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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Re: [mukto-mona] DDD 228. শিষ্টাচ : বাচ্চাল

Government must stop Jamati propaganda. Sure. The great question is how it can be done democratically. JI has been playing actively in the democratic field of Bangladesh ever since it was given license to do politics in BD by Ziaur Rahman(?). All the major parties used JI as and when needed. It is a shame for the nation that BNP made them ministers with important portfolio. Many people are suggesting that JI be banned. No decision has yet been taken in the parliament. Rather it looks like AL is playing the politics of appeasement when it comes to trial of war criminals and implementation of the verdicts. 

I suggest that there be an all -party conference to discuss the issue of banning JI. A party which opposed the freedom of Bangladesh actively and criminally should not be allowed to operate in Bangladesh. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2015, at 8:00 AM, Jiten Roy [mukto-mona] <> wrote:


Bangladesh cannot prosper without strict ideals of secularism. It is difficult to sell secularism among illiterate people, but easy to sell Jamati-propaganda. If government allows Jamati-propaganda, in the name of democracy, it will pollute the mindset of the ordinary people very easily, and there will be no secularism in the country ever. So, Bangladesh government needs to be strict on its principle of secularism, otherwise country will go down the Pakistani route very soon.
The sign is already visible now. Just look at BNP/Jamat peaceful political movement. If this is called the peaceful movement, what is terrorism?
Jiten Roy


From: "ANISUR RAHMAN [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2015 4:35 AM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] DDD 228. শিষ্টাচ : বাচ্চাল

Naya Diganta is a Jamaati newspaper. So, what you will get there is Jamaati propaganda.

- AR 

From: "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 30 January 2015, 23:24
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] DDD 228. শিষ্টাচ : বাচ্চাল

Is it a large tanker or a small tanker?

From: "Kamal Das [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 3:47 AM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] DDD 228. শিষ্টাচ : বাচ্চাল

Think tanker?
On Jan 29, 2015 9:03 AM, "mk haque [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from mk haque [mukto-mona] included below]
DDD 228. শিষ্টাচারের নসিহত : বাচ্চালোগ তালিয়া বাজাও
Dhaka Daily Dish, 228th Issue, 28th Jan '15
Dear All
Late Arafat Rahman was absolutely a non-political person.  But for
being from a political family– his death has also become a pawn in
power play of Bangladesh.  This issue, instead of bringing the two  
"Begums" nearer, as expected by some wishful thinkers, may take
them far apart on political platform.  That is what Mr Farhad Mazhar,
a prominent n respectable socio-political think tanker of Bangladesh,
apprehended in his feature placed in today's DDD.  As space was
there, his imm recent past feature is also added here, which was
printed in Naya Diganta also.  Both are thought generating. Thanks.
Haque, Lowell, MA, USA.
শিষ্টাচারের নসিহত : বাচ্চালোগ তালিয়া বাজাও
ফরহাদ মজহার, ২৭ জানুয়ারি ২০১৫, Naya Diganta, Post Editorial                        
আরাফাত রহমান কোকোর অকালমৃত্যুর পর এখন দেখছি এই শহুরে শিক্ষ তি এলিটরা
হঠাৎ দুই ব্যাটলিং বেগমকে মা জননী ডাকতে শুরু করেছে। এই এক বিচিত্র নাটক।
এক সন্তানের জননী নাকি শোকে কাতর আরেক মা জননীকে দেখতে ছুটে গিয়েছিলেন ,
কিন্তু সন্তানহারা শোকার্ত জননী গেটের দরজা খোলেননি , ফলে এলিটদের মহা অভিমান
হয়েছে। ক্ষ মতাবান মা কত মহানুভব সেই কাঁদুনি শুনতে শুনতে ইতোমধ্যে কান ঝালা
পালা হয়ে যাবার জোগাড়। আর মন্দ মা হলেন তিনি যিনি সবে সন্তান হারিয়েছেন।
শুধু তাঁর নিজের সন্তান নয় , হারিয়েছেন আরো সন্তান। হামলা মামলা তো আছেই , যৌথ
অভিযানে তার জোটের নেতাকর্মীদের গুম করা হচ্ছে , যাদের অনেকের লাশই খুঁজে পাওয়া
যাচ্ছে না। গুলি তো চলছেই , তার পরও যাদের দেখা মাত্রই গুলি করবে বলে ইতোমধ্যে
বিজিবি প্রধান ঘোষণা করেছেন। সমাজকল্যাণমন্ত্রী ঘোষণা দিচ্ছেন , সংসদ সদস্যরা
চিৎকার করে সরকার কঠোর হবার দাবি করছেন। আঙুল নাচিয়ে বলা হচ্ছে তাকে টেনে -
হিঁচড়ে ঘর থেকে বের করে গ্রেফতার করা হবে। তার পরও ডায়লগ চাই। ডায়লগ । …..
সরকারের পতন আসন্নফরহাদ মজহারের মত 
17 Jan, 2015,, NY, USA.
আওয়ামী লীগ সরকারের পতন 'আসন্ন' বলে মত প্রকাশ করেছেন বিশিষ্ট রাজনৈতিক
বিশ্লেষক ফরহাদ মজহার। তিনি লিখেছেনসাধারণ মানুষযারা সরকারের পক্ষে নন
কিন্তু সরাসরি আন্দোলন সংগ্রামেও নাইতারা কিছুটা বিভ্রান্ত বটে। সরকার ক্রমে সব
নিয়ন্ত্রণে নিয়ে আসছে এই প্রপাগান্ডায় অনেকের মনে একটি দ্বিধান্বিত প্রশ্ন আছে যেএই
সরকারের পতন ঘটবে কি ?  উত্তর : অবশ্যই। সেটা আসন্নই বলা যায়।'  ……..


Posted by: Subimal Chakrabarty <>

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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
