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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Re: [mukto-mona] Are we complicit ?

Yes, if a society be complicit on a crime against humanity, that society can be blamed for it. Unfortunately, you missed another crime against humanity, being committed by Muslim terrorists around the world. Can we blame Muslim society for this crime as well?

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 1:53 AM, rashed Anam [mukto-mona] <> wrote:

1) Were the German civil society and commoners complicit in the propagation of  hatred, ultra-nationalism, anti-semitism & fascism and all brutalities,  atrocities, genocides, war crimes and violations of human rights committed by the NAZI regime ? 
Did they tolerate the regime and its fascism  with silence & social acceptance of the NAZI foot soldiers  and their ideologies ? 
Did their silence and inaction empower the NAZI regime into the autocratic power? Did this empowerment  embolden the regime  deeper into the brutality ? 

If so, surely the German society at large bare some responsibility for the rise of the Hitler regime and for all the crimes that it  had brought unto the world. 

2) Are the Burmese civil society and people in general complicit and  responsible to some degree in the perpetual ethnic cleansing and genocide of Rohingya people ? These things do not happen in a day. It's a gradual practices of hatred and bigotry and racism.  

When the Buddhist Monks were fanning the hatred of Rohingya and calling for violence, why did not these civil society voice outrage ?Why did they not make the moral case against it? 

Or, they were just 'comfortably numb' in their silence and inaction ?  They just had accepted that to be the norm for last 10-25 years.  Why should they not be  complicit to the Rohingya genocide too to some degree?  Do they not have spots of blood in their silent, innocuous, see-no-evil-hear-no-evil faces ? 

3) Are Bangladeshi civil society, 'educated' professionals, both in Bangladesh and here,  COMPLICIT in accepting and empowering this vote-less autocratic and fascist regime for committing all the extra-judicial killings/enforced disappearances, looting, the eradication of democracy ,  the wholesale politicizing/criminalizing  of  state institutions, the dismantling of judicial and the selling out of Bangaldesh interests ? 

Today, we see that the regime not only bars oppostions/ individual from exercising their democratic rights but also attack them even for engaging in humanitarian charities.  
In this one-party BAKSAL dictatorship, hundreds and hundreds of oppostions have been extra-judicially killed,  democracy and accountability have been wiped out.  

The total lack of accountability results in all types of injustice and deprivation of  rights, lives ,living hoods and opportunities.  Be it in education, jobs or businesses, merit based systems have been replaced by Awami-BAKSALI based system where only the politically connected/blessed people get the opportunity. RAB/POLICE have become CRIMINALIZED pets of the govt. Even  Facebook commenters get arrested for daring to mock the PM. Even 57-army officers get brutally killed in order to neuter the Army.  Banks/businesses get hijacked and looted. 

Votes/voting rights have become endangered species.  Many state interests such as Sundorbon, Titash river, transit, trades, have been traded in exchange for providing supports  for power. Jonggi 'Natoks" become a regular event. 

In all, Bangladesh becomes a failed  state.

So, when we too become 'comfortably numb' in our silence and acceptance of this BAKSAL-2 atrocities and  dictatorships, we must be similarly COMPLICIT to the crimes and violations of this BAKSAL-2 regime, just as the Burmese people were complicit to the Rohingya genocide or just as the Gerrman people were complicit to the rise of the NAZI.  

When we socially accept the local BAKSALI Awami agents/activists and fail to voice our rejections of them, we empower the  regime to kill more people extra-judicially, to become more authoritarian, to deprive more people, to loot more, to sell out more. 

We, the so called civil society of New England or in Bangladesh, or in UK, also have spots of blood in our hand . Because it's our silence and our political/social acceptance of them, acceptance of the local activists, that have emboldened and infused extra oxygen into this murderous and violent BAKSAL-2 one-party-dictator regime. 

Some say, we expats , should not care much about Bangladeshi politics here and rather concentrate in local affairs and well being.  I agree.  But, what we are talking about is not regular partisan politics ! We are talking about NATIONAL crisis. We are talking about the suffering of our fellow family members and friends in this fascist BAKSAL system !! We are talking about the interests of our country (Bangladesh) whose identity we bare!  

When the chief justice himself is kicked out , for a single verdict not going the regime's way, then we must realize that every elements of the system is broken.  NO ONE IS SAFE. It's a failed state. The rape of the nation is an ongoing act!!  And we all are COMPLICIT in it by our silence and acceptance of them. 

Reminds me of this famous poem by the Christian Priest Martin Niemoller who was imprisoned by the NAZI:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."



Posted by: Dristy Pat <>

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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
