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Monday, March 17, 2014

[mukto-mona] Fw: Meeting with Dan W. Mozena [3 Attachments]

Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian Unity Council, USA held a breakfast meeting with honorable US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Dan W. Mozena, in the Gulshan Terrace, New York to apprise him of the recent reign of terror on religious minorities, unleashed by the BNP, Jamat, and, in some cases, Awami League before and after the general election in January, 2014.
Turn out at the event was beyond the capacity of the Hall (> 400), and hundreds of people had to stand through the entire event, which lasted more than 2.5 hours. In spite of overcrowded Hall, it was a remarkably peaceful event; there was no complaining from attendees. They have, in fact, congratulated organizers, and expressed their satisfaction over the event.  
Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian Unity Council will issue official statements on the event in due course. 
The greatest satisfaction is - in spite of a Hindu gentleman (I do not want to disclose his name at this time) called people in the community to tell them not to attend this meeting they all came.
It's a disgrace and disappointment that people among us can go that low to do such thing. I could understand it - if someone from Awami League would do so. In fact, we received call from Bangladesh Embassy in DC not to go through with this event. They knew - we will tell the truth about Awami League also. They guessed it right. Even BNP people said - we delivered impartial messages about all political parties, and we were fair and square about the truth.
But, what we never envisioned is that someone from an imposter organization, using the same name of the Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian Unity Council, will do so. Obviously, that person is an Awami Leaguer, which is fine with us. But, our concern is his political interest, in this case, superseded interests of the millions of religious minorities in Bangladesh.
Other than that, everything went smoothly.
Thanks again.
Jiten Roy
President, BHBCUC, USA.