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Thursday, September 18, 2014

[mukto-mona] Re: {PFC-Friends} Re: [Dahuk]: Invitation of Secular Conferene in Patna--confusion about reality of secularism

"Secularism is a principle that involves two basic propositions. The first is the strict separation of the state from religious institutions. The second is that people of different religions and beliefs are equal before the law. Separation of religion from state."

People can play with the definitions but this what Secularism should really mean from its empirical experience. How this is practiced in different countries, that is another matter. A true democracy requires a true secularism hand in hand, period! No country is perfect but some are better than others. As far as I know, a Muslim dominated country would never allow a non-Muslim to be the figure head of the state or PM of the country. Is that problem? Probably not as long as the people with the same attitude would not demand the similar civil rights for their clans in a foreign society. That would constitute a grand hypocrisy. It is like, I would love to enjoy full citizenship rights in your country but I would not let you have the same rights in my village where my daddy rules.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Ali Shaheen <> wrote:
Mahbub - does PFC Friends have a code of conduct and a process for dealing with members who use abusive language and engage in personal attacks? It is easy to take pot shots at people when we don't like something they say, but if we want to have an intellectual debate, or express anything of substance, then we need to commit to engaging in civil discourse.  Human rights and civil rights are about respect after all even with those we disagree - if we cannot practice it in this forum then nice sounding words in any constitution become meaningless.  I am concerned that some people are deciding to leave and as a group we need to address this issue.

Also, Mahbub could you please clarify for us whether it would be possible for a Christian or Hindu or Buddhist or atheist to become PM or Head of State in an Islamic State? Would Ahmedis or Ismailis be considered Muslim with equal rights?   Would women be able to demand by law the same rights as men with respect to employment, inheritance, child custody, divorce and all rights that men enjoy?  Or would an Islamic State attempt to exercise various controls over more than half its population that would not apply to Muslim men? I am not sure how one can assume that people are equal under the law despite this kind of discrimination, unless one is only referring to criminal law.  Oh wait - I think even under criminal law, in an Islamic State one can literally get away with murder by paying blood money.  A nice perk for the wealthy.  I can certainly understand why some people would want them.

We probably need to learn more about secularism and democracy as it is practiced in different countries and I wish Muslims in India would get involved with the secularism conference, learn what their rights are and demand them under India`s constitution or organize to change the constitution.   I do know that the British don't have the Electoral College system or Super Pacs so I would suggest that their democracy is not the same as American democracy either though we all got our system of government from the British.  And if people don`t understand what secularism means, should we not learn even more about it before rejecting it?  Knowledge is power after all!

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 6:16 PM, rashed Anam <> wrote:
According to the Marriam Wbster dictionaly Secularism word means :  "indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations"

Man with that broad definition one can drive the whole tank through it.  Empowered with such broad definition France/Switzerland banned wearing hejab in public places (not only govt but public places), prayer in govt places etc (impinging on his/her religious freedom), and banned building minarat in their mosque/did not ban church (pure case of discrimination and religious persecution)

If we follow the above definition, Bangladesh violated constitutions many times every time it passed any laws that had religious elements as the driving concerns such as Islamic Foundation, Baitul Mukarkam, Friday weekly holiday as opposed to Saturday, Ramadan closure of schools, religious holidays such as Eid/Puja/Purnima, banning of sale of alcohol, pork publicly any govt program/scholarships/quota for religious minorities etc.      

It's easy for state/politicians to abuse the broad vehicle of 'Secularism' to oppress religious freedom (be it Islam/Chistianity/Hinduism).

Another dictionary says " the belief that religion should not be involved with the ordinary social and political activities of a country"

This one will bar any social activities that have any religious elements such as wearing hejab or wearing tilok in the forehead in any social gathering.  By religion I am not meaning Islam only..I mean Hindu/ christian all ...Hate-mongers likes Mr Deeldar should take notice. 

We have to remember that the whole concept of religious/politics/state affair interaction are for two reasons:
1) To Ensure people have religious freedom and the omnipotent govt not impinge on their freedom.
2) To Ensure all people have equal rights, be it religious minority/majority, ethnic minority/majority. 

(IN USA, the separation of Church & State originated out of concern of religious freedom & govt oppression of religion)

So long the above are met by specific laws (i.e anti discrimination, equal protection/rights act), what's the big fuss?

The 'secularism' only addresses religious dimension of it. But the most discrimination emanate from ethnic/racial disparities. How about economic disparities/discrimination? Do we have to have constitution article for each categories? 


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Posted by: Shah DeEldar <>

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               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
