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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Re: [mukto-mona] Re: Shafi of Hefojat Islam - contradicting tradition

ফরিদার কারাতে নাতনিকে পরার্মশ দিয়েছিলাম, তার দিদার জন্য কিছু করতে যাতে তার মাথা ঠিকানায় আসে। মনে হয় তার সে সুযোগ হয়নি। তাইত ফরিদা বিবি কেবল আবোল তাবোল বলেই যাচ্ছে। এখন সে সেক্যুলারিজমের নতুন সংজ্ঞা ও তত্ত্ব নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছে। ফরিদা সংজ্ঞাটি কোন ডিকশেনারী বা রাজনীতি বিজ্ঞান থেকে উদৃতি করেছেন, জানালে উপকৃত হব। 

"নাস্তিক্যবাদও" নাকি  একটি ধর্ম। ভালো কথা। হয়তো কয়দিন পর শুনব, খুনাখুনি, মারামারি, গালাগালি, ব্যাভিচারী, চুরি ডাকাতি, যাচ্ছেতাই জীবন যাপন, এসব কিছুই ধর্মের আওতায় পড়ে। তাদেরও স্বধীনতা থাকতে হবে । বলার কিছু থাকবে না। 

শব্দ হিসাবে "সেক্যুলারিজম" খারাপ নয়।  তবে এসব "বাদ" গুলোকে কি হিসাবে, কোন অর্থে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে সেটাই দেখার বিষয়। একটি মুসলিম দেশে রাষ্ট্রীয় ধর্ম "ইসলাম" হওয়াটাই স্বাভাবিক, "বিসমিল্লাহ" দিয়ে শাসনতন্ত্র হওয়া কোনো অন্যায়ের কিছু নয়। তবুও, তথাকথিত সেক্যুলার দের এতো মাথা ব্যাথা কেন, ঘুম নিন্দ্রা হারাম কেন ? তাদের নিজস্ব মতবাদে কি কেউ বাধা দিয়েছে? তাদেরকে কি কেউ জোর করে কলমা পোড়াচ্ছে, বা বিসমিল্লাহ বলতে বাধ্য করছে ? 

কিন্তু কথা হলো, বাংলাদেশে সেক্যুলারিজমের অর্থ কি দাঁড়াচ্ছে। গরু জবাই করা যাবেনা। পাবলিক স্থানে বা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ক্যান্টিনে বা হোস্টেলে গরুর মাংস পাক করা যাবে না। মসজিদে ইনু-বাদল-মেনন-মামুন কৃত খুৎবা পড়াতে হবে। মাইক দিয়ে আজান, ওয়াজ, ইসলামিক কর্মকান্ড প্রচার  করা যাবেনা, তাতে নাকি বায়ু দোষণীয় হচ্ছে। অথচ ঢোল কাড়া , কাঁসা, ধূপে কোনো আপত্তি নেই। দাঁড়ি টুপি, বোরকা, হিজাব, ঘোমটা অশোভন, অসামাজিক, এসব নাকি সন্ত্রাসের চিহ্ন। অথচ টিপ্, উলুধনি, মঙ্গোল শোভাযাত্রার নামে বেলেল্লাপনা, এমনকি স্থানবিশেষে উলঙ্গ, অর্ধউলঙ্গ নৃত্য জায়েজ আছে। একজন মহিলাতো একবার পাবলিকলি বলেই দিয়েছেন যে মহিলার ঘোমটা পড়তে পারবেনা। ৯০ শতাংশ মুসলমানের দেশে এর চাইতে অধিক সেক্যুলারিজমের প্রদশন আর কি আছে ? পার্শবর্তী দেশ সেক্যুলার ভারতের দিকে তাকালে একই নমুনা।

বাংলাদেশে সেক্যুলারিজমের নামে চলছে নব্য অপার্থেইড, মিনোরিটির নব্য সন্ত্রাস। এর শেষ হতে হবে।  

From: Farida Majid <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 10:11 AM
To: Shah Deeldar;; Bangladesh-progressives Googlegroups; ANISUR RAHMAN; Pfc
Cc: Jalal Uddin Khan; Rezaul Karim; Mohammad Aleem; Javed Helali; Rashed Anam; Nuran Nabi; Khoniker Othithee; Quazi Haque; Post Card; zainul abedin; Outlook Team; Pfc; Quazi Nuru; Chowdhury, Shamim; Dr. M. Mohsin Ali; Ranu Chowdhury
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Re: Shafi of Hefojat Islam - contradicting tradition


সেক্যুলারিজমের নতুন সংজ্ঞা হচ্ছে সকল ধর্ম, সকল সম্প্রদায় ও সকল মতবাদের প্রতি সম্মান প্রদর্শন করা। কারণ প্রতিটি ধর্ম ও মতবাদের অনুসারী মানুষ আছে। এই সংজ্ঞা না মানলে "সবার উপরে মানুষ সত্য" প্রতিষ্ঠা করা যাবে না। নাস্তিক্যবাদও একটি ধর্ম, সেই ধর্মের অনুসারীদেরও সম্মান করতে হবে। কোনো ধর্ম, কোনো মতবাদ আপনি অপছন্দ করতে পারেন, কিন্তু অসম্মান করতে পারেন না।


Farida Majid We HAVE to let people know more about secularism -- not exactly a নতুন সংজ্ঞা -- but something we practiced for centuries in Bengal and in greater India (Muslim India & Buddhist India before that). Currently  European Union is defining Secularism as "Freedom of Religion and Faith". Funny thing is that the more they're delving in its definition, and an account of its practice, the more they're coming up with its precedence in India.

Quazi Johirul Islam Freedom of religion and faith that is what we should start practicing to build tolerance and respect.
Farida Majid And the First thing we have to do is to get rid of "Rashtro dharmo Islam" -- something we never had in the mighty Mughal Empire in India. Something that our Prophet Muhammad consciously avoided having in the Madina Charter in 622 A D.
Quazi Johirul Islam
Quazi Johirul Islam I agree with you, an impartial platform must be ensured by the state for all kind of people.
Farida Majid - Plain & simple FACT -- the concept of a State Religion originated in Christian Europe. India has not had a State Religion since days of Emperor Ashoke in 236 B C.  Islam shunned the idea of a State religion at the very onset of its establishment as a religious community in 622 A D.  The powerful Muslim Kings and Muslim Emperors of India did not impose a State religion.  Emperor Akbar floated the idea of Deen-i-Ilahi in a good-will gesture, but nothing concrete came out of it.
Farida Majid

Farida Majid Tell me why suddenly, in Bangladesh, in the 21st century, we want to go backwards, not in our own history, but backwards in European history, and establish an old, outdated Christian European idea ? ? ? Rashtro dharmo Islam? It has no root in any logic, Islamic religious history  or local  tradition.

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Shah Deeldar;; Bangladesh-progressives Googlegroups
Cc: Farida Majid; Jalal Uddin Khan; Rezaul Karim; Mohammad Aleem; Javed Helali; Rashed Anam; Nuran Nabi; Khoniker Othithee; Quazi Haque; Post Card; zainul abedin; Outlook Team; Pfc; Quazi Nuru
Subject: Re: [mukto-mona] Re: Shafi of Hefojat Islam now put Sk Hasina under his hefajot
Precisely, Shah Deeldar, you are absolutely right. These Jamaatis and apologists are master hypocrites and frauds. If they don't like secularism, they can remove themselves from these countries and move to their holes. No wonder, Donald Trump and others are targeting them.
These dimwit guys are very badly educated. They can't think properly, they can't write properly. Only thing they can do is abuse others in indecent language and use vulgar words.

- AR 

On Tuesday, 18 April 2017, 3:21, Shah Deeldar <> wrote:

These congenital Jamatis love to see their civil and religious rights to be sacrosanct in secular societies while they would not  extend such rights to their fellow minorities. That is the grand hypocrisy! These Haramzadas have no love for Trump, Le Pen or Geert Wilders. The reason is of course obvious! 
People who do not appreciate secularism in a foreign country, why not  they remove themselves to their non-secular gutters rather than keep kissing infidels' butts?

On Monday, April 17, 2017 7:10 PM, "ANISUR RAHMAN [mukto-mona]" <> wrote:

I am surprised Ranu Choudhury did not hear about "Secularism" before 1972. Was he not born before 1972 or was he on another planet before that year?

FM was referring to the Two Nation Theory (TNT) that culminated in two nations in 1947. This TNT was not invented in 1947. The TNT is now totally discredited and despised. Yes, the TNT had spawned into Three Nations and Bangladesh is the beneficiary.

But even the ardent Pakistani agents and supporters would not argue that West Pakistani criminals and Punjabi thugs wanted to impose Urdu in the then East Pakistan in order to create Bangladesh. Bangladesh came into being, not as a result of a grand design or a historical strategy, but as a result of geopolitical machination. In this respect I fully agree with Ranu Chowdhury that even Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did not anticipate or even venture to utter the word "Bangladesh" before 7 March 1971. If he or anybody else would have done that, that person would have been imprisoned immediately for treason or even hanged. That was the regime we lived in. Those people who now cry for Pakistan should remember that.

- AR   

On Monday, 17 April 2017, 6:40, RANU CHOWDHURY <> wrote:

"In 1971 we bravely fought against, and WON the fight against the IDEA of Pakistan -- against the 2-nation theory of 1947."--FM
Is it? Where, which sector she fought in 1971? In Agartala or chokirtola? Some idiots keep crowing that people fought to establish in Bangladesh "Secularism", a word no Bengalis came across before January 10, 1972. Now another (you know what) comes to say that the fight was against the 
IDEA of Pakistan -- against the 2-nation theory of 1947. 

Is it there in Mujib's 6-Points? Has anyone heard it during the 1969 movement? During the 1970 election campaign? During any of the talks between Mujib and the Pakistani junta in January-March 1971? Mujib and Awami League participated in the 1970 elections on the basis of President Yahya's LFO which had guarantee clauses for the unity of Pakistan. Mujib's March 7, 1971 speech ended with Pakistan Zindabad. Mujib negotiated with the junta until March 25 for unity of Pakistan. So where does the contrary idea about Two Nation Theory (TNT)show up?

Shahadat Bhai put it rightly when he said: "We fought for power share and justice. As a matter of Lahore resolution got fully implemented two nation theory after emancipation of Bangladesh." That is, it is because of  TNT, we won Bangladesh. Otherwise, where would Bangladesh be? With India? In the Bay of Bengal?
I am no fan of TNT, but it was necessary for the Muslims in India in 1947. Even Nehru pushed for it. Mujib as a student leader fought for it. 

FM should go back to basis history classes before making such idiotic comments.

From: Razzak Syed <>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 12:33 AM
To: Shahadat Hussaini
Cc: Farida Majid; Jalal Uddin Khan; ANISUR RAHMAN; Rezaul Karim; Mohammad Aleem; Javed Helali; Rashed Anam; Nuran Nabi; RANU CHOWDHURY;; Khoniker Othithee; Quazi Haque; Post Card; zainul abedin; Outlook Team; Pfc; Quazi Nuru
Subject: Re: Shafi of Hefojat Islam now put Sk Hasina under his hefajot
Thank you SHahadat Bhai. Keep us in your Doa's.

Razzak A. Syed

Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Apr 2017, at 9:16 am, Shahadat Hussaini <> wrote:

"The problem is that there too many morons like Razzak are roaming around in Bangladesh and beyond. These dimwits suffer from a congenital disease called...' I do not study, I do not read, I do not think and I do not care' syndrome. When people suffer from this chronic brain disease, they become suddenly God's creatures, called Mullahs! "

The statement above fully characterizes Ms. Bua. Her statement, "In 1971 we bravely fought against, and WON the fight against the IDEA of Pakistan -- against the 2-nation theory of 1947.", is totally a false statement. We fought for power share and justice. As a matter of Lahore resolution got fully implemented two nation theory after emancipation of Bangladesh. 

The true shall prevail, the falsehood will be destroyed by their own activity and actions.

Razzak bhai, don,t you be worried on what people like 'Bua' says. 

Where is Mr. Deeelder? 

From: Razzak Syed <>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 3:27 PM
To: Farida Majid
Cc: Jalal Uddin Khan; ANISUR RAHMAN; Rezaul Karim; Mohammad Aleem; Javed Helali; Rashed Anam; Nuran Nabi; RANU CHOWDHURY;; Khoniker Othithee; Quazi Haque; Hussain Suhrawardy; Post Card; zainul abedin; Outlook Team; Pfc; Quazi Nuru
Subject: Re: Shafi of Hefojat Islam now put Sk Hasina under his hefajot
Ms. FM,
   Your statement "In 1971 we bravely fought against, and WON the fight against the IDEA of Pakistan -- against the 2-nation theory of 1947."

Can you check the history and find out who was behind the 2-nation theory and why? Current status of Bangladesh is the answer to it. 

Razzak A. Syed

Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Apr 2017, at 6:22 am, Farida Majid <> wrote:

In 1971 we bravely fought against, and WON the fight against the IDEA of Pakistan -- against the 2-nation theory of 1947. 


Posted by: RANU CHOWDHURY <>

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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
               -Beatrice Hall [pseudonym: S.G. Tallentyre], 190
