of Housing Market and Mortgage Banking because Republicans had gotten away with 1934 New Deal Regulations, right? It was very Self Regulatory begging Washington to bail them out, right? ... God would not have created Socialist and Communist Thinkers if Capitalist were not so hearless, cruel and greedy. You have not seen the ugly real face of Capitalism before those Thinkers were born. The whole world was their Slave in those days. The King used to be the only rich and rest of the people Dirt Poor. Real Slavery was just a logical and practical form of Capitalism. I guess you want to go 6 Centuries back. What the hell are you doing in USA? Go to Zimbawe, (where a sort of old fashioned Capitalism is still thriving) ... and starve ...!

--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Nizam Ahmad <> wrote:

I think Banking was Jewish speciality [private] and of course, currencies were metal backed, gold or silver, but the Monarch owned the Mint. Mises Institute, Alabama, USA could reveal more.

Re today’s fiat currency, I mean the modern working class, not of Marx’s times, that benefited from FED’s loose monetary policy emphasised by Keynesian doctrines since the New Deal.

BTW, the FED is no different from Marx’s Central Bank.  

-----Original Message-----
From: S Turkman []

Excuse me sir but when Karl Marx was alive, there was no Paper Money. The World used to have Gold Standard in those days and there were no Central Banks. Any Trading House could mint Gold Coins or Currency. He was the 1st proponent of Central Bank of State and its the 1st Commandment of Communist Manifesto now being followed by all countries of the world.

In Marx's days there were no Commerical Banks lending money to borrowers. There were no Depositors for Trading Houses or Banks or the early version of Banks.


--- On Mon, 10/19/09, Nizam Ahmad <> wrote:

Dollars, Pound, Euro are already Nationalised currencies, as socialism/communism would want, as none of them is issued by private entrepreneurs but by respective governments/central banks.

Enough money was printed, loose monetary policies, to help Marx’s working class to buy consumer goods and cars to bring them to a decent middle class standard.

Few Hedge fund mavericks/speculators, or large bonuses to CEOs, are, maybe, greed but not pure capitalism.  Time now is to adopt Capitalism in its real form, e.g. the denationalisation of money, and certainly to stay away from Marx and his predictions that would make matters far worse.  

-----Original Message-----
From: SAIF Davdas [] 


In 1861, Karl Marx wrote, "Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism". Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I ask you---will you find any bigger prophet of Allah than this prescient man, Hazrat Karl Marx? Unfettered capitalism? The vernacular of conspicuous consumption no longer makes sense and no longer enjoys its old popularity to a conscientious mind. How much more irresponsible a government can become? How the US Government regulators can allow this derivatives and hedge fund driven securitization of the stock market? From Dhaka to Washington, this conspicuous consumption--the anti-human, anti-reason, un-civil, crude, cruel and monstrous ego-feeding circus must end to save the mankind now. Obama alone cannot do it. We need the second coming of Maha-Atma Gaandhi to shake the worlds conscious to wake it up. The call being sent out and increasingly heard by the masses of the world at large, though not in the bastion of free market Capitalism---United States of America--that we must find a way to combine socialism with capitalism. Greatest economic thinkers stupidly did not take into their equations the incredible volatility of human greed. The chasm between the haves and havenots is becoming deep and unbridgeable all over the world. A fairer distribution of wealth is not as terrible a concept as the rich would make us believe. There are a number of European countries that have successfully made progress in that direction. Let us investigate how they did it--instead of being a bunch of blind dogmatic foolish reactionaries.


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