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Friday, July 1, 2016

Re: [mukto-mona] Fw: Nigel Farage gives speech at European Parliament, causes total chaos

There are lots of people abroad and many more in this country (e.g. Britain) who are just swayed by tabloid newspapers and TV outlets (mainly of Rupert Murdoch variety) that Britain's exit is a good thing. Let me describe briefly the fundamental principles of the EU before discounting the gross misconception and misunderstanding harboured by people not living in the UK. 

The EU was conceived shortly after the end of WWII on three fundamental principles: (i) to create a forum where previously warring nations can come together, discuss and solve problems on mutual understanding and compromise. This way the seed of antagonism which led the world to wars can be avoided, (ii) there should be a mechanism whereby richer countries would contribute and help poorer countries in Europe. That can be done by opening up the markets of all the member countries. That is why the Common Market was instituted, (iii) the people from one country can go to another country - called the free movement of labour. That movement is going to be dictated by economic conditions, not political conditions. For example, a country may be booming economically with labour shortage and another country may be in recession with large unemployment. If free migration of labour is allowed, that would be beneficial to both the countries. Sometime in future, just the reverse situation may develop and hence migration of labour could be in the reverse direction.

All of these principles have economic, social, political and military benefits. But it requires one very basic and fundamental thing - compromise. Compromise in so-called national sovereignty, compromise in sharing each others fortunes; compromise in each others economic activities etc. 

Now blatant nationalists and "little Englanders" consider this compromise to work together as "the loss of national sovereignty", which is totally unacceptable They say, England ruled the waves, England had more than half the world under its control (as the colony) where sun never set and England won two world wars and now, how can England sit together with the defeated parties as equal? England must exert its superior power and regain the lost control of the 18th/19th centuries. (I wrote an article where I compared this attitude of the "little Englanders" with the ISIS/ISIL, where ISIL wants to go back to the "golden age of Islam" by dragging Muslim world to those times). 

Nigel Farage's bigotry and hatred against immigrants is not limited to European immigrants only, although at the moment that is the main target, but against all immigrants - black, white, brown, yellow etc. In fact, his policy is just a modified version of Nazi racial policy. The working class of the indigenous white population had an undercurrent of racial prejudice and Nigel Farage had been stoking them up.

On the other hand, Boris/Gove and other right wing Tory politicians had used this EU Referendum to grab control of the Tory Party by using this racial prejudice. They tried economic argument but they failed miserably. All economic institutions - IMF, World Bank, OECD, BoE, IFS and so forth stated quite clearly that Britain's withdrawal will have grave economic consequences. So the Leave group resorted to total lies and deceit on immigration. They said: Turkey is shortly joining the EU - a total lie; to meet the accession conditions Turkey will require at least 50 or more years (if at all). They also said that after Turkey joins, 80 million migrants will come to Britain - it is as if the whole of Turkey's population will be coming to Britain. They also said: £350 million per week is Britain's contribution to the EU and if Britain leaves, this amount will be saved and spent on the NHS. They lied most despicably: over £100 million per week is given back by the EU as subsidies to British farmers, help in developing economically depressed areas etc. Other amounts come back as research grants to universities, students who go to study in European universities and European research institutions such as European Space Research, CERN etc. 

Nigel Farage took the racist line on the basis of 80 million Turks coming and Boris/Gove took the line that Britain will be flourishing after the withdrawal and NHS funding problems will be solved with £350 million per week extra funding! The common people took their bait and voted in droves for them. After the victory, Boris realised that they have no chance in hell to meet all the promises they made based on lies. Boris is now not even contesting to become the PM, because he knows that he lied through the teeth and people will tear him apart when he destroys the livelihood of the common people; when they lose jobs in thousands and hundreds of thousands. Those toffs will be living in comforts, but the poor illiterate or semi-literate people who fell for their lies will pay a very heavy price.  

It is not only the common people who had been bluffed, but there are many "supposedly educated" people at home and abroad who had been brainwashed by these people. To them these lies have become real, vivid and truth; exactly as Jihadists think that by killing infidels they will go to heaven and live happily ever after.

- AR 

On Friday, 1 July 2016, 0:55, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

You are right, Deeldar, Brits have spoken.
One of the major issues in this referendum was the hefty membership costs Britain has to bear to maintain this social EU-club, which is under the control of the German Chancellor. Even then, Germany is screwed up under the EU. Germany has been weaker economically, and people of this country lost security under EU. As you know, when socialist Greece became bankrupt, EU, especially Germany, had to put up the bills for the bail out.
If you think impartially about this union, you will realize that – stronger European countries have become economically weaker and lost security under the EU.
Only relatively weaker countries  may have benefitted from the cooperative union,  but UK gets nothing much out of this union, except millions of unwanted uncontrolled visitors, who won't assimilate into the society, but possess the intention of occupying that tinny island someday.
Brits, lately, realized that country is in a suicidal track, and, started the movement to break away from the union to take control of their country. This movement is essentially against uncontrolled immigration and economic constraints under the union; Brits want their country back; can we blame them?
Also, does it matter what we, the immigrants, feel about this movement or their leader. As you see, even in this forum, immigrants are trying to paint Nigel as the buffoon, monster, crazy, etc., etc., but the fact is - Nigel is the victorious leader of the majority Brits, and, that's what counts for now.
I understand, referendum is not a legal binding, and Labor Party liberals are trying to sabotage this referendum. Only time will tell where UK end up being.  
Jiten Roy

From: "Shah Deeldar [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Fw: Nigel Farage gives speech at European Parliament, causes total chaos

Look, Brits have spoken and they want to be out of EU. Why this is bad for Brits? Farage might be a bad guy but Brexit was not about Conservatives vs. Labor. Did not Cameron want to stay? Does it make him a good guy? But, Boris is obviously the evil? Is that issue so black and white? Some labor MPs wanted to get out too. Are they equally bad as Farage? I am not sure about that.
The problem with EU is that it has become a political union with pure German hegemony where Brits have been playing a second fiddle with no real power but contributing a good amount cash towards EU's coffer. Dr. Rahman took a very one sided view.
If Farage like people want to preserve their Britishness in their own country, can we really blame them?

On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 7:09 PM, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

Dr. Rahman, have you lost your mind?  How did you come to the conclusion that I know nothing about the Brexit?
Do you think only people, who live there, should know about Brexit? Are you that ignoramus? Haven't you heard about 24/7 news outlets, which can disseminate real-time news instantly throughout world?
Let's see, I know that majority of Brits supported Nigel Farage, who led the Brexit referendum to a victory. I also know, you opposed Brexit, and fearful that majority of Brits are waking up to the fact that they do not like what they see around them, and they want change. They want to take charge of their country from the spoiled liberal Brits, who want wide open border for neo-immigrants, unwilling to assimilate in the society. Being a sore loser, you are fuming with anger now. And, you are fearful of the breakup of status quo, which facilitated people of your kind to squander the land. Shall I say more…..? So, you see, even from abroad, I know much more about Brexit than you. Shame on you!
Jiten Roy

From: "ANISUR RAHMAN [mukto-mona]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Fw: Nigel Farage gives speech at European Parliament, causes total chaos

Jiten Roy's sympathy, indeed support, for Nigel Farage is highly deplorable and despicable. Nigel Farage is a hated figure in the UK for his racist views. Jiten Roy's support for Nigel Farage is predicable, as he also supports Donald Trump and the American NRA. I wonder whether Jiten Roy is also a KKK supporter. Probably not, as his dark skin would not allow him to sit or mix with the KKK white skin humans. So my question is, is Jiten Roy trying to dye his skin to join the KKK?

Besides Jiten Roy's bigotted views, his ignorance is boundless. He makes comments about something with zero knowledge. Could he explain, on what basis did he assert that UK was exploited by the EU? Was he taking lessons from Nigel Farage? Also why does he write 'so called EU'? Is he not aware that EU is real? Is 'so-called Jiten Roy' a human being? Making assertion on an issue without knowing anything makes that person totally imbecile and stupid.

- Dr A Rahman  

On Tuesday, 28 June 2016, 23:08, "Jiten Roy [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Jiten Roy included below]

Listen to what Nigel Farage is saying to the EU Parliament members; his reactions tell, it all, how UK has been exploited by EU over the years. This you won't know by reading headlines and articles in the liberal media, which are too busy predicting doom and gloom for UK, and already mourning the demise of UK, as you know.
As I understand – UK was alone before the so called EU, and survived just fine. Not only that, UK ruled the entire world once upon a time. So, in my view, this is nothing but a temporary set-back for the economy in UK, and yes, there will be hardship and sacrifice ahead, which is always the case after a status-quo is broken. There is a born again for UK, and there is a price for every gain.
Jiten Roy
Nigel Farage gives speech at European Parliament, causes total chaos
Mashable 6 hours ago
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·         Tweet Farage has taken the European Parliament by the storm after the Brexit vote.  The anti-EU Ukip leader, also a prominent campaigner in the Leave movement, had a chance to speak his mind after Britain decided to withdraw from the union. SEE ALSO: The Queen's answer to how she's doing is the understatement of the year He showed up at an emergency session of the European Parliament with a Union Jack flag: As European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker said Europe "must respect British democracy and the way it has expressed its view" in his opening statement, Farage started applauding.  "That's the last time you are applauding here," Juncker replied. "To some extent I am really surprised ...


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Posted by: ANISUR RAHMAN <>

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