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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Re: [mukto-mona] RE: Gordhober Urbor mostishker brain hemorrhage?

We should not take every thing Sajib Waged says seriously. One problem with our political culture is that no leader from AL will protest what Sajib has said as he is none but the son of our PM. 
Instead of making such a strong and wrong comment, he could have said that "Joy Bangla" slogan was a natural product of our liberation war and it should be respected and chanted by us. Also reference to the point in time when the  "Bangladesh Zindanad" was introduced by the leaders of the August coup is noteworthy. Obviously those who created it and those who followed it  and still have been using it are showing disrespect to the national feelings of 1971 although all of them are not necessarily anti-liberation forces. 

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On Jul 11, 2014, at 5:56 PM, "Farida Majid [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:


No, no. It is WRONG to say that the word 'zindabad' itself is bad because it is Urdu. Sajeeb Wazed was careless to have made that remark. A language by itself is not, cannot be, an enemy of people. Moreover, Urdu/Hindi has always been a part of the cultural space of Bengal. We are a multicultural, multi-religious, SECULAR nation.

We are
deadly opposed  to the cry of 'Bangladesh Zindabad' because it echoes 'Pakistan Zindabad', and makes the nation of Bangladesh nothing more than a ditto of Pakistan.

Those who are defending 'Bangladesh Zindabad' are playing dirty politics, and are trying to push the IDEA of Pakistan (1947) down our throat. The sneaky effort is an effort to obliterate Muktijuddho 1971 from our national and cultural identity.

Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:52:01 -0700
Subject: Gordhober Urbor mostishker brain hemorrhage?

প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ছেলে ও তাঁর তথ্য, যোগাযোগপ্রযুক্তি উপদেষ্টা সজীব ওয়াজেদ জয় বলেছেন, 'যারা "জয় বাংলা" না বলে "বাংলাদেশ জিন্দাবাদ" বলে তারা পাকিস্তানের এজেন্ট'।
সজীব ওয়াজেদ বলেন, 'তারা "জয় বাংলা" বলে না, বলে "জিন্দাবাদ"। যেটা উর্দু শব্দ। বাংলা ভাষায় "জিন্দাবাদ" বলে কোনো শব্দ নেই।

Awami is a Urdo word....then AwamiLeague is a Pakistani Agent Rajakar party by the virtue of his own stupid logic? 

The people who utter the following Arabic words are definitely Arab terrorist
WordMeaningOriginal form
আক্কেল akkelwisdomعقل 'aql
আসল asôlrealأصل 'aṣl "root"
এলাকা elakaareaأﻻﻛﺔ ilākah
ওজন ojônweightوزن wazn "scale"
কবর kôbôrgraveقبر qabr
খবর khôbôrnewsخبر khabar
খালি khaliemptyخالي khālī
খেয়াল kheyalconsiderationخيال khyal
গরিব gôribpoorغريب gharīb "strange"
জবাব jôbabanswerجواب jawāb
জমা jômacollectجمع jam'
জিনিস jinisthingجنس jins "type, sex"
তারিখ tarikhdateتاريخ tārīkh "history, date"
দুনিয়া duniyaworldدﻧﯿـا dunya
নকল nôkôlfakeنقل naql
ফকির fôkirpoor personفقير faqīr
বদল bôdôlexchangeبدل badl
বাকী bakiremainingبقي baqīy
সাহেব sahebsirصاحب ṣāḥib "friend"
হিসেব hisebcalculationحساب ḥisāb

The people who utter the flowing Farshi are Iranina Mulla agents & fanatics..

WordMeaningOriginal form
আওয়াজ aoajsoundآواز āvāz
আন্দাজ andajguessاندازه andāzah "measure"
আয়না aynamirrorآینه āynah
আরাম aramcomfortآرام ārām
আস্তে asteslowly, softlyآهسته āhistah "slowly"
কাগজ kagôjpaperكاغذ kāghaz
খারাপ kharapbadخراب xarāb
খোদা khodagodخدا xoda
খুব khubveryخوب xūb "good"
গরম gôrômhotگرم garm
চশমা chôshmaglassesچشم chashm "eye"
চাকুরি chakurijobچاکر chākar
চাদর chadôrblanketچادر chādur
জান jandearجان jān
জায়গা jaygaplaceجايگاه jāegāh

The people who utter the below worlds are definitely the western agents and 'burjua' capitalist imperialists
WordOriginal form
অফিস ôfisoffice
জেল jeljail
ডাক্তার ḍaktardoctor
পুলিশ pulishpolice
ব্যাংক bêngkbank
ভোট bhoṭvote
ইস্কুল iskul
স্কুল skul
হাস্পাতাল haspatalhospital (from French word Ho-pi-ta)
কাপ kapcup
গ্লাস glasglass
চেয়ার cheyarchair
টেবিল ṭebiltable
বাক্স baksôbox

 Apparently there is not limit to stupidity when it comes to 'tottho-baba' Shajeeb. This clown is also a PrimeMurderer Hayena's  tottho adviser...what an standard of a cabinet!!

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Posted by: Subimal Chakrabarty <>

Mukto Mona plans for a Grand Darwin Day Celebration: 
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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
