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Friday, October 10, 2014

[mukto-mona] RE: {PFC-Friends} The Minister's remarks on Haj

Thanks for your nice compliment Mr. Rahman.

We shall overcome some day...

Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 17:25:08 +0100
Subject: Re: {PFC-Friends} The Minister's remarks on Haj

Thank you for your illuminating and interesting write-up. This is a clear testament to free thinking among, at least, some of the Muslims. The vast majority of Muslims are locked in a closed religious box (metaphorically speaking) and hence cannot see anything beyond the divine hands directing their lives. For them, the Quran is the source of all knowledge on earth! It is a sad reflection of the Muslim society indeed.

- Anis Rahman 

From: Jamal Hasan <>

Sent: Friday, 10 October 2014, 16:08
Subject: RE: {PFC-Friends} The Minister's remarks on Haj

Here is an old article of mine written a decade ago:

Shifting faith and mutated beliefs -  A case for humanizing Islam

News from Bangladesh 

Shifting faith and mutated beliefs
A case for humanizing Islam

By Jamal Hasan
Man's spiritual need dates back to thousands of years. A quest for Divine Existence was part and parcel of the man who learned first how to forage and later to grow crops, spin fiber and make clothes and build habitats. From Mayans and Incas in the American continents to the old Greeks and Romans in the European theater, we may see there is a significant trend in fulfilling human thirst for spiritual solace. But, one thing we can conclusively say that nothing of a God-related belief system stayed permanent. Idea of God and Divinity was as transitory as flow of water on a meandering river bed. Due to invasion of superior mighty forces or because of natural calamities many faiths and Divine-related belief system have been extinguished. In some cases, they vanished without any trace; in other circumstances, they left some indelible marks on the newer faiths. 
Most religions in the contemporary world have structurally based upon supernatural or unseen phenomenon. Mysticism could be their main essence. In the yesteryear, many mysteries remained shrouded under the cloak of faith-based dogma. Therefore, we cannot blame our ancestors altogether for their ignorance. They did not have the knowledge nor did they have the scientific tools to find the answers to many bewildering questions. A case in point would be a meteorite that fell from the sky say three thousand years ago. How a common man would perceive that "mystical" occurrence? Would the imagination be too farfetched if some religionists consider it a Godly phenomenon manifested from the heaven? Should we blame the common practitioner if they started to worship the "sacred stone" for many years to come? Similarly, how much man was aware of the galaxies, Milky Way and Quasar stars thousands of years ago? Should they be ostracized if earth was perceived to be the center of the whole universe?
Let us now turn our focus to the genesis of the three monotheistic religions capturing the center stage of this planet that have common roots. The Ten Commandments was the cornerstone of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Christianity's spread to the European continent was such a monumental development whose impact can be felt even today. It is true that Christianity in Europe got more of a European face. But the Church centered Christianity entered into a territory where freethinking and scientific quest were blooming. Galileo and Copernicus's epoch making theories pushed the religion to a collision path with scientific discovery. Millions of earthlings believed about the "Center of the Universe" theory that went in coherence with Church's central dogma. But those "troublemakers" shattered the age-old belief system. Ultimately, the Science won at the cost of those bold new thinkers. However, this cannot be said of middle eastern-based religion Islam, which until this day could not get rid of ancient folklore that runs contrary to sound scientific principles.
The showdown between rational thinkers and arch conservative Christians in Europe that I mentioned earlier gave birth to Protestant Movement that essentially made Christianity more of a tolerant religion. The release of Church's control on state machinery gave the freethinkers and scientists the last hurrah. At long last nobody had to get an approval from a man in robe to involve into fundamental research. That includes those researches which could be controversial in the eyes of the Cross.
Turning to modern day, we now see that America is an important test case where Christianity has been metamorphosing on a liberal plateau. The other day, the Presbyterian Church in USA has given the majority verdict for homosexual conjugal union. Whatever is written in the Bible is becoming less significant. Nevertheless, most Americans believe in divine existence. Many of them even go to Church, occasionally. But a careful scrutiny can disclose that the belief system is not remaining static as the time goes by. 
How the Americans view the Bible could be an interesting case in point. A recent Washington Post article on American religions depicted that the common Americans are casual as far as religious practices are concerned. Some even endeavor to "domesticate" the God. 
Out of curiosity, I asked three of my coworkers about their view on the Bible. One of them is white and Roman Catholic, the other two are African-Americans and one of those again goes to a Baptist Church. All three have shown their skepticism about the authenticity of the Bible as documentation of pure words of the Divine. One even commented that in those days there were no tape recorders, how can we be so sure that God's discourse was recorded in its entirety. Another coworker emphasized on the tampering of the Bible as he mentioned King James's role in this regard. Although those three Americans may not be the representative of entire America, I thought people could still be religious without any blind faith and without any absolutist dogma. I felt this could be an indication that there is a way to believe in Divine existence without becoming a fanatic. The Bible's history has given the anthropologists and secular historians enough food for thought. Conversely, Islam's sacred text was out of any historical scrutiny. The dramatic finding of a possible earlier version of the Qur'an in Yemen could have been an earth shattering incidence. If the scholars can prove that there was modification in Qur'an in course of time, many traditional Islamic clergies may go berserk. But the logical conclusion of a history related to any text may not be detrimental to greater humanity.
Martin Luther's role in translating the Bible in German, which unquestionably humanized the Christian Holy Book, was the first major effort of bringing the enigmatic God word into the households of the billions of commoners. That broke the deliberate mystification of sacred texts by the religious power brokers. As the Bible was becoming a popular literature, its fate also began to change. The book which was shrouded under mystery came under microscopic scrutiny by secular historians and anthropologists. Compared to Bible, Qur'an's situation has not changed drastically. Most of the non-Arabic speaking Muslims (who comprise the most of the Islamic faith) do not have enough comprehension about the Divine oddity.
Among the branches of Christianity, Roman Catholicism is assumed to be a conservative one. A study of American Roman Catholics showed that majority of them does not follow the Vatican dictum in toto. It made the Pope unhappy, nonetheless, what can he do? He is following a pragmatic "give and take" policy. Pope's political statements sometimes raise many eyebrows. His historical comment to apologize for all the atrocity and injustices perpetrated on the people of other faiths is quite astounding. This is another example of further liberalization of the Christian sector. Can any one dream the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia apologizing to the mankind for the ethnic cleansing of the Jews in the Holy land occurred thousand years ago? One solitary person wrote about the extermination of Jews during our prophet's time in a recent article in letters to the editor column in Peshawar's Frontier Post in the last week of January 2001. We know what happened then. Islamic countries are eons away from Christendom as far as liberalization of the religion is concerned. Are Islamic beliefs immutable? How long will it resist probing from within? I have no glib answer to that. But one thing I could add here is that what Christians did earlier to humanize the religion, more freethinkers from Islamic world would probe the built-in inanities in Islam. Who knows what will happen then. The bottom line is that we have to humanize Islam through probing as it has been done in Christianity. How far is this Islamic Glasnost?


Indeed interesting and very courageous.

Subject: RE: {PFC-Friends} The Minister's remarks on Haj
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 14:39:53 +0000

An interesting piece written by Pakistani-Canadian writer and activist Ali A. Rizvi.


Subject: RE: {PFC-Friends} The Minister's remarks on Haj
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 08:44:34 -0400

Mr.anisur Rahman,s Cardinal error quote "without fear whatever he wants to say" .no in any society even here in the west you cannot say "whatever". Let him say whatever n see where he lands in USA,UK,CANADA.

Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 17:54:25 -0400
Subject: {PFC-Friends} The Minister's remarks on Haj

Anis - I fully agree with you that everyone has the right to free speech and educated individuals should not be turning into a lynch mob over a Minister's offensive remarks. Calling for imprisonment, hanging and invoking non-existent blasphemy laws over a person's opinions are way over the top.  I do hope BD does not have the kind of blasphemy laws that exist in Pakistan.

That being said, in a democracy it is also fair to ask for the Minister's resignation when people disagree with his policies or if he makes racist or sexist remarks. That happens in the West too.  As such politicians need to be a little more circumspect about the remarks they make in public.  In my opinion he was committing political suicide by questioning Haj at a time when there is enough opposition to secularism already in BD.  Therefore the PM would be justified in accepting his resignation.   

I would have preferred to hear him say that people should not be going into debt to perform Haj or that we should not be going for Haj until the Kaaba is liberated from Wahabis or until Saudi Arabia treats Bangladeshis with respect or until women are just as free to perform Haj without an escort as men - but that is my personal bias :).  Given the human rights abuses of Bangladeshis in Saudi Arabia, the Minister would have been perfectly justified in asking whether Bangladeshis should be performing Haj under the Saudi government which does not respect their human rights. Freeing holy places from oppressive regimes is part of jihad too.  The problem is that the Minister made public remarks suggesting Haj is a waste of time and money - that is unacceptable and offensive to practicing Muslims.  

Perhaps others may correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that Muslims believe the Kaaba was built by Abraham.  However, over the years it was being used by the Quraish to worship idols.  The Prophet removed these idols after the fall of Makkah.  Haj therefore is a Muslim tradition as it is practiced today.  You are absolutely correct that it has economic implications and is a major source of revenue for the Saudi government after oil.

Just my two cents.

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 4:18 PM, ANISUR RAHMAN <> wrote:
Dear Ahrar,

Despite the fact that the string of emails shown below is private between you and Mr Serajul Islam, but because they are being exchanged in the public forum through mukto-mona (where I write regularly as a blogger), I am taking the liberty to comment on this issue.

First of all, I must say that I am appalled and ashamed, like any one else, by the deceitful fabrication of facts by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO). The Dhaka Tribune's report that Ban Ki-moon showered praises on Hasina is a total fabrication. There was not a single official statement from the UN Secretary General Office where he had even mentioned the name 'Sheikh Hasina', let alone showering any praise for her. (If there was any praise that Hasina recollects, it must have been her private meeting with the UN Secretary General and the UN Secretary General is reluctant or ashamed to disclose). 

If you search the UN website, you will find that over the whole of 2014 until now (from January 1 to 30 September 2014) the UN Secretary General only issued one speech related to Bangladesh - 40th anniversary of Bangladesh's membership of the UN. The link is given below for anybody to peruse. In that speech, Ban Ki-moon had not mentioned, not even once, the name 'Sheikh Hasina'. So how could he have praised her? 

We want Bangladesh to be praised, to be shown as a shining example. But claiming praise, when there was none, is disgraceful and shameful. 

I also agree with you that this attitude of exaggeration of importance is our national character. I remember after last year's UN General Assembly meeting when Hasina returned to Bangladesh, the government newspapers flashed: "Hasina's triumphant return to the country". It was, as if, Hasina went to New York, fought a vicious battle with world leaders, had them all flatted and now returning triumphantly to the country! This is all, as you said, from implicit feeling of inferiority and low estimation and wants to show to the general public her inflated status and standing at the world scene. 

However, I can't accept that this attitude has anything to do with the legitimacy of the last election. Last year around this time, she returned "triumphantly" from New York and her previous election was entirely legitimate. Even I would say that the last election was not all that illegitimate. The other party (BNP) did not come to the election and behaved most undemocratic and thuggish way - burning national assets, killing people, destroying national economy etc. Whoever won the election, despite all these things, has the right to run the country for the full term.

By the way, I published today the write-up on "What happened to 'freedom of speech?'" in I am not supporting ALS nor am I condoning his viewpoint, but I am defending his right to say, without fear or favour, whatever he wants to say. That is his democratic right. The link is:

- Anis bhai

From: "Mohammad Serajul Islam [mukto-mona]" <>
Cc: Mohiuddin Anwar <>; "" <>; "" <>; golam akhter <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, 6 October 2014, 2:43
Subject: [mukto-mona] Re: {PFC-Friends} How Photo Session became very important meeting between UN Secy. Gen. and Sheikh Hasina, Please read the article


I did not discuss the moral ambiguities but that does not mean I am not concerned about it as much as you are. I agree with what you called political tradition having worked with the government of Bangladesh in terms of exaggerations of such issues to make the powers that be happy. But I must underline that no past government has distorted outcome of  meetings at the highest levels and have been rebutted the way it has happened with the President's meeting with the US Secretary-General, and the Prime Minister's meetings with the British Prime Minister and the UN Secretary General. In fact, i would like to stand corrected but as far as my  information goes,  no government anywhere has been  contradicted and embarrassed the way our government has been in the past couple of months for distorting its version of a highest level meetings.  

 This is why I was trying to figure why would our side give out such distorted statements where simple common sense should have told them that the statements would be contradicted. This is  also why i concluded tentatively as I cannot prove it that those working by the Prime Minister's side are worried about the pressure on the government on the issue of legitimacy and made these statements to make the Prime Minister happy. Still, i am flabbergasted how they could think that they could both make the Prime Minster and  hope at the same time, the hosts would not see the blatant distortions.This is not simple sycophancy  which is of course the main reason for the distortions but stupidity at its worst. 

This I would like to differ with you  Ahrar that this is not part of our political tradition that you have suggested. When we worked in government, we faced even greater pressure from the military dictator HM Ershad. But we never thought that we could make distorted statements of his meetings with foreign leaders to make him happy. You know too well how he craved for recognition from foreign leaders  and governments for domestic reasons because he too suffered from the issue of legitimacy for his government. Nevertheless, we never even thought this was possible. We were not stupid or insane although under greater pressure from HM Ershad to please him that those serving the present Prime Minister are not, although under pressure they are.

Best wishes.

Shabuj Bhai

On Oct 5, 2014, at 9:12 PM, Ahmad, Ahrar <> wrote:

Sabuj bhai:
I am as appalled, and perhaps as embarrassed, as you are regarding the routine exaggerations and distortions emanating from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).  But this tendency to make it appear that we are more important than we are, and to make something which is not, is firmly embedded in our habits of thought and behavior.  On top of this is the shameful tendency that we demonstrate in trying to prove our closeness to FOREIGN personalities.  It reflects our deep-rooted inferiority complex and our frantic need to seek external validation.
You seem to be arguing that this practice is being driven by the desperation to seek legitimacy at home, and an acknowledgement of the anxieties surrounding the Jan 5 electoral fiasco.  I tend to think that this is not unusual, and AL would have done exactly the same if the elections had been less controversial.  In other words, you are reading political weakness into this behavior, I am concerned about the moral ambiguities that define our political tradition.
I share your outrage, but not your conclusion.
From: [] On Behalf Of Mohammad Serajul Islam
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2014 10:06 AM
Cc: Mohiuddin Anwar;;; golam akhter;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: {PFC-Friends} How Photo Session became very important meeting between UN Secy. Gen. and Sheikh Hasina, Please read the article
One has to ponder why would  this government be indulging  in this game of distortion meetings of the Prime Minister and President with world leaders. First, the meeting of the President with the US Secretary General was distorted. The UN Secretary General's office then issued a statement nailing the lie that humiliated the President and the country. UN Secretary General's office never in the past did anything like this. Then the Foreign Minister distorted the meeting of the Prime Minister with David Cameron that a statement from No 10 Downing Street nailed as another lie. Now this distortion of the photo session between the US Secretary General and the Prime Minister that has again been nailed by the SG's office. Thus  a pattern is emerging of lies and distortions by those at the highest level of this government of meetings of the Prime Minister/President with foreign dignitaries. This is  extremely humiliating for every citizen of the country, irrespective of party affiliations because it demeans  Bangladesh. This also underlines that its show on impunity notwithstanding, the government is nervous and shaking inside on the issues of the January 5 elections and its legitimacy. It is desperately seeking legitimacy. 
On Oct 5, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Mohiuddin Anwar <> wrote:

হাসিনা-মুন বৈঠক ছিল ফটোসেশন মাত্র!

ডেস্ক রিপোর্ট
জাতিসংঘ মহাসচিব বান কি-মুনের সঙ্গে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার বৈঠক ছিল ফটোসেশন মাত্র।রেকর্ডভুক্ত কিছু নয়।  নিয়ে দেশের দৈনিক মানবজমিন- প্রকাশিত রিপোর্ট ঘিরে এমন তথ্যই উঠেএসেছে।
জাতিসংঘ সাধারণ পরিষদের (ইউএনজিএ) ৬৯তম অধিবেশনের সাইডলাইনে জাতিসংঘ মহাসচিবের সঙ্গেপ্রধানমন্ত্রীর বৈঠক নিয়ে ফলাও প্রচার চালায় সরকার। জাতিসংঘ মহাসচিব বৈঠকে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ভূয়সীপ্রশংসা করেন এবং সমর্থন দিয়ে যাওয়া কথা জানান বলেও দাবি করে সরকার।
কিন্তু এটা কোনো শিউডিউল বৈঠক ছিল না বলে রিপোর্ট প্রকাশ করে মানবজমিন। আর তাত্ক্ষণিক এরপ্রতিবাদ জানিয়েছে নিউইয়র্কস্থ বাংলাদেশের স্থায়ী মিশন। মিশনের পক্ষ থেকে বলা হয়, রিপোর্টটি মিথ্যা,বিভ্রান্তিকর  উদ্দেশ্যপ্রণোদিত।
মানবজমিন দাবি করে, কাউসার মুমিনের রিপোর্টটি ছিল তথ্যনির্ভর। জাতিসংঘের কর্মকর্তাদের বরাত দিয়েএই রিপোর্টটি তৈরি করা হয়।
জাতিসংঘের ডেপুটি মুখপাত্র ফারহান হক এক -মেইল বার্তায় জানান, হ্যায় মি. কাউসার, এটা ছিলফটোসেশন মাত্র। রেকর্ডভুক্ত কিছু না।
কাউসার মুমিন জানতে চেয়েছিলেন, মহাসচিবের সঙ্গে বৈঠকে কি আলোচনা হয়েছে। এর বিস্তারিতপাওয়া যাবে কিনা? এর জবাবেই ফারহান হক এই তথ্য দেন।
এখানেই শেষ নয়, জাতিসংঘের স্ট্র্যাটেজিক কমিউনিকেশনস অ্যান্ড পাবলিক অ্যাফেয়ার্স বিষয়ক সিনিয়রঅফিসার হোজে ল্যুইজ ডিয়াজ অপর এক -মেইল বার্তায় এটা নিশ্চিত করেন যে, মহাসচিবের সঙ্গেসাক্ষািট ছিল আলোকচিত্র তোলার সুযোগ সংবলিত একটি সাক্ষাত্। সেখানে কোনো বিবৃতি পাঠ করাহয়নি।
শুক্রবার জাতিসংঘ সফর নিয়ে সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এক প্রশ্নের জবাবে শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, 'বিরোধী রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে আলোচনার কথা জাতিসংঘ মহাসচিব এবার বলেননি। সম্ভবত তিনি কোনোসমস্যা দেখছেন না। আগে তো আমরা আগ বাড়িয়ে শুনেছি, এবার তেমন হয়নি।'
প্রসঙ্গত, এর আগে জাতিসংঘ মহাসচিবের সঙ্গে রাষ্ট্রপতি আবদুল হামিদের বৈঠক নিয়েও সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে তথ্য বিকৃতির অভিযোগ উঠে।
এছাড়া প্রধানমন্ত্রীর সঙ্গে যুক্তরাজ্যের প্রধানমন্ত্রী ডেভিড ক্যামেরনের বৈঠকের আলোচ্য বিষয় নিয়েও একই কেলেঙ্কারির জন্ম দিয়েছিল সরকার।

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Posted by: Jamal Hasan <>

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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
