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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Re: [mukto-mona] RE: Moyeen and Jago Bangladesh and military rule


Dear All
         Everybody have my well wish. I couldn't sit for writing any more response as I was busy with some other concerns. To be honest with you people, after I wrote the message(No, I wouldn't call that an aricle) regarding 'Moyeen and Jago Bangladesh(as well as personality worshipping), I felt that lot of points and issues were not touched. But, I did not have enough patience to sit again to write more and also, I was like a bit rush to write that. 
        Anyway, I would like to thank Mrs. Farida Majid Mr. Harunuz Zaman reminding me the missed points concerning the assaults on constitution. I shall come to those points latter on-I believe you two will forgive me and be patient untill I come to your points. If I forget at the end or can not touch your issues, I appologize in advance.
        Now,  I do not wish to forget that we are kind of lost and going far from our original topics. Which is the concern about worshipping of personality or so-called 'monopoly of big parties'. This problem is, I believe, rooted in our long term socio-political crisis In my discussion in the following I shall try to point out the disease as much as I can as well as the remedy to get out of this vicious circle. A quack remedy like direct military governance or same under the association of pet parties will not advance the nation, rather, will be keep leading backward, as it is now.Offcourse, it is not at all expected or desired on behalf of me that the all of the Mukto-Mona discussion group will concur to all my notions-partly because of the class identity or social position the concerning individual belongs to.             We were talking about the problem of the worshipping of personality and monopoly and family heirship of two
parties in Bangladesh. When we discuss this way, we sometimes forget that this is a peception which subconsciously tells us that may be we can change the history subjectively by our own wishes. The objective factors and various nature and aspects of dialectism that a course of history depends on is impersonnel and indifferent to our wishes(noirbaktik ebong ichchhaniropekkho). It is not very wise and enough to blame merely the political parties for personality worshiping. Here the question may arise about the root cause of the problem-which comes first ? The bird or the egg ? That is, some will point out that the root cause is  feodal mindset of our society-(whatever be middle class, petit bourgeois or be upper middle class and bourgeois)  which is causing the political crisis again and again; some might say it is rooted in our socio-economic structure. Some may point out that the root cause is the colonial nature of bureaucratic structure
of the state of Bangladesh. Some could single out or blame the arbitrary attitude and ego of corrupt political leaders as well as their greed for power, lack of accountability and transparency culture etc for not changing the political culture and not taking place political reform. Some will show the absence of true and competent leadership as well as corrupt politics.When some folks complain or express their concern about the politics of family heirship, they should not forget about these facts and reality(objective factors) of colonial mould of our bureaucracy and the mindset of our educated class. We should not forget the fact that our political leaders are not isolated from our society-they are derived from our very society,-the educated and the bourgeois class.  I think, the problem is involved with all of the above factors and more who are interconnected with one another, many of which are not coming in my mind at this moment. I
would shed a light little bit on this topic. May be,I won't be able to cover all the points  today and if so, please forgive me. If one person discusses everything, what is the job of others ?
            For our convience I would make narrow and concentrate the discussion to the crisis of leadership for now. What type of leadership we want ?  That depends on our dreams, desires and expectations based on our corresponding social group or class we belong to. But up to now the bourgeois have been leading according to the reality. After the independance, our bougeois parties failed to foster the productivity power. The capitalism became stronger very fast, but not the industrial capitalism though. The cruel grinding of labor has been taking place in the country. The looting of wealth has been taking place in desparate way. All the competentness of leadership has been being used for that common goal. There been a competetion of, at one side fundamentalism and to the other side commercial terrorism. The expectations and goals-a friendly state devoid of discrimination, and at least social equality, if not socialism for which the
middle class, workers and peasnts participated in liberation war have been totally ignored. It's irony and may be paradoxal that our Awami friends(not BNP or Jatya Party friends, because they are natural ally of the fundamentalists because of their party and class ideology) and their intellectuals appear to be against fundamentalism and communalism, but the neocolonialism, so-called liberalism and imperialism and indiscriminate globalization and so-called free market economy from which are deriving the generator of fundamentalism-that is, the semifundamentalism, poverty, illiteracy, polarization etc. all they are swallowing-whatever the west offer them. The establishment occupying the leadership presently has no capacity to increase production and productivity power and develop the technology of industry and machine-tools etc. Because of the oppressive nature of state, social justice can not be expected from this establishment. They can
neither drive away the poverty, nor can they build up an educated population, on the contrary, they can destroy that. The parties like Gonoforum, PDP and Jago Bangladesh can be compared to out-dated wine put in new bottle-they are from same ruling elite class as the two big bourgeois parties and the organization of military are . The worse case here is, the old parties have at least some public relation in grassroot level and some accountability which is off course, not beyond question or doubt, but these new parties even do not have that-their birth is involved and denigrated with the behind-the-door support of military bureaucracy. Some folks are welcoming and some not-they have every right to support or not to support them as a democratic custom. But I think, regardless of our supporting or not supporting, these parties are derived as a phenomenon indicating the deep rooted disorderlyness in our state and political society-a symptomp
diseas in military rule which is repeatedly emerging again and again during that type regime. We have seen from the past experience, whenever military rule established, some parties be got like mushrooms. Same tendency is being seen presently which is no way can be said a healthy state of a  political society  or a state. Who are in the state power at this moment-they want to think that they will get rid of politics by depoliticizing. They don't note that they are not beyond the dominion of politics-the depoliticizing is another kind of politics the goal of what lies in guarding of special interest of some groups in the establishment.
            Again, as we mentioned before, our problem is majorly involved with true leadership and figuring out of what type of leadership we want. Based on the discussion so far up to here, I would like to emphasize here that, the leadership that we need will not come from those who guard the interest of bourgeois class. The nation has experienced already what they can give us-no, this is not about BNP or AL that which is better from them. The point here is, their agendas and economic ideologies have no fundamental difference-same is true for the parties PDP, Jago Bangladesh, Bikolpo Dhara and Military party; they are the parties from same ruling elite class. In the same way, the present care taker govt. is representing just another part or group of the same establishment. Therefore, the difference only is that, one group was going limitless in looting without sharing with other groups, now the present one came in order to curb the
briddle of the previous groups-the inner message here is "You guys are undermining the whole system of ruling establishment and endangering the bureaucratic set-up through your indiscriminate looting and party nepotism of adminstration" The fear is off course, social revolution and the concern is fare share of looting rather than corruption. When the a typical elite Giti Ara Safia call our ever deprived farmers and peasants 'greedy' and throw the jute workers on the street calling them 'unwanted burden'(garbage ?), the class-hatred is very much evident, as her elite adminstration, with one stroke of a pen, kicked out the bellies of thousands of thousands of unfortunate laborers of Adomjee jute Mill proving themselves as trusted servants of IMF and World Bank. No, we should not and do not expect much from a regime lead by the looter elite and bourgeois who are creating laws to protect their own interests. The syndicate of
the looter big business and marchants are far out of the 'long hand of law' despite it is an established perception and notion that they emptied thousands of crores of Taka from the pockets of public by manipulating the prices of commodities in market, black marketting and supply during the BNP regime. The phrase  'long hand of law' doesn't apply to them-as the army and bureacracy are  historically the servants of them.
                                As I implied a bit, one expression of bourgeois leadership is military and civil bureaucracy. As was in Pakistan, same is in so-called 'independent Bangladesh'; basically the bureaucracy has been ruling all along. The military and civil bureacracy have been directly ruling for so far 18 years and the political parties 15 years. Even during the political regime, the bureaucracy controlled and governed behind the door or curtain. Needless to say that, nobody would call the bureaucrats 'leader', in no country they are recognized so. Professor Sirazul Islam compared the governance of bureaucrats to the same of the middle men. Who are middle men ? Those who are not involved in production but well benefit from that. So-called 'Donners' know that in Bangladesh, both bureaucratic and political leadership are failed. Therefore, they are sending NGOs. Their job is so-called new liberalization and
capitalization of Agriculture in the name of economic reform and globalization. They are analogous to the the missioneries of the past, specifically during the colonial period. Now they are about to swallow our education system.
            Professor Sirazul Islam has written-"As a final consideration, the problem of leadership is a cultural problem too. The necessity, conception and nature or characteristics of leadership are all involved with culture...........................Our culture possess many characteristics, as every culture does and requires to contain.............It is notable that there are three characteristics which have influence on our leadership. They are averseness to labour, inclination or favouritism to bureaucracy and indifference to the reality of oppression..........................The bureaucracy has been derived from the bondage of subjection. In our culture it is assumed as a postulate that the decision will come from the upper level. The file will pass through from the bottom to the top for approval or decision; then again will be descending toward the base or lower level in order for implementing the
decision.....................The appearing indifference is actually a pretense, whereas the oppression is a fact, man can be either oppressor or oppressed. Culture has accpted that custom. Therefore, the independence, freedom, democracy and so on all became rhetorics only. They do not exist or have any real foundations. Whoever wants, oppresses as much and as many way they can do it. ....." I want to add here that, at one hand, we shall be keep expressing our disappoint and protest for continued corruption and blame the polticians alone for that, on the other hand we shall be keep following the policy of market economy and blindly and submissively following the presciptions of IMF-WB etc which are generating the conditions of corruption and exploitation in the society-this is not just contradiction, but hypocrisy and self-deception too indeed. The so-called 'commitment and expectations' of 'civil socity' for 'rule of law' or 'rule of
constitution'  thus become merely the bourgeois intellectual discussions or rhetorics. That's one of the reason that, I don't feel attraction in Pandit-like or bourgeois discussion for the sections and sub-sections of statutes and laws of constitution- what's the use ?  
              We need an alternative leadership for driving out the poverty and fostering the productivity power, for a true social democracy and curbing the briddle of looting of wealth and stopping the draining of wealth outside the country  and thus establishing a stable and human society. Needless to say, that kind of leadership wiil not come from the groups or servants and protectors of  permanent interess-that is, who are protecting the the interests of bourgeois class and the giant foreign companies. That type of leadership can come from those who will protect the interests of working class. But, because of our self-centralized and opportunist educated class with bourgeois mindset, the strength of working class as a political power can not develope and that is one of the major problems. When that alternative or new course of politics will be established in the state power, the look of the state will totally change. The
state then will not play the role of  oppressive tool, will not be involved in exploitation, looting or corruption, on the contrary, it will get much human; will assist in production and will participate for establishing justice in the society. The problem for building up that type of politics is the real problem of politics in Bangladesh. Here is where the crisis of the leadership lies in-all the rest is just the bi-product or consequences, as for example, the phenomenons of worshipping of personality, family heirship of leadership, old mindset of politicians(which is rooted in colonial bureaucracy and feudalist structure of society), and monopoly of some mainstream parties. Same phenomenon is being noted in USA, India, Pakistan and some other western countries. Therefore, when we talk about political reform, we need to be conscious about these diseases stated above and keep these in mind. We should decide and figure out from where we have to
start-this is not merely enough a pandit-like discussion about constitution concerning the repairing and maintenance of some sections, sub-sections or passages of ammendments and statutes of the law ignoring or forgetting the fundamental characteristics and nature of the state, the reasoning and foundations of which in turn, again are rooted in our social composition or structure.    
                    Who are thinking that they will resolve the crisis of leadership without building up a new politics, we appreciate their sincereness cautiously, but can not praise their pragmatism. Who will control the big business ? Is it merely the constitution or so-called 'rule of law' ? Let me share with you with an incident I happened to one day recently when I was going somewhere in subway(metro). Incidentally, I got introduced with an american white young guy while he helped me for direction of train routes. When I came to know that he is from Ohio state, I told that Obama got popular votes there. He then told me that he is a supporter of Obama and going to vote for him in the upcoming election. He also added that he is expecting a big change in the internal(that is, in the issues of economy, healthcare etc) and foreign policy. Then I told him that there is a rumour in the people that either he might
be assassinated or be discredited planfully. Then he admitted clearly, " I know, the special interest groups will do effort to lead him in their way." Then I told him " I do not want to mention openly as it is very obvious". He was smiling with meaningful message. Therefore, when we talk about 'the rule of law', we should not forget for which fortunate goups of society is that 'rule of law'. In reality, in our country, the bourgeois are conducting arbitrarily in the entire country. They(both of who are in the regime and out of regime) are imposing their ideology over the manual laborers and with every step of their so-called 'developement'(not progress) the country is continually is going backward. For example, stopping the subsidy in agriculture submitting to the prescription or suggestions of World Bank and IMF, increasing the price of agricultural ingredients such as seeds, fertilizer etc for the same reason and this regime's decision
to employ industrial police in the garment factories  to protect the interest of the owners just give us the evidence that the state and its machine parts like military and police are merely the servants of big business and bourgeois-the failure to bring the criminal syndicates to justice is another evidence for that. As a matter of fact, the purpose of the state is to keep the bourgeois leadership established in to the ruling.       
                                    Let's come to the points about the assaults on the constitution that Mrs. Farida Majid and Mr. Harunuz Zaman were concerned for. Let say, we have memorised some sections of statutes and ammendments of statutes or codes. What's the use ? Will the abuse and raping of the constitution stop taking place ? Can we stop that ? I think, no. Why ? The answers lie in the facts or reality that I discussed above. I do not wish to go through that again. Nothing is isolated from other facts and factors-everything is related to everything. We all know about these repeated abuse and raping of constitution-do we have to mention these newly ? Moreover, I am not specialist for constitution-there are constitution specialists in the country who should be more concerned about these violations and take their responsible and historical role which is expected from the people. Are they doing their
parts. The judiciary is denigraded with what they have done in the name of so-called 'justice' and abusing constitution; the history will judge them. So, what's the use ? Moreover, how many fortunate people among educated class are fully aware of constitution ? What our farmers understand about constitution ? Do our public has time for being concerned about this after spending time for the struggle of survival ? Have our mainstream bourgeois parties educate people to increase the awareness for constitution and their right ? How many people can reach up to the top of the judiciary to enjoy the justice ? Justice is an important part of 'rule of law'-isn't it ? In a capitalist democracy, poor naive people are wheedled with the sweet words of 'rule of law'. Yes, laws and justice are existing out there somewhere, but merely for the rich. Justice is to be obtained by money in our society, regardless of the fact that democracy exists or not.We very
often hear these phrases from our 'Civil Hypocretes' like Dr. Kamal and other self-declared 'Civil Intellectuals' who are the heralders for colaboration in abusing constitution from the very beginning. They are now selling their souls to the Satan as Mefistophollis of Greek mythology did. Breaking the leftist parties in purpose of forming his own party Gonoforum is another evil activity of Mr. Kamal. What's the use only blaming the fundementalists and religious fascists ? Nazrul wrote in a poem,'The demons infiltrated in to the heaven tracing the path of sins committed by the Hindu Gods'.     
                Farida Majid raised the issue of Islamization of the constitution and the fifth ammendment. Lets discuss a bit about this. With a decree declared in 1978, some impotant changes(ammendments) are brought into force. Above the proposition was written-"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim". In the first passage where the phrase 'Historic struggle for the goal of national salvation'  was existing, that was supeceded by the phrase 'Historical war for national independance'. Not only that, next to that, in the second passage where the phrase "National struggle for liberation" was existing, was replaced by the phrase 'War for national independence'. With that was added the phrase "full trust on the allmighty God" superceding the "secularism". In the original constitution, there was a commitment of establishing and implementing socialism-which was one of the demand or issue of the liberation and also during 69 and '70. The place of
that commitment was just after the nationalism in the passages. In the ammendment, the 'socialism' was replaced by the words " economical and social justice"-an excellent example of deceiving people. Thus, by rejecting four prime principles of the constitution, specifically including 'Bismillah' in the constitution, he not just changed and corrupted the sacredness of the constitution, he destroyed the fundamental character of the constitution, that is, the foundations of our state,which were achieved through the liberation war-they were the commitments and expectations in our  national liberation. Thus, Zia in fact betrayed and deceived with our liberation war and national struggle for salvation. We can not call him a 'freedom fighter'. Because, calling him a 'freedom fighter' is analogous to ridicule the 'liberation war'. To be a true freedom fighter, one must cherish or believe in the ideology of liberation war. Not every body went to the
war because of patriotism or ideology. Some went for survival technique, some went bigger calculation-that is, to become new Masters of people after the victory, namely to occupy the positions of General, Major General etc which was not possible in Pakistani legacy. In other word, prmanent (establishment) interest was the major reason for their participating in the war.
                                   Now, by declaring of Bangladeshi Nationalism rejecting Bengali Nationalism and rejecting secularism, Zia cleared out his way towards the opposite direction back to Pakistan while he recruited almost all the anti-independence party-elements such as Jamaat, Nezum-e Islam, Muslim League etc. Thus, by destroying the principle of secularism, Zia planted the seeds of poisonous tree of religious tree which turned which developed and bloomed with hundreds of branches and twigs and poisonous leaves and flowers. Thus today's religious fanatism, fascism and terrorism are the consequence of that.
                                      I appreciate Farida Majid's concern for the repeated abuse of constitution that has been taking place. But, we need to find out,' where the reasons lie for taking place of these violations and abuses' ?  Now, a question may arise, that, 'let say, constitution was not changed in order for Pakistanization in the name of Islamization. Then, could not the fundamentalist forces  rise up and strenghthen ? In other word, is it just enough to keep some good phrases and sentences of commitments and directions in the const. ?  We could take the example of Turkey, After the independence and victory form the western imperialist forces, while Kamal Ataturk took over the power, he made law for separation of state from religion through the new composition of constitution. It was a historical step. The army is playing for guarding the principle of secularism. Despite of these, why
the Islamist forces are strengthening there ? The answer lies somewhere else. The society is not fully prepared for that. There are other reasons off course, such as reaction to western dominance, sensualism and consumerism imitating or following the west.   Therefore, to prepare the society, a continual  cultural combat is necessary. Did the steersmen of big party known as pro-liberation war and pro-liberation leftist parties fulfill their responsibility for this ? Yes, the leftist intellectuals and their intellectual friends of pro-liberation parties have a good contribution about this with their limited capacity and resources, which is not enough. But the leaders never paid a serious attention for this. What they have done for improving public education, to improve the cultural level of people ? We know one thing for sure, all the bourgeois parties have been busy for making their own propery and fortune.   
        In the new state that was established after the independence, had to promise for being secular for the sake of democracy, as it had to promise for being  socialist as well for the same reason. These promises were not  unexpected and sudden incidents. Because, in the bureaucratic and semi-capitalist Pakistani state, people experienced about the creation of dividation in the of religion and the effort of preserving the feudalism. They also experienced the shameless effort of creating discrimination of wealth which has been until now. People have learned from their experience. Consequently, they desired and expected that those demons and monsters will be removed and be driven out. Accepting the four prime principle were not merely rejecting old Pakistan, or replacing that with a new state, it was an 'embracing of such an ideology for which  many of the top leaders involved during different stage or steps of independence movement did not
think or were not ready mentally. A true (social) democracy contains both secularism and socialism. Democracy does not recognize religious dividation, concept of 'Dhimmi' for minority; it must assure the basic principle-"Religion is everybody's private matter , but state is for all" in order for assuring that no minority groups become the second class citizens, in other words, assuring and keeping citizen and human rights in lofty level. 
                                The damage in culture that military causes and leaves away is very deep and critical. One of his contemptible deeds was establishing Islam as a state religion. Its significance for driving the nation towards the backward direction is very clear. For example, separation of state and religion which is a fundamental principle and commitment for a modern state system, this action spoiled and undermined that foundation. Also, this way the opportunity to oppress on women was opened. With that, there was an evil effort of dividing the nation too.
                            Bangladesh was created through rejecting the religious nationalism, namely, the so-called "two nation theory" based on the earthy nationalism. Establishing state religion was also a treason to the state, as because this gave a hard blow  to the secular charater of the state. The people of Bangladesh did not fight to create another Pakistan. They combatted in '52, '69 and 71 for the goal of building up a secular and earthly state. Secularism, that is, in other word, separation of religion from state, which is the first condition of that earthliness of a state, Ershad thwarted that step and thus moved back the entire nation twards the opposite direction. One of the big causes the fundamentalism yielded so vicious form is the backing from the state. In one hand, he gave the fundamentalists the opportunity to make demonstrations in order to increase their credibility in the people, in the other hand, by
establishing the state religion, he gave fundamentalism state cirtificate and support.
                Except the evil intention dividing the nation in majority and minority, there was another important intention off course.  That is : hiding the fact of divition of the rich and the poor. 'You are Muslim, I am too Muslim, so we are brothers, we have no distinction among us, our only common enemy are nonmuslims.' This type of propaganda tries to create a cover-the cruel fact of exploitation and the discrimination of wealth.
                    Today's complicated situation is an outcome of repeated assaults on constitution that have been being taken place from the begining of the independent Bangladesh and destroying the ideological foundations of the state achieved through the liberation war and leading the country in opposite direction. But why this type of assault keeps happening again again ? If I am not wrong very much, the answer is, the opportunism and self-centralism of middle class and upper middle class as well as the feudal mentality, too much dependance on bureaucracy and lack of ideology of the politicians etc are creating these situations or opportunity.  
                  Let's come to the serious point raised by Mr. Harun(I don't know if he wanted to fault us for that or no, but that's OK). He reminded us concerning the "first major assault on the constitution came in the form of instituting a one-party government in 1975 in complete violation of one of the four principles of the 1972 constitution, namely Democracy". I have the following points or answers which I woul request him to rethink.
1.  How many parties were existing during the rule of Sheikh Mujib  ? Did BNP exist that time ? No. Most of the leftist parties were merged into BAKSHAL voluntarily. Only JSD  and pro-chinese NAP(Bhashani) were against the government. Were those parties forced to merge into BAKSHAL ? 
2. Should we forget, in what situation Mujib had to establish BAKSHAL  which was actually a National Goverment  ? And also had to take over the presidential power violating the constitution which he created  with Dr. Kamal's help ?  At one hand, we can not appreciate that action. But we have should take into account that the country was war-devastated, the famine attacked . Sabotage was taking place in the entire country. On the other hand, the left extremists such as Gonobahini was destabilizing the country. What Mujib could do as alternative ? If somebody else was in his place, what he would do ? We should not forget that the time was against him. He was a victim of time.
3.   Let's take precedence from other country in the same situation. After getting independence, in a critical and emergency situation after a bloody war, was it the first time or the only example of forming 'National Government' ? Are the people of South Africa blaming Nelson Mandela to form 'National Government' saying that was undemocratic ? The emergency need of the historical moment must be taken account.
4. We should not forget, that what Mujib did was not the action of the person Mujib, his action was merely a response to the anarxy taking place, to save the country. It was a temporary measure for that critical situation, but he was not given chance to correct and to finish his term. As a matter of fact, the bourgeois in the AL, the extreme rightists inside and outside the AL and extreme leftists-all are responsible to faile Mujib. He was a victim of a critical time. Today's BNP was also part of that.  
5.   In a far less critical situation, almost no emergency situation, Ershad and Zia assaulted the constitution. Compared to Mujib, their actions such as various mandates, were not taken in response of unstable circumstances, on the contrary, they enjoyed comparatively lot more peaceful time. In that respect, Mujib's actions, whatever that is establishing of emergency rule or others, were merely defensive and for saving the country from famine.  
6. The goal of BAKSHAL was not bad. We should not forget that 'socialism' was also a commitment in our constitution-one of the fundamental principles or foundation of state. Moreover, why would the workers and peasants and lower middle class and poor educated leftist minded people participate in the liberation war if there is no commitment for them ? Many are still asking, "what we have achieved from the independence, was not the Pakistani period better than now ?" What answer can we give them ?Here is where the question of social justice and equility arises. But, how could that be implemented keeping a colonial type of adminstration ? The agendas of  BAKSHAL were very progressive which were the directions for the prospect of adminstrative or bureaucratic reform, but may be the time and the parties or people were not ready for that. Another important thing or fatal mistake he made was that he did not leave any alternative party or power or did not
let any other constructive and alternative patriotic pro-liberation party to strengthen. Here was the dangerous mistake of BAKSHAL. The lack of foresightedness is evident here.  
            I know that not everybody can support BAKSHAL. Because, the dream of one Mr. Harun and a peasant or a poor Rabiul Islam are never same. The class-difference creates that difference of dream or view. But we do not believe that Mujib had any plan to go twards the socialism. What most he wanted is British model democracy and scandinavian socialism. But, the uncle SAM and its local agents and servants did not even let him to commit that. But again, I would like to emphasize that if the concept or agendas of BAKSHAL could succeed, and Mujib was not assassinated, Bangladesh would develope to a country like Malayasia or even more. A recent research by an organization has expressed this information.
                    Good luck everybody.
Rabiul Islam


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